/fhg/ - For Honor general

>New players:
pastebin.com/55KZTiUK (embed)


>Hero guides[2/12]:
Conqueror: pastebin.com/d3qQXKGa
Kensei: pastebin.com/Mg9HRqjW
Multiple hero video guides: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkiUfT_3_4AnTBKwzZQO7-fDgKDzwPRPr


>Character damage values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for liking traps isn't gay.

New hero ideas for each faction?

Do your best, /fhg/!

Remember to save and post assassin salt

Reminder as a PK player to always be nice and encouraging to your opponents!

You know what to do

Is there a way to practice combos? I cannot tell usually if something is a true combo or not, at first I thought the top heavy off of Kensais guardbreak is guaranteed, but the FAQ says to use side instead. Also it says to use a top heavy off of a wall throw, but I always accidentally get the unblockable

No gear dominion when? it's already become aids with full revenge builds needing only 3 blocks to trigger revenge and 2 shotting people.

decent picture, but that helmet sucks

Remember that most assassin-players has no clue how to GB-tech, so just throw them around like fucking retards.

Nobushi would be a lot cuter in plate mail.

>Assassins insanely more popular than other classes
>Bugged zone attacks that show two directions
>Can parry Warden's counter
>Can light spam different directions for free unparryable damage
>Can dodge and attack at the same time

Wewlads this game needs some help if they expect anyone to play anything but Assassins after a month

Its says to use side, because apparently its bugged and side heavy does better dmg than top now


>Nobushi would be a lot cuter on my dick

tbf that GB was stupid fucking range

Why not both?

They have no clue how to do fucking anything, rofl.

They literally don't need to learn mechanics atm

>high level pk gameplay right there

So you were crying like a little bitch and when you grabbed them you felt proud? lmfao @ ur life m8

>t. someone who constantly gets shit on by PKs

Oh ok
What about the wall throw ender? Ive hit the unblockable every time but I face shitters so maybe they cant parry

i love the "stop crying" in chat right before he gets thrown off a ledge like a used fuck doll

>someone talks shit about a broken class
>people swarm to defend their easy wins and crutch gameplay

>Being this assblasted
Were you one of them by any chance?

>t. Peaceshitter

where in that sentence is he crying?

He attacked left, and didn't kill me until his other PK-buddy came and forced me to change my guard. He literally just attacked left. Just an observation on my part that maybe, just maybe he lets his 98 gearscore carry him a tad bit too much to even bother learning playing the game.

>broken class
youre confirming his point, faggot

of fucking course he was, brah

>gently raids u

sorry, meant to reply to

>Remember that most assassin-players has no clue how to GB-tech, so just throw them around like fucking retards.

DUELISTS - A short-range archetype that's based on rolling and dodging rather than blocking or parrying. Renown is gained from each hit in a combo past the 3rd attack.

* Fencer (Knight, weapon of choice is an espada ropera paired with an estoc)
* Beastmaster (Viking, weapon of choice is a whip and shield)
* Shaolin (Samurai, weapon of choice is a monk's spade, guard breaks and executions are unarmed)


so you couldn't fight them and instead you throwed them off a ledge

nice work
for a baby

and take that from a fellow viking, I main femzerker


Do you guys use a keyboard & mouse or a controller?

Care to provide opinions on both?


On shit uni wifi downloading the game, once the game is in a playable state around 8-10gb is the online playable?

honestly tho with gear working how it is probably the best option.

Straight to the gas chamber

Do I get experience for doing the story mode?

The unblockable is guaranteed after a wall throw.

>salt in chat
>only level 2 by the end of the game
so you were getting shit on the whole game, lol

Atleast I'm not as bad as you shitters

how about now

You get steel, crates and customization rewards, do it

>Suddenly chinaman in japan faction

No, but you get a shitton of chests.

You get single player experience which unlock perks for the single mode.

On the other hand you get fucktons of steel and some scavenger crates for completing the 3 campaigns so it is worth it

I knew it. I fucking knew you were from here, fuck you you fucking nigger

Alright so I'm not gonna buy that experience booster just yet, thanks.

Oh okay, thank you so much
One more thing, you said the up heavy was bugged and that side heavy does more damage. Is the fix going to be nerfing the side heavy damage or buffing the up heavy damage? If the problem is that the top heavy doesnt do as much damage after a GB Im guessing is the reason is that it counts it as the second hit of the Heavy link, which does less damage than the first from what I can see

Just play warlord and shut them all down

What are you talking about

>only feat two by the end of the game
>people in game telling him to stop crying

he was shit and raging mate

CLERICS: medium, close raged fighters

Samurai: Shaolin monk, Fights with a spear and a short blade
Viking: Shaman, heavy gigantic piece of wood
Knights: Amazon, female only, weilds a small shield and a curved blade

this is pretty useful

This fucking picture, muh dik

I think I just got the slutty Peacekeeper in 1v1.

The sad part was he was the nicest PK I've ever faced.

To be fair the knight classes are all over the place.

Conqueror is Spain, Lawbringer is Anglo, Warden is Byzantium and Peacekeeper is a literal Assassin's Creed reference

I like that fhg is becoming my muscle girl safe space

>assassin players

>tfw 3-0ing a lvl 18 shield shiggy with my Knight
>tfw started playing yesterday

felt really good, had to use every cheap trick I learned, found out that using the knights area attack after a spring catches most players off guard, can also be combined with a roll.

thats a cute gif

hes rep 2, I cant remember his name though

he said high lvl pk gameplay right there thats being salty at best ill agree on the feat 2 specialy when the enemy plays like that.

Oh shit now this is what Im talking about
Thanks user, will bookmark for future use.

>Samurai, a Japanese military force recruiting Chinese monks
>Vikings wouldn't have shaman, possibly druids due to their Pagan nature but even thats a stretch
what the fuck were you actually thinking in that last point?

Had they honestly been any other combination of characters, I would probably have fought it out. But two PKs are really, really difficult to deal with as Raider, since they'll shred through your Revenge-health so quickly that you can barely line up one hit on one of them before you get shat on.

We were getting constantly killed by two PKs with gear level in the 90+'s. To the point where they wouldn't capture points and just go for kills. Which is bothersome, due to how PK is currently the character that benefits the most from gear out of anybody. Simply due to the fact that all her bleeds and feats get multiplicative damage from Attack.
A PK with just half-decent blue gear will do 190+ damage with a catapult, if you're at the edge of it. Let alone the fact that side-lights on a half-geared PK will do 20 - 25 damage a hit. Which is pretty absurd since a base Conq heavy is 24 damage.

But we won in the end, so eh. I should probably just stop tying in chat altogether and do /mute all in the future.

I wish I got to duel the slutty peacekeeper...

>making a passive aggressive comment when you're playing shit
>then posts a webm on Veeky Forums to gain sympathy over ''OP PKs''

he's raging like fuck mate

Makoto fanart is leagues better than her in game art, thats for sure

Reminder this game is broken on every fundamental level besides core gameplay

I tried being an Ubisoft developer

you got the idea however

>add a chink to the jap faction
>copy past shugoki to vikings faction
>add a womyn warrior to knight faction just because

how about we unfuck the classes we have now before we start shitting up the roster with more of them

Was there some talk about spanking him when you won a round?

either a boy
or a girl who takes steroids and has breast implants

>gain sympathy

I think you're looking into this a bit too much there, bucko. It's just a webm throwing people off a ledge, and a comment about how braindead a lot of assassin players are. That's it. You are giving this way too much thought.

bahaha, he just complained about "being close" (probably referring to his masturbation) and then asked for a rematch

but I denied him

>press play on uplay
>splash screen shows up
>it loads
>then nothing
>the process is there
>but it won't go further than that
>tried leaving it to load or whatever
>tried verifying files
>still won't work
>sometimes it'll start the game up
>but most of the time now

what do


Makoto has been my waifu ever since the 3rd Strike early days

>that one valk player who keeps posting the same muscle girl pics


>I should probably just stop typing

>roachies running away and using their ranged bow attack when you have very low health

The third match was genuinely close and I nearly had you! It had nothing to do with masturbation you big Nordic stud.

i am going to get good at valk if it kills me


PKs really are a nightmare in 4v4s.

If you get one in the side, it's nearly impossible to keep your guard external and block whatever the other guy is swinging at you, and they kill you through revenge so fast. With their speed it's pretty easy for them to come in and stab you in the sides and then run away if you turn to face them. My only hope usually is to catch them charging with revenge and kill the other guy before they can get up.

have this sometimes as well end uplat or something in processes and re launch

>slutty pkfag is actually making a name now
I don't know what to say.

What if I told you, you could dodge it with a roll or even reduce the damage you take with a guard

>dual blade confirmed


I'm glad

What if I told you Morpheus never actually said "what if I told you"?

>Those big ole fat femgoki titties

and forgot pic

Nice meme fellow reddit bro! *upvotes*

nani? sorce?

>enemy conq runs around collecting speed pickups for 3 minutes
>messages me about how funny he thought it was

This fucking playerbase.