Motorcyclist behaviour

>be me
>Driving my 1995 Diesel Sedan on the highway at 135~140ish kmph
The acceleration is shit, but it will do 140 just fine, 130 is max here, usually stick to 135~ish to be safe
>be behind car i want to overtake at +/- 125kmph
>look in mirror
>some bike in the distance
ill make that easily.png
>halfway overtaking, see him suddenly in my rear mirror
Whatever, dont speed like an idiot then
>After im done overtaking, the Biker pulls up next to me
>Mind you, im on the left lane still
>starts flipping me off and wants to push me to the right
>near a highway entrance with a van coming up, already scooting over to the right lane
>nope not doing it.png
>eventually go back to the right lane
>he revs a bit and flips some more
>his biker friends join him and the 3 of them race off until they encouter a bus up ahead
>2 of them next to each other on the left lane
I left the highway by the time they got up to the bus
>That old ass diesel wasnt gonna help me in a fight so i just kept my distance like a pussy

This happened at 17:30 on a main route with pretty dense traffic
Seems like he has a death wish by driving on my left while i was still on the left lane
Not to mention that the highway runs past farmgrounds, so its all open and can be pretty windy at times

Why do bikers have act like suchs fags?
Why do they drive like suicidal asshats?
i like chugging along at a reasonable speed, but i dont go overboard with speedy driving since my car cant handle that

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Sounds like you need to drive faster or get your shitboxes off the road, mate.

>Things that never happened

I live in a country full of babyboomers, im one of the faster people on the road so to say....

Also, they love radar control here, so i try not too speed too much, since fines are pretty high here

See above, a lot of people here are either 60+ or people in a rush
They dont combine, im also frustrated a lot of times when were on a single lane 100 road and the person in front of me is going 80

Nationwide, driving too slow is the 3rd biggest pissoff of driver, only beaten by not using indicators and not keeping distance

Its no uncommon to see bikers go flatout when they get the chance, but the rarely get that chance

wahh bikers are meanies wahh

>going 170kph on a highway gets your license revoked
Nanny state strikes again.

>doing 130kmh in the left lane
>overtaking at 130kmh
Some people shouldn't be given the license.

>people and trucks at the right line going 80~100
Youve never been on a 2 lane highway havent you?


>Youve never been on a 2 lane highway havent you?
We ONLY have 2 lane highways here, with a few exceptions.
If you have to overtake some slow ass faggot in the right lane do it quickly to not bother people who don't want to waste their time on the highway.
He was a faggot for not maintaining safety distance but you're also a faggot.
>doing 50kmh in the city will result in a €200 fine
Really hoping no one enforces this stupid shit.

>Really hoping no one enforces this stupid shit.
The cops are too embarrassed to write the ticket, but some dont care and will give it
>Crossing a red light is €180
>parking time expired: €60
Just to name a few

>If you have to overtake some slow ass faggot in the right lane do it quickly to not bother people who don't want to waste their time on the highway.
i try to run up at a reasonable speed, but '95 diesels are not known for their acceleration

im a faggot for being a slow overtaker, ill give you that tho

>try to run up at a reasonable speed, but '95 diesels are not known for their acceleration
>im a faggot for being a slow overtaker, ill give you that tho
Then you shouldn't overtake. Slow overtakes are considered as dangerous as going too fast.

How do you think does a biker feel if he has too stay behind some faggot overtaking at 120 and having to stay on the left of a truck for 5 minutes because of that?

Do you know that he will die on the spot if a truck tire explodes?

>Then you shouldn't overtake. Slow overtakes are considered as dangerous as going too fast.
If you keep crawling at 100 or 80 yes, i agree
Its usually more like
>see overtake possibilty
>look in mirror
>go flatout
Which roughly translates to climbing from 110 ish to 135 again, ill be at 130 by the time im almost passed
i wish it were faster, but im not going to be a pretentious cruisecontrol 100km driving faglord, who i do consider very dangerous

if i stick do the back of a truck at 80 im sure as fuck not gonna throw myself in the fast lane, people have done it tho, and thats how traffic jams start

>How do you think does a biker feel if he has too stay behind some faggot overtaking at 120 and having to stay on the left of a truck for 5 minutes because of that?
How do you think everyone would feel?

i dont know where you live, but the highways here are not fun
Aside from the contast speed checks, it is overrun by the elderly who think 100 is a safe speed and everyone has to adjust to them

im not saying i'm a perfect citizen, but this is really unaplicable since every road user has to deal with this bs

>trucks overtaking campervans for example

>How do you think everyone would feel?
Someone in a car won't die on the spot if a tire of a truck next tp him explodes.

Also there are no speed limits for when you're overtaking. Of course you need to slow down after that but still.

>Also there are no speed limits for when you're overtaking. Of course you need to slow down after that but still.
If they catch you on camera, you will recieve the fine, appealing it doesnt help

Most officers wont bother to pull you over for that tho

>If they catch you on camera, you will recieve the fine, appealing it doesnt help
Except it's what the law states. You can exceed speed limits when you're overtaking because overtaking slowly IS DANGEROUS.

i could link my county's site but its not in english

Basicly it works on this principle:
>dont exceed the speed limit

>if you did while overtaking, you shouldnt overtake ans just wait for a better moment

Of course im gonna speed while doing it, but when you get caught, you exceeded the speed limit, hence you get a ticket

Welcome to europe bitch

Nigger I live in europe and our law is different.

That's why we don't use speed checks but tutors now instead, so that you can't say "but I was just overtaking someone!".

Italy here, where are you from?

The state is really horny on giving traffic fines here

>1.07 billion in fines were collected in 2014
>30% more then the previous year

>The state is really horny on giving traffic fines here
Well that's also true here, I bet much more than in the Netherlands because it's probably they only reliable source of income for towns. They will cheat to make more fines.

Didn't even read any of your post, but I know your story is fake. Cry more.

2,8 billion per year and 50% of the people don't even pay the fines.

You guys have it good.


>2.8 billion in fines
>59.83 million citizens

>1.7 Billion in fines
>16.8 million citizens

2.8 billion/59,83 million= 46.799264583
1.7 billion/16,8 million = 101.19047619
We pay basicly double, bit of a scethcy math thing, but you get my idea

Think again, if you dont pay a traffic fine here, you'll go to jail and still be in debt
They usually arrest a lot of offenders during christmas to pressure them into paying

That article said that if each fine was paid the total amount would have been 8 billions.

>no speed limit when you're overtaking.


This is too good.
>I pull you over because you were going 20 over the limit, can you tel me why?
>faggot was too slow and I decided to over take him
>here's your fine.

That is the law here, clown.

I had this discussion with a bud that's traffic cop, and it was noted that It's completely up to the cop doing the stop, but 1 pattern seem to come up, for example, you're overtaking a car, that's doing 10 mph less that the limit (60), and if you're keeping up with traffic, you're allready 10+ over that guy, speeding another 10 and overtaking him won't get you pulled, and you're 20+ relatively to the slow poke, which is plenty fast for a quick overtake, But, if you decided to give this guy a "lesson" and floor it, you're going 25+ the limit, you're 35+ over the guy, they won't just pull you over, they'll get ya for speeding and wreckless drivig.

What if you let go of the throttle and return to normal speed after that?
i also go a little overboard and let go of the throttle after that, usually so the people behind dont slowed down by me after overtaking

You're retarded, read this >What if you let go of the throttle and return to normal speed after that?

Yeah, that's why I said that's it's all up to the cop discretion, he's ain't going to keep that laser on ya to track your speed, just to make sure you slowed down after all that, all that the city collector wants its to nail ya with a speeding ticket, why would you give them that chance?

Highways are private here and they have to inform you with a sign if they're doing speed checks by law anyway, even if they're mobile. All the stable lasers are also indicated by the sat nav.

Fuck off. Just because your organ donors are suicidal doesn't mean you have to shit up roads for the rest of us.

I usually don't do this. But when I get stuck behind two cars pacing each other on the highway I'll ride behind them for a bit to see if they get their shit together. If they don't ill just illegally split them and go about my business.

I do not like being boxed in on my bike on the highway. Don't really care if splitting is legal or not.

>implying I'll let anyone get my organs when I crash
Your son will die of liver failure before I crash, deal with it.

>be me
>riding my Speed Triple on the highway
>cruising at 150 km/h, probably a bit much but I'm in a hurry
>come up to shitty old diesel Benz, slow down a bit
>decide to pass him
>go to pass, he cuts in front of me
>shake my head, honk my horn
>he takes five minutes to pass me, black soot pouring from his exhaust
>fucking stinks
>he's finally done, move around him
>slow down a touch and look in his window
>can see an angry manlet staring at me and gesturing angrily
>shake my head and finish overtaking him
>resume 150km/h
>>look in my mirror, guy is shaking with rage
>struggling to maintain control of his vehicle
>starts weaving and trying to catch up with me
>coming up to an off-ramp, I need to get off
>guy has somehow caught up and is trying to block me from getting over
>not going to play his game, so I stay right and figure I'll use the second exit
>catch up with some other unrelated bikers, have an impromptu pull or two until we catch up to a bus
>angry diesel Benz man is well and truly gone
>continue on with my day

filtering is legal where i live, but honestly it gets tiring for vehicles to either not see you, or do something dumb after seeing you anyway

if a motorcyclist is approaching you from behind, they are most likely going much quicker than you. if you had just waited 3 seconds for him to pass you, there wouldnt have been an issue

obviously if he handt been speeding there wouldnt have been an issue either, but its important to understand the situation from the motorcyclist's view. keep in mind you were ALSO speeding, so dont really have any room to talk in terms of that

>riding along
>cars slowly going about in lanes next to you
>truck slowly merges into your lane to overtake a vehicle in front of it
>have to slow down significantly while this trug slowly chuggs forward to overtake
>could have simply ridden past quickly and the truck could have avoided the headache of the situation instead of endangering your life
>truck most likely didn't even look, and had I been going slightly faster they would have sideswiped me and knocked me off the bike
>if the truck DID see me and still chose to cut in front of a much faster vehicle, they clearly do not care about safety on the road, or my own life
>flip him off so that they realize that motorcyclists exist
>follow him home and impregnate his wife when he goes to work the next day
>keep coming over while guy is at work, raise your own son
>his wife falls in love with you and you enjoy the rest of your days coyly waiting for the second man to go to work so that you can spend time with your family and ride motorcycles with them

i dont even get upset anymore when cars dont see me and just try to merge over me. i'm fast enough and agile enough to just go around them, or brake and counter their lane change with my own

>drive slow piece of shit diesel truck
>see motorcyclist rapidly approaching in passing lane
>still decide to pull out and slowly accelerate past a van
>"hurr fuckin bikers wy he mad fukin bike cucks fuck off im in the right"

doesnt even need to be a biker, literally any vehicle in that situation has the right to be angry at you not only holding them up in the wrong, but putting their safety at risk by forcing them to have to quickly brake for no reason.

and then you act like the victim. are you a woman by chance?