Doesnt it sometimes blow your mind how little people there were for the most of History?
And how still they managed to control vast territories and fight huge wars with hundreds of thousands of troops deployed
I can barely imagine this
Doesnt it sometimes blow your mind how little people there were for the most of History?
And how still they managed to control vast territories and fight huge wars with hundreds of thousands of troops deployed
I can barely imagine this
>little people
how many people have you met?
1 million people is humongous.
Honestly I get panic attacks thinking about how India alone has a billion people.
Malthus will be eventually proven right...Right? Right?
Haiti has 10 million people, and the only reason they survive is because of foreign aid and NGO's. They could only realistically sustain maybe half of that number on their own.
There's simply too much stuff in the world
We need to take a collective breath and just stop for a while. If that requires bombing ourselves back to the stone age then fine, as long as it means less stuff
>black death barely made a scratch on the entire European population.
Here it killed off half of the nation, made our nobles practically extinct, our nation and gained territories became annexed and the old culture and language forever died.
Where's "here"?
Sounds like Norway.
I think most of the worlds problems are due to overpopulation. There aren't enough resources on the planet for everyone to have a first world standard of living. Global one child policy is the only solution. It sucks, but is preferable to a mass population die off. There should be few enough people so that everyone can live how they want without destroying the Earth.
did you pull that from a celebrity PSA from the late 80s?
people like you have looked stupid for 20 years running, you know
>I think most of the worlds problems are due to overpopulation
People have been saying that for like 150 years?
Why am I wrong? I don't think it's going to kill us in the next 20 years, but we can't keep having exponential third world population growth, deforestation, water usage, etc.
inb4 pollution and environmental destruction is good thing or a myth
>Global one child policy is the only solution.
That leads to a demographic clusterfuck, especially in societies where males are more valuable than females.
>has no argument for why overpopulation is not an issue besides "nothing terrible has happened since people started worrying about it"
>"it won't happen because it hasn't happened
>third world population growth
Ah, there's the rub
I know it's totally impossible to implement right now in basically every country in the world, but hopefully most cultures will realize there are too many people before population growth becomes too much for our technological solutions and nonrenewable resources.
We have GMOs retard
We're making food in a LAB
Soon we'll lose reliance on fossil fuels and gain ground on renewables and nuclear
Space exploration is picking up just in case we need to move some people around
People are already solving this issue, people have been solving this issue for HUNDREDS OF YEARS RETARD
We've had like ten fucking agricultural revolutions and each increases Earth's max support by like ten fucking times, and we're literally on the brink of another one
Only Western and Far East Asian would comply. Africans, Middle Easterners and Latin Americans would continue breeding like rabbits, and then immigration happens. The West would probably drop everything to create giant social welfare programs to keep those immigrants alive, but lack of menial labor in those countries would deincentivize any programs that actually lift immigrants out of poverty. Eventually, some immigrant-born would rise to rulership, but a lifetime of poverty and mistrust of government would have incentivized corruption. BAD END for Western civilization.
Far East Asian countries would probably just close borders and deport immigrants, though. Unless you're China, which is populated as fuck.
Yes, I should have initially clarified that most first world countries have flat or negative birth rates and that the problem is in the third world. It's stupid how GDP growth is the be all end all. We should be more like Japan. No population growth is a good thing for the average Japanese person, and they prove you don't need your country to be a release valve for the third world and their out of control population growth.
Malthus will be proven right once we start to run out of hydrocarbons.
Japan is stagnating and getting weaker.
>I think most of the worlds problems are due to overpopulation
Overpopualtion is a meme spouted by people with no idea of agricultural history, many parts of the world geography, development and the list can go on.
People like being alarmist in an attempt to seem like concerned wordly people.
overpopulation is easily the source for almost all of the world's socio-political problems, but it doesn't matter to me because it's a self-solving issue. an overpopulation related disaster is the issue solving itself.
barbarians btfo
Maybe take bath once in a while next time
humnongous wot?
humongous wot?
Africa, India, and East Asia get a one child policy everyone else can breed just normally because ONLY THOSE AREAS ARE OVERPOPULATED.
Also most of the worlds problems are due to stupid people existing.
yes, stagnation means income falls
whereas prosperity means you now have routine gang rapes in public squares, churches get bombed, and people are beheaded in public
thanks for your very intelligent post, m8
Most of the world's problems are due to 'fuck you, I got mine."
By some estimates India already had 100 million people in 300 BC.
which is mostly caused by low iq populations
do gooders do just as much harm as other people. they just do "good" to console themselves, such as letting millions of muslims into europe.
If a population is starving it means mother nature is trying to tell you that the human capacity too high. So all food aid should be ended because you are going against nature. Africans should have never reached this 1 billion population.
Overpopulation is not the issue, it's just that only the wrong kind of people seem to breed anymore.
Why can't we have less India and middle east and more central-north Europe and east Asia?
Fuck this gay world.
more generally agreed
Africans should have never reached beyond a couple million, though.
they can't generally count beyond a few dozen, and can't even read. they need to be phased out
Welfare also needs to be ended as well as it leads to the poor supporting family sizes that should not be possible under their wages like these five children single parent families. If only humans werent pussies and just let children in poor areas starve to death like nature intended.
Oh boo hoo help the child no fuck that let the parent help the child.
>Far East Asian
More like South Asian.
Chinese and Japanese are below replacement.
>No population growth is a good thing for the average Japanese person
Nigga, they are desperate and trying a lot of ideas to make the young folks make more little japanese.