League of Legends General - /lolg/

Cuddly edition!

OT: eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


Lulu is a cunt

I want Trundle to smother me between his buttcheeks! :3

What to build on Nunu jungle? What to max first?

>no more Saintvicious
>no more HotshotGG
>no more Reginald
>no more Dyrus
>no more Cop
>no more Alex Ich
>no more Xpeke
>no more Froggen
>no more Imaqtpie
>no more Scarra
>no more Crumbz
>no more IWillDominate
>no more TheRainMan
>no more Dig, TSM, CLG, Curse
>no more Azubu Blaze and Frost, the actually interesting Gook teams
>no more Gambit/M5, Fnatic, CLG.Eu
>no more memeteams like Vulcun, Velocity or Millenium

Gooks ruined another game. Again.


max q>e>w, build hp

xth for breast metal waifu

What do i do vs Yorick? Is he going to blow me up at any point in the game?

pick ranged toplaner

Is Froskurrin actually a tranny?

Kill the gouls/maiden first
Kite him as much as possible
Dodge the E
Kill the Wall
Pick irelia/trundle

drawfag here, post fun requests

You get 100-200 ip hour. it is 30-60 hours to unlock 1 (one) 6300 ip champion. BTW 30 hours is a time for completion of LONG single player game today.

10 6300 ip champions and 6 runepages is 88000 IP. 440-880 HOURS of play. It needs several hours of grind EVERY day to get this under a year.
>440-880 HOURS of play
>reasonably short amount of time

In any other game if you say that you spend 880 hours in it reaction would be "wew lad this a lot, not insane but a lot". In lol 880 hours this is only grind start to begin playing.

>planty lady legendary skin today
>riot giving her something other than nerfs

i hope it means they won't nerf her again

>making threads early
hang yourself

Was this done with kat, garen and katfag already?

she is a girl(female) who is lesbian and has many tattoos, including one that does/will cover like her entire fucking back.

Lollipoppy smiling like a retard

long ago

kled in a wedding dress

This but with Jhin with a EoN veil around him.

Alistar and Trundle in a fierce game of checkers.

By late game, who is both the most immovable and borderline unkillable tank?

Malz voidling wearing shaco's hat please

Darius unsheathing his +200 ad and 55% armor penetration

malphite against ad teams
galio against ap teams
maokai or mundo otherwise

master yen fighting camille with the swords on his boots

bard close to jhin's face with an angry expression saying "Ding"

If the enemy has a tank, Trundle.

Taking more suggestions for Concerned Mom Morgana

New Morgana Skin - Concerned Mom Morgana

Outfit: Mom jeans with a high waist, tennis shoes, and a button-down shirt

>Your room smells funny
>How long have you been playing?
>You did finish your homework, right?
>Do you call that bed made?
>When was the last time you took a shower?
>I know you don't want to hear this...
>Hows the resume coming?
>Did you hear back about that job?

Wait right there, mister.
Can you hold on a second, sweetie?
You're going WHERE?

That's it, I'm calling your father.

R: animation a toddler leash, and we can keep the discussion on real toddler leashes in the dead thread.

aatox getting back in shape in preparation for his changes

I'd do her desu.

why the fuck garen looking like a malnourished kid?
the fuck

>people who can't fucking listen and just back off a fight

Just take the drag we got and fuck off, do people not know what small victories are?

From last thread, can we get Ashe pregnant with Warwick's puppies?

Did uol win?
>no rewind on twitch

Yes. In a 10 total kill (on both teams) snorefest. zzzzzzzzz

taliyah covering her nose with her hands, on the verge of crying, while anons laugh at her

I answered you in the previous thread, copypasting:

machete refill pot (never start talisman, you don't need mana, and have no aoe)
skirmisher, upgraded boots, cinderhulk, tiamat, titanic

kill yourself warwick is pure

Is there a tank that can laugh off Vayne late game?


The Destroyer - power bottom
Trismegistis - enjoys monkey themed bedroom play
Gumi Cat - will moan Euler's name while you fuck him and completely ruin your mood
Angel Wiggums - the very archetype of a bratty sub, acts hostile and rude in an attempt to invite punishment and domination--unfortunately few people are capable of fulfilling his fantasies
Megu Wormie - shy but very receptive as long as you take the lead
Bukkage - 5 star difficulty rating to tame but once broken in will prove unmatched in quality as a cum slave
dawt - comes bundled with Bukkage
Meliorne - easily the most chatty of all the lolg sluts
Rumia - literally cannot stop thinking about sucking dicks for more than 3 seconds, very deep in the closet but wont fight you if you come on to him
Master Style - absolute slut, will sub or dom for anyone

KDM is the team that takes the longest time to beat of the LCK. Even KT took 38/58 minutes to beat them. Their mechanics are still shit, though.

>I'll never sit on her face

even with silver bolts she'll hurt herself hard while hitting him

You made me want to play Morgana for my next match thanks


i'm a bigger slut than all of them honestly but at least i'm not some shitty vg vs vg faggot

>>When the dirty enemy cancer picker Varus cries about your Draven damage
>>So you go out of your way to get him over and over

Burn in hell scum

Where is Style these days anyway?

hey bby wanna fugggg?

>he doesn't mute both the adcs at the start of the game

>WW hits W
>Scents that Ashe is at low health...and ovulating
>Feral instincts kick in

Pure ANIMAL, baby.

>enemy jhin is at our tower
>come from tribush as zyra and 100/0 him
>doesn't dodge any of my spells
>stands still in plants
>scream "balanced" in all chat

are people dumb or do they still dont know after all these years that zyra do a shit ton of damages

Busy taking dick.

haha shields and cocks can't get enough am I rite

I want to look EXACTLY like irelia

It was only ONE TIME, though! A single indiscretion! He caught her in a moment of weakness and she was SURE nothing would come of it!

I love it!


Why are yordles (male) so sexy?

That tryhard Varus...sigh

>People don't remember this nigga

Part of his kit was reworked to be part of Malzahar's kit

you tell me

>not twitch
twitch/ww is cute

So many cute boys on /lolg/... Hngggg I want to dominate them all


Bring it fuckboi

G2 failing internationally yet again. gj EU

>varus dying to fucking soraka
i kinda want to get to bronze 5 spamming teemo support

what about the ones that aren't cute?

>not Omen (basically ex of Dawngate lets be honest)
>not Gavid
>not Rob Blackblade
>not Well
>not Tabu
>not Tiki
>not "Braum CeeCee" even though Braum is based
>instead post about the shitter Averidian
pleb begone
learn your shit before you post scrub tier cancelled shit


i only let yordles (male) dominate me

Don't worry guys G2 is just sandbagging. Their strategy is to lose all their games and surprise everyone in the grand final.

Healthy young toplaner goes to jungle, gets pumped with massive shots of advantages, doesn't feel good and changes - JUNGLER. Many such cases!

Taliyah is not for bullying


>make dumb list meant to be a one time joke
>it gets reposted daily by a sick individual who actually wants to expand on it
>i'm made out to be some sort of dick lover
>but i'm not
>unidentified gay men attempt to ERP with me in the threads
>but i won't
>no one likes playing against my master yi
>if i tryhard people get mad
>if i don't people get mad
>lorn12345 thinks i'm a silver player
>bukkage despises me and wants me to die
i'm done with league of legends

goodbye forever

>the people that complain about the koreans being too good for the west and "ruining" league

how pathetic do you have to be? saying shit like this makes you sound like a complete imbecile

>bawww they're too good for me!! leave me to rot in my low skill region where i can go and pretend like we're good!

slowly getting out of here


Well if you weren't so cute this wouldn't be happening, faggot.

we love you rumia

I hope you realize this just makes me want to fuck you more rumia

And nothing of value was lost

I like how bronze players are so deep in the shit they don't even care enough to ban out typical low elo permabans like yasuo

>no one likes playing against my master yi
Alright I'll give you that one I hate playing vs that shit

Post webms

Taking meme requests

yasuo in bronze is unlikely to be an issue even if they get fed
we truly dont give a shit about yasuo. that and chances are if you ban one, someone is going to feed in retaliation

also silver doesnt ban yas much either. only if your mmr is shot is he banne because "hurr broken"

Why is Sejuani the midriff goddess?

Sion or Yorick doing this.

Me cuckolding this relationship


He's annoying to play against

>support has tp
>enemy bot lane gets fed


Ezreal doing this
