Canadians were some of the hardest bastards of the World Wars

Canadians were some of the hardest bastards of the World Wars.

The French in WW1 and before were also a brutally effective army as well and quite frankly don't deserve the meme that they surrender all the time.

Germans on the other hand have only won a single war (Franco-Prussian war) and have constantly ruined Europe for everyone since the Roman times (German barbars pillaging/destroying Rome, the > > > memeing Europe for a good 1000 years and the world wars.)

If anything, hate Germans.

True but fuck off frenchy

>Canadians were some of the hardest bastards of the World Wars.
Actually the French Canadians did not want anything to do with the war for Great Britain Imperialism. They hated the conscription bill and were lied to when they were sent overseas after losses to the CDN army after at Oratona. (Conscription in Canada was only supposed to be for home defense.) It divided the Country.

Canada had a strong army air force and navy after the war. What did Canada get? A pie in the sky? A place in the sun? Canada got fucked for its participation fucked over by the peace deals and left out of the global empire except as a lesser member.

>Canadians were some of the hardest bastards of the World Wars.
>The French in WW1 and before were also a brutally effective army as well and quite frankly don't deserve the meme that they surrender all the time.
That is why france needed its allies to save its ass in both wars or they would of be fucked over like in the franco prussian war. Canada came to frances rescue at Normandy and look at what the greatful Charles Du Gual did in Quebec.

Canadians confirmed for being aggressive trench raiders which the British admired and eventually made mandatory for all Commonwealth units.

>Canadians were some of the hardest bastards of the World Wars.

Weren't Canadians also known for killing the most prisoners?
Or was that guy blowing smoke up my ass?

We killed our fair share of 'people who had surrendered', but we weren't executing prisoners after they had been evacuated to the rear. Going through the war diaries of my local regiment in WW2 I found numerous incidences of Germans being killed, but the circumstances were always similar. For example a patrol is sent out that captured German prisoners. If that German was wounded too servery and became a burden on the way back he could be killed or if the German tried to escape he could be killed. It wasn't done out of vindictiveness; it was done for an immediate and practical reason.

keynesians talk about investment banks for infrastructure booms and france is THE prime candidate on the board for this.

also english = mandatory second language

In WW1, there were reports of Canadians killing German POW's so they wouldn't have to feed them.

Robert Graves, Good-bye to All That

As for atrocities against soldiers - where should one draw the line? The British soldier, at first, regarded as atrocious the use of bowie-knives by German patrols. After a time, he learned to use them himself; they were cleaner killing weapons than revolvers or bombs. The Germans regarded as equally atrocious the British Mark VII rifle bullet, which was more apt to turn on striking than the German bullet. For true atrocities, meaning personal rather than military violations of the code of war, few opportunities occurred - except in the interval between the surrender of prisoners and their arrival (or non-arrival) at headquarters. Advantage was only too often taken of this opportunity. Nearly every instructor in the mess could quote specific instances of prisoners having been murdered on the way back. The commonest motives were, it seems, revenge for the death of friends or relatives, jealousy of the prisoner's trip to a comfortable prison camp in England, military enthusiasm, fear of being suddenly overpowered by the prisoners, or, more simply, impatience with the escorting job. In any of these cases the conductors would report on arrival at headquarters that a German shell had killed the prisoners; and no questions would be asked. We had every reason to believe that the same thing happened on the German side, where prisoners, as useless mouths to feed in a country already short of rations, would be even less welcome. None of us had heard of German prisoners being more than threatened at headquarters to get military information from them. The sort that they could give was not of sufficient importance to make torture worth while; and anyhow, it had been found that, when treated kindly, prisoners were anxious in gratitude to tell as much as they knew. German intelligence officers had probably discovered that too.


The troops with the worst reputation for acts of violence against prisoners were the Canadians (and later the Australians). The Canadians' motive was said to be revenge for a Canadian found crucified with bayonets through his hands and feet in a German trench. This atrocity had never been substantiated; nor did we believe the story, freely circulated, that the Canadians crucified a German officer in revenge shortly afterwards. How far this reputation for atrocities was deserved, and how far it could be ascribed to the overseas habit of bragging and leg-pulling, we could not decide.

Germans fought for our people. French fought for the right to be gay.

even if you're maybe trolling your post fill me with disgust and disdain for your existance

I'm sure the rest of the country would like to see Toronto nuked though

You are right. Canadians were extremely relevant, much more than people think today. They were so tough that they were commonly called Berserkers (look it up on Wikipedia) by soldiers of other nations, especially the Germans trembled in fear when they saw the flag with the leaf. The fact that Germans were wimps, never won a war and contributed nothing to modern civilization is not up for debate, it's universally approved by the mostly professional historians of Veeky Forums. I hate them with a passion.

And the Americans fought for the right to elect a black president.

The Canadiens blindly marched into battle with behind by the British for an Empire which barely benefited them.
You're going to need more than your hatred to make the Germans out to be cowards and that's not up for debate.
It's universally accepted by historians that you sir are an idiot.

From what I remember, while the Germans were retreating in France they were killing anyone they captured. The Canadians from Juno found the Canadian bodies and decided that they were going to kill any captured Germans in retaliation.


This anti-German autism is turning me into a Francophobe, 2bh.

This can't be real.

Why do you think Canadians act nice? They're just waiting for the day when everybody's back is turned.

It just anti-werboo that go too far, it's now more a meme that anything, also see that it isn't about gloryfing France but insult Germany, i don't think the french are the one doing most of the shitposting.

>no verified checkmark
>for the prime minister of Canada

It is not.