/hbg/ - Homebrew & Hacking General

Previous thread /hbg/ Wiki: homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 11.2
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.05
PS3: 3.55

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
↳a9lh + CFW: 3ds.guide/
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp

-Nintendo released 11.3, thoroughly patching downgrading for latefriends who update. 3dbrew.org/wiki/11.3.0-36
-rxTools BTFO, Menuhax's "last known Home Menu vuln." dead. Current solution is to switch to Luma or better yet, install a9lh per the guide.
-hblauncher_loader 1.3 and new *hax 2.9a payloads fix Homebrew for 11.3. github.com/yellows8/hblauncher_loader/releases/tag/v1.3
-NTR CFW 3.4 Preview6 and BootNTR 3.1 released. (BootNTR Selector updates automatically.) github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases
-Boot DS games in DSIware mode on 3DS from SD card: gbatemp.net/threads/nds-bootstrap-loader-run-commercial-nds-backups-from-an-sd-card.454323/

>Wii U
-FlimFlam69 removed the Brazilian method from the guide (you can still find it at: github.com/FlimFlam69/WiiUTutorial/blob/master/btimsg.md). The pastebin has been updated to contain that link.
-People speculate about a new Wii U firmware version before or at launch of Zelda: BotW. Even if the Wii U is out of production, you may still want to use to block updates.
-Boot0 code execution displayed at 33c3, along with boot1 dumping.

-Activation without PSN access now possible. wololo.net/2017/02/10/epsp-bubble-installer-2-0-activation-without-psn-psvita/
-fl0w teases usb mounting for pstv only. wololo.net/2016/12/24/theflow-unveils-usb-mass-storage-ps-vita-releases-february/
-PSN spoofing is broken on the Vita for both HENkaku and taiHENkaku currently.

-4.81 Rebug CFW released
-It's possible to run games on OFW 4.70 without ODE and IDPS. gbatemp.net/threads/447577

Other urls found in this thread:



Anybody know why Wii U USB Helper can't find any patches or DLC for 3ds games?

I can download the games just fine but it's not registering the patches or DLC even though the site has them listed.


HOLY SHIT edition

Admit /hbg/ you don't actually care about games. You get off on leaks and piracy.

So.. nothing yet.
Btw NUSgrabber doesn't work for me, any chance to get it w/ Utik?



someone just uploaded the .tik on a site
if you dont know which one, you probably dont know how to pirate anyways so i wont bother saying incase it gets taken down

I'm just here for the memes.

No we weren't running a risk retard. There were seven threads left to be created. Now if the key leaks in an hour we can't add it to the OP. Great work!

There's hundreds of pirating sites. Give us a hint?

That was never a secret.

This is why I come here yes. I get more excited about piracy than actual games these days. Sad I know, but most releases are mediocre or just straight up trash.

Bite me dickweed. At the speed some of these shit threads go, sometimes the moba generals will make 3 each and then we're shit outtaluck.

Reposting from last thread.
> i made a little package with your program (windows only) that allows anyone with half a brain and the ability to follow instructions to check if a BotW title key is valid; there is a text file with intructions in there for the densest of us.
to use, just extract the folder, open a comand prompt on the folder and type "keyck.cmd" followed by the key to test ; if the last line is greater than 90000 (as per cdecrypt's specs : github.com/crediar/cdecrypt/blob/master/main.cpp#L486), then it's fake


Why wouldn't you get off out of playing games before everyone else for FREE?

I'm honestly surprised. Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword leaks "just happened"


Im waiting for a friend to buy my 2DS so i can get a N3DSXL. When will 11.3 hit the stores? Is it anytime soon?

I'm so c-c-cold waiting for z-zelda to leak


Shouldn't you have out that money towards your Nintendo Switch™ user?

Thanks user.

The heavily protected E3 demo of SS fucking leaked too.
Meanwhile, a 1kb file extracted from one of the easiest to hack consoles still hasn't appeared online.

Why don't we watch and see how long it takes /vsg/ to 404? (Since you ticket clowns made two threads)

I even said I was doing it last thread. Nobody tried to stop me or argued then.

They did

Try harder.

Not really. I only bought the 2DS for the piracy and its actually pretty nice handheld and free games and backwards compatibility just make it awesome. I really couldn't give 2 shits about nintendo.

Anyway back to the questiom

Are the next 8 days really going to be nothing but this?

posted it in the last thread :

i made a little package with the program (windows only) that allows anyone with half a brain and the ability to follow instructions to check if a BotW title key is valid; there is a text file with intructions in there for the densest of us.
to use, just extract the folder, open a comand prompt on the folder and type "keyck.cmd" followed by the key to test ; if the last line is greater than 90000 (as per cdecrypt's specs : github.com/crediar/cdecrypt/blob/master/main.cpp#L486), then it's fake.


No they didn't.

>5.5.0 Wii U
>Can't buy DS game to install Haxchi without updating.

Its all over

I've been waiting for a new thread so I could receive praise for 500+ posts. Here you go friends, it was quite a ride.


You can thank Target for this fine leak

This is pretty sweet, thanks

You don't even need to have to have the game downloaded to use it.

Soon youtube.com/watch?v=29_uSlEEPSk

if it leaks the thread will be 90% dumbshits that don't know how to read guides and asking dumb questions


so im guessing we still never got a key?

>tfw playing the demo while waiting for the real game
I really hoped the current BotW demo that was showcased alongside it's Switch counterpart these past weeks would've leaked SOMEHOW to keep us busy.


>No proof
Kys fampai


I think I enjoy the chase more than the victory. I've barely played any of the games finally leaked.

Idk but I would assume no. 3ds aren't exactly flying off shelves if you know what I mean so you should be OK. Now try and find a pre-order for the switch pls.
Update to 5.5.1 and do haxchi. I was even able to make it so that the ds game launches rednand automatically.



Preview of what will happen today

>no one will find the tik
>leaker-kun will tease us with more shit tonight and watch us go insane
>thread blows up and news spreads
>still no tik
>rinse and repeat

James is that the real?



ive posted the real key in one of the threads on /trash/, and im not saying which one
enjoy seeping through all the shit to find it...
or you can wait until the 3rd.. the choice is yours


My autism just kicked in and I broke my desk. Thanks 4chins.

Going to need a 3 timestamped photos of hard cocks under 4 inches to post the key. I know you faggots have small ones, so don't try to hide it.

From what I can tell, this is incorrect.


5.5.1 is the current firmware? Oh ok then.



I was waiting for other people to debunk it now that you have a sweet new tool

I'm disappointed. I really am going to sleep soon, so you guys need to step your game up or you're going to get HOLY SHITed to death.


I got the ticket after 5 hours

>That image
What the fuck, is that real or a photoshop?

It's reaaaaaal!

>implying fags won't just take a pic right as their pecker is growing to give the illusion that it's small.
Go on /b/ fag, there's always a dick thread there.

Leakerkun already said he has the US version
Even if he leaked the key it would be worthless on the EU NUS files
We need someone to either leak the EU tik or the US tik and upload the whole game

pls dont steal videogames

Just so I know what's up if we get a real one, how dramatically different will it look if it works right?
Do I need the real dump in the *5000 folder or can that just be the dummy one?


someone stop this madman!!

shut up reggie

user, it's ok. There will be plenty of people buying it.

How do I do full system backup with QCMA?

>pls dont steal videogames

not stealing

just pirating

pls its hard enough with phones killing games too
Dont kill this industry pls

your average gbatemp user

regex + any competent archive would reveal it in seconds

Why does no one post Mirai?

copyright infringement is not theft

You will never play this game before the 3rd.
Only thing waiting for you is suffering.

No one outside the press is currently playing this.
And if that's the case post proof.

we also care that you stop abusing your dick while staring at you mom in the shower... please get help for the sake of the children

i made the tool posted 10 minutes ago or so; if the key is valid, the last line will be a complaint about a missing ".app" file, and not the line with the number. hope that helps

Wow, pretty spazzy

Honestly I care less about the game being leaked and more the content being leaked :D

for you people deep in homebrew and software shit, is this impressive?



he's using it an excuse to delay the adrenaline update and usb loading on pstv


Because she's the worst fucking gril in the game

Shit character, shit design, shit gameplay

>this thread is filled with imbeciles like him and they just keep coming

nobody got the key its way too early

This is beyond retarded. This thread is so bad BECAUSE of people like him begging for a leak.

It's like asking to be shit on. For regular users who use this thread to talk about homebrew (t. techsupport) it's fun to fuck with these kiddies.

i... dont even know wha that means

i have a O3ds on 6.something firmware.

Is it easy to hack now or go i need a gateway? Its been awhile i even looked at this DS

>a poster on the iso site, who claims the source is "/v/"
>is it on /V/?
>Veeky Forums is just straight up cancer

>You will never play this game before the 3rd.
I will play this game in 5 hours if I get a 0 or 9


She's great though

Cool and then I just do it again with the real folder? How do I get the .tik from the titlekey, or will the program generate it?