>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Other urls found in this thread:
Azura is shit!
Is Lucina the only Awakening waifu to still get pairing fanarts with Robin
Fuck this current arena's bonus units
I really, really, really like this image, can I save it?
>fe7 is on the wii u eshop but not the 3ds one
>fe8 is on both
fucking nintenjew, now i have to play fe7 on shitty mgba that has a sound aneurism every other minute
Just put Narcien in a corner and get good
You'll have to trade me at least twenty Lucibucks or provide an equally likable image in exchange.
Do you think Lucina is the dominant one in bed?
I love my husband!
Don't underestimate the scale tipper.
No, you can fuck off please
I love Azura
Killing your sister for betraying Corrin!
>Seems like you need to whale hard to enjoy yourself in this game.
Why? So you can compete against other whales to get feathers you don't need because you're a whale? I'm having plenty of fun just playing whatever characters I get for free and getting my feathers a little more gradually. The matchmaking system makes it so being OP doesn't even help in the arena, and you don't need OP characters for any of the offline stuff.
>Lucina forcing Robin's Levin Sword inside of her
>Suddenly he tips the scales and Thorons deep inside her
I love my butler
>the city of owain fags
Who is that and who the fuck is Raymond
Does he have lower atk than Wrys?
What did he mean by this?
incestmobile coming through
Lucius, Raymond is Raven's real name.
Yes he does actually
Note the level difference
Help Lute decide.
Mage knight desu
MK, the obvious choice.
Nowi is for _____________
sage goes in all fields
Mage knight is probably better with that movement but the Sage sprite is vastly superior.
you should always go for sage in the gba games, user
>what is emulation
keep the retardation on check
Shut the fuck up Marth
thoughts on this pure lady?
Mage Knight, no contest.
Rich old fat men
Just use your Julia
Wacky Races FE Edition when?
Should I upgrade my +atk/-hp Kagero to 5*, or a Sharena to 5*? I already have 2 5* blues, but it's a -atk/-hp/+2res Hinoka, and a -spd/+hp Ephraim.
Who names their car after their twin sister
Where's my tie breaker? Don't keep the good lady waiting.
>59 attack with wary fighter
Does she ohko other meme+x units? Is she even good for whales outside as a stat stick?
mage knight
>+atk kagero
Ofc you should 5* this when it gets shittons of ohkos
she is great
She looks so happy.
>tfw trying to train up Olivia
Nigger, if you don't want to play efficiently go for the shitty sage.
I hope thats -spd as otherwise you wasted all those merges
Reminder to support your fellow talented gaijin artists
>Lute will never be in FEH at the rate they're releasing new units
Last night was most entertaining night I've had on /feg/
>4k scrub thinks he knows stat priorities
+atk/-hp Hector
>implying implications
I wish mage fighters were still a thing, we got one in Awakening with Tactician but I want it again.
i'm sorry bud
>non 4.8k scrub thinks he knows stat priorities
>what is reading comprehension
I said I'm using mgba, but even though it's the best emulator for 3ds it's still shit.
I play my games on the go, in public.
Stop using my waifu to shitpost, you fucking twat.
>sub 5k shitter thinking his opinions matter
your waifu is an idiot
>tfw you took the waifu meta too seriously
I got baited...
Uhhhh cute?
>Whales think they have an opinion.
>sub rank 4 shitter thinks his opinion matters
Stat total of yours units. That's why if you run high stat total units such as Effie/Hector you'll be seeing a lot of L40+ units.
>Tripfag whale thinks he owns the thread
People of your kind aren't welcome here.
thank you
>Giving tripfags (you)s
Have we really degenerated this far?
thanks for you (you)
Who the fuck is this new tripfag who's more annoying than Tharjafag and Camillafag
Strongly considering just leveling narcian to 4 because Seliph is literally worse Than no bonus
Holmes banner when?
Hes a massive whale who likes shitposting with satania from gabariel dropout.
Hes worse than tharjafag in his thirst for (you)s and his need for attention and ego.
Not even Michlan spams his shitfu this much
Anime is degeneracy
>/feg/ didn't learn from Tharjafag
>/feg/ didn't learn from Camaillafag
>/feg/ didn't learn from Dill
>/feg/ didn't learn from Michlan
What makes you fucking people think you can actually "do something" if you didn't learn from the same mistake multiple times?
Urusai baka gaijin
what is there to even do? stop posting stupid shit?
I'm a poster like anyone else, if you say dumb shit like -spd effie pogchamp xD I'm going to call you on it
name three not faggot tripfags /feg/
protip: you cant
Which horsemen in 7 are worth using
I'm still using Sain and Kent at chp 16, should I drop one of them for Lowen?
>tripfagging and avatarfagging at the same time
sign of a true retard.