What would the world be like if Germany never existed?
What would the world be like if Germany never existed?
We would be colonizing mars
Countries like Poland and Austria would have a much stronger maritime culture and Italy would be much more of a battle ground with strong military history and culture. It's honestly just Germany's position in the middle of Europe on a relatively flat terrain that it has a long history of wars.
>scientific advancement
good one
Romans just copied the Greeks and had some good engineers.
Pretty vast considering that Germany has contributed more to technological advance than any other nation on earth.
Much better
People would be witch-hunting whatever other region found itself as the center of Europe.
>Pretty vast considering that Germany once contributed to technological advance.
>Pretty vast considering that Germany has contributed more to the disruption and destruction of Europe than any other nation on earth, and continues to do so.
>bet your ass touched concrete somewhere today.
you make me laugh
apart from the shitskins and horse niggers you named none of those countries did anything you can call "destruction of europe"
we'd all be roman
weren't the germanics of antiquity obsessively clean to the point where their roman adversaries made fun of them for it? or is that the celts i'm thinking of
I doubt the romans, who built baths in every city of the empire and subsidized them so that pretty much everyone could use them, and did use them daily, would mock anyone else for washing themselves.
I came here to post this.
A better place to live.
>400 bc
>no jastorf culture
germany is a meme nation and people
for the past two thousand years, probably beyond that too but i don't know, they've been mucking about doing naught but cause strife, war, and conquest, over the most petty of squabbles. mostly among themselves. due to the sheer volume of violence and destruction emerging from them they've also ruined plenty of other civilizations despite never focusing their attention on them.
it is no coincidence that in modern history germany directly caused both world wars as well as lead to the discovery of the nuke, it is in their blood and cannot be prevented, ww3 will be caused by germans too, in not too long
germany didn't existed 200 years ago so they technically only done shit
>directly caused both world wars
Do you even know about the existence of Austria-Hungary, friend?
Who invented the automobile?
The computer, the binary system, insurances etc.
Europe would be prosperous and not cucked and being invaded by mudslimes, and the UK would still have Ireland and all its colonies.
a french guy the thing after are improvement
>implying Hitler didn't want to expand the white race
>implying Britcucks and Russian Jewcucks didn't fight to destroy their own race
Actually it may have been a Belgian
Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot.
This claim is disputed by some sources, however, which suggest that Ferdinand Verbiest, as a member of a Jesuit mission in China, may have been the first to build, around 1672, "a steam-powered vehicle" but that was too small to carry a driver or passengers
That's the Gauls, using a kind of soap they invented.
Swiss here, I wouldn't have a dentist tbqh.
It was supposedly a toy, and he only drew up a design, there's no evidence if it ever being built, so I think it's still fair to attribute it mainly to Cugnot whose automobile became the prototype for locomotives and all steam-powered vehicles.
I don't. He stole it. If you're not first you're last.
If your invention only exists as a drawing that was rediscovered centuries later, it's not an invention. Just like Leonardo da Vinci didn't invent the tank or the helicopter.
It is not known if Verbiest's model was ever built at the time, although he had access to China's finest metal-working craftsmen who were constructing precision astronomical instruments for him. He may have.
germany knew exactly what would happen the moment they vouched for austro-hungary's actions. it can easily be argued that austro-hungary lost the war by being pathetic and awful, but they certainly would never have started the war if not for germany
germany saw it as an opportunity, and then they got completely fucked over in the aftermath since everyone realized what germany had done, of course the austro-hungarian's were mad faggots too who put the entire blame on germany to save themselves, but it's not a lie that germany directly caused ww1
"germania" has existed for thousands of years, and of course when you say "germany" you mean the germanic people, not the specific country of germany
Shut up you anglo cuck
Germany fucking owns you
Are you still angry about Germany losing not one, but two wars against Anglos?
You got Germany mixed up with Jews