/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Rogue class identity is CLEVER TRICKS edition

> /hsg/ Tournament Information
Sign-ups closed
EU Date: Feb. 24-26
EU Time: 2pm EST / 19:00 GMT
NA Date: Mar. 3-5
NA Time: 6pm EST / 23:00 GMT
Estimated time: 4 hours per day
Format: Conquest, Bo5, Standard Set
Stream: twitchDOTtv/axolotlhooves
Streamer Battletag: AxolotlAndy#1798

>Class submission
Once the banned cards are in you have until thursday to submit your classes + battletag to [email protected].

>Arena Help
>Free botting

>Deck Tracker:

>EU Bans
Innervate - klandri
Southsea Deckhand - TheDarkRider
Evolve - /hsg/
Highmane - /hsg/
Tunnel Trogg - Velka
Maelstrom Portal - SakuraFish
Shadow Word: Pain - /hsg/
Totem Golem - Sayonara
Brann Bronzebeard - Blue
Imp Gang Boss - TheCoolOneMC
Shaku, the Collector - dervis
Fandral Staghelm - SeiferLizard
Fireball - Myrak
Kazakus - ComputerEasy
Drakonid Operative - Mohzez
Leeroy Jenkins - Flibikazoah
Emperor Thaurissan - Falant
Reno Jackson - HappyFeet
Abyssal Enforcer - Piesank
Ragnaros the Firelord - Erakhe
C'Thun - BlueMun

>NA Bans
Counterfeit Coin - derp
Angry Chicken - /hsg/
Innervate - Misenaive
Jade Idol - BotDeckLethl
N'Zoth's First Mate - UpdateGuy
Patches the Pirate - Ando
Small-Time Buccaneer - Ragnador
Spirit Claws - IcyColdWind
Frostbolt - /hsg/
Totem Golem - Feldtelefon
Brann Bronzebeard - DonCacturne
Ice Block - degesoka
Murloc Warleader - EU /hsg/
Questing Adventurer - Nurz
Jade Lightning - iSoveit
Kazakus - ryobi
Drakonid Operative - Randolph
Leeroy Jenkins - ZardozSpeaks
Aya Blackpaw - Reaver
Gadgetzan Auctioneer - Syndere
Reno Jackson - Alchius
Alexstrasza - ExperimentM
Anyfin Can Happen - Ary
C'Thun - BlueMun


Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw only playing casual lately to do quests until the rotation and just quit the second i see a pirate


>Not just making an imgur link for the bans
It is what it is I suppose.

>Forgetting the Tourney Discord Link

kiebler is the only one I care to watch and pay attention to



Link it right now then you fucker.

reminder literally not one person asked about why china has in game tracking and custom tournaments while the west doesn't


How does kripp get #1 in the arena rankings, even though he has to deal with an insane sniping disadvantage? A fair chunk of people playing will know about him, and if they see someone named kripp, there is a great chance they will turn on his stream and see if it's him they're playing.

>not one person asked about why china has in game tracking and custom tournaments while the west doesn't
Chances are someone did ask, but they get to pick and choose the questions.

Who cares about esports garbage when the game itself is shit

>make a mildly spicy deck for the tourney
>go 3-0 against renolock, mid jade shaman, and pirate warrior so far
>rank 14

It's balanced out by his fanboys conceding to him

>quit the second i see a pirate
Why are people so freaked out about pirates? Small-Time Buccaneer is basically just a more restricted reprint of pic related so is Patches the problem here?

Chinese blizz is owned by another company iirc. Their own servers and everything. They do things differently

It's not fun and every game plays out the same

>Sunday will be just like you!


I expect more than just mild spice, user.

What do you think he smells like?

Arcane dust

I know it's run by netease, I'm just amazed at how much value they're able to put

Like fried chicken

kirin farts

did you guys hear about the upcoming patches?
i heard small-time buccaneer got...BIG-TIME KEKANEERED hahaha

>advertising botting in the OP
great way to further ruin the game

bots don't give you an advantage at all, if anything you're going to have win more easily against botters compared to normal players.

what's the worst way to waste 60 bucks in this game?

bet on hearthstone tournaments

Buying me 60 packs.

buy arena runs and let /hsg/ pick the cards

Shaman still may be the best class in the game until rotation post nerf.

I don't think you've ever played with a non-Tier 1/2 deck against a shaman bot before

if your deck sucks against shaman bot then it probably sucks against xXxShadowYarrxXx too

>"Mommy help, I'm being bullied by Shaman bots!"
t. rank 18 cucktrol Priest

60 dollars of TGT packs

tgt is the goat wild expansion

The point is that shamanbot is too easy to pilot
>vomit hand
>only ever trade up
>go face
Gee I sure wonder how often the bot even has the chance to misplay, given these high-skill tactics.

Rogue just got me to rank 5 ben

>arena becomes wild
>common cards become less common
>more spells in an average draft
>less neutral classic cards

>>arena becomes wild
really makes me think

meant standard of course
really dumb change imo but other changes are good

is clever trick le new hot maymay?


>Ben, nobody's using Jade in arena!
>Don't worry loves, the cavalry's here!


>Spells will appear more often
>Except flamestrike lel


this is like the fourth time in like 2 days you've posted this pic m8

I remember a time when Shaman was garbage and my Golden hero meant I was the masochist fuckboi. Then came botting. Then came troggs.

Finally we get something close to an actual draft format.
Now we can utilize set mechanics, and even those fun and casual cards that have yet to see use in high level play, such as Hired Gun.

Thanks a lot BROde!

you're going to be seeing it a lot

you need to go back


Arena was the only thing I was still playing, guess I'm done with that also. Can't wait to see the same 10 cards again you see in ranked!

>arena players get saddled with shitty new expansions


Adrian, it's Paul. I know you're probably browsing this general right now.

You are an asshole dude.

I told you I was focused on Starcraft. I told you I didn't have time to move to a new game. I told you I don't play many games other than Souls games and Starcraft. I told you I hate mobile games. I told you I hate games that offer the ability to pay with real money. I told you I feel like most card based games are Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic rip offs. I made fun of you for playing a children's game. And yet it's almost 1am and I've been playing since 8pm.

But in all seriousness guys, this game went far beyond my expectations for it when I started (which was only a couple of days ago.) I just wanted to leave a post saying hello to you guys even though this will almost definitely be taken down. When I become enthralled in something I always ask and converse on its Veeky Forums general and I hope you guys are one of the more helpful threads!

I forgot how to have fun in this game. Can anyone remind me?

put majordomo in every deck

Play pirate shaman and become legendary

play wild

dont play
watch the esl trinity series which starts in 80 minutes

So how many decks do I need to make for the tournament?

Four decks from four different classes

Alright, and every match is a best of 5 where you lose the availability of a deck if you win with it (or if it was already banned).


I only play this game to shitpost here about it

>dont play
Best answer.

After you complete a quest, there is a cooldown before that quest appears again. If you religiously re-roll 40g quests and only complete 50, 60 and 100s, you will often have a period of a week or two where all of the good quests are on cooldown so you're only getting 40g quests.

>I hope you guys are one of the more helpful threads!
this general is about shitposting and complaining that the devs are incompetent and that's about it

Wow, what a great feature. Team 5 once again proves its competency.

How long before this game dies?

I haven't seen a 100g quest in at least one month and I reroll literally every day

this is literally a pasta from reddit

Goddamn, I want to fuck that autist. How much sex do you think she gets?

Kripperino is going to be salty as fuck about these arena changes

A whole fiscal year later, the majority of players are still to get even a dime from WSVG. For many, communication with WSVG went silent shortly before Luis Prata’s reported disappearance. Many of them have lost all hope that they’ll get what they are owed and instead reminisce about the event with a woeful smile. They have gathered in a Facebook support group, wondering and discussing what actions they should take next.

Of all the talent and players, only a few came out of WSVG unscathed. According to Rania Hatzi, her and Octavian “Kripparrian” Morosan were lucky that they didn’t expect any payment. It’s not unusual for the couple to waive casting fees in favor of covered travel expenses for both of them so they did the same with WSVG.

no he isn't he's been begging for almost precisely these changes for a year now
only thing he didn't ask for is the switch to wild

Arena's biggest problem is the shitty drafting system.

They should let us choose an expansion and an adventure to mix in with classic cards or something, make it easier to build synergistic decks. Removing the Wild cards just makes it less interesting.

all the sex she wants every day
courtesy of yours truly ;)

The switch to STANDARD will be what upsets him

play slavstone

Arena changes? Did I miss something?

thijs and foreskin playing the pokers

hs is a failed game

Abyssal enforcer and Flamestrike have been rotated out

very little to none

no they just get a negative 50% offering bonus


I see. Shame about Abyssal. I know Warlock has been pretty good this arena cycle, but it was about time someone else was on top. Well, he'll just be a bit worse.

I like the Flamestrike one. Fuck that card.

So what's the new brawl?

I don't know about going from wild to standard.
On one hand it's good because with so much cards you can't play around stuff anymore. On the other hand, Jade golems and Handbuff will get more annoying than ever.

Post unhappy Deathwings.

But it's pretty meh, I think hearthstone killed the desire to play cardgames in me.

>topdecks aviana

Ah well

Is there actually a poker board on Veeky Forums?

this is the poker thread now
we are watching our guy thijs



>our guy
>single pack

reminder that the community has definitely missed some decks that seemed to perform very well