Is modern day Islam "invading" Europe a parallel to ancient Christianity "invading" pagan Europe? (With more technology and structure of course)
Is modern day Islam "invading" Europe a parallel to ancient Christianity "invading" pagan Europe...
No, Islam is spread in Europe by immigration from outside, while Christianity arose from within and was spread by evangelization.
She should have just married him. Never understood people who fight futile uphill battles that they know will lose and end in disaster in for them.
Am I unprincipled scum for thinking like this?
Nothing ever changes if everyone goes with the flow. Gotta break a few eggs.
Islam is invading europe as a "parallel" to ISLAM INVADING EUROPE IN THE MEDIEVAL ERA YOU RETARD
Yeah but she just ended being disfigured. Gotta pick your battles ya know.
Not really.
she looks like a normal sand nigger to me
We're nowhere near the New Christianity appearing.
For fuck's sake, "Rome" is still a republic.
Islam is by immigration and violence.
Christianity in the Roman empire was by native conversion.
>unironically believing this
Loving Every Laugh
Did shitloads of Jews immigrate throughout the empire?
fundamentally different from the islamic conquests and you know it, rasheed
>lel white people 400 years ago used to burn witches, therefore, you can't critcize islam for crushing a 9 year old girl's skull with a stone for refusing to marry a 50 year old man
Constantine was only baptized on his deathbed and was throughout his life a follower of Mithras.
Uhh, no. This is a literal invasion, that was an adoption.
I was saying the initial conversion within the Roman empire itself. After that, it became violent as shit, what with all the things you listed.
That's not what he's saying
Mohammedans today are just playing their save game. It is tautological.
Where do these Muslims get all this acid?
Deathbed baptisms were commonplace at the time and the victory at Milvian Bridge is what made Constantine a believer.