Will millennials kill religion?
Will millennials kill religion?
No, and their children or grandchildren will revive it.
the west is already set up to kill all spirituality
unless we can find overmen to save us from nihilism we are fucked
Just read Captial. Spirituality is alive and well it's just concealed to us
>reading marx after all the shit their parents have told them about the soviet union
No but we can dream.
Unfortunately, although us Gen Xers really fucking tried, it seems that no, they are in fact embracing it.
religion is already dead, which is why millennials won't go to it
you have cause and effect reversed
millenials are extremely anti-war, for example, but the military is still around. because institutionally, it still has strength and incentives to bring young people in, and always will
>implying children don't become contrarian little shits as soon as they hit highschool / university.
Have you ever spoken to a fucking millennial? They practically worship Marx, even the ones who have never read him.
maybe in america (but where did the bernie supporters come from)
elsewhere in the west millennials are often left wing socialist sjws af
whether it will change at maturity who knows
neo-esotericism when?
The religious millennials will have more children than the non religious ones.
Why does so much of Veeky Forums talk about milennials in the third person and generalize them this hard? How many people on this board were born before the 80 or in the 2000s?
Basically every time there are threads on any board where people divulge their age they're between 20 and 30.
Either most of you are milennials who aren't self aware or we've got a small group of really butthurt Gen Xers whining about "kids these days".
Or we're all millennials who are painfully self-aware.
They worship the commodified memory of Marx, meaning what he now represents in our current system.
The closest they come to knowing even a bit of his theory is the Manifesto which is probably his least significant (at least in a philosophical sense) text.
Millennials themselves fetishize/worship objects just as much if not more than previous generations
So do the milennials who bitch about other milennials actually think they're the only ones in their generation who don't fit the intolerable stereotype or what?
Too many of us are still daddy/mommy's precious little Christian. Parents are emotionally disconnected from their children and practicing their religion of choice is the fastest way to validation.
Maybe another 10+ generations down the line. People seem content with it, though, so what do I know.
Takes one to know one.
Stupidest thread about millennials that I ever had to participate in was when I hate to convince some moron on /pol/ that gen Y and millennials are the same generation when he said he was gen Y and how he hated millennials.
are you american?
i thought i heard most denominations there were in decline and younger generations much less religious?
You really have a hate boner for millennials. Is your social security check late, old man?
Some are, I'm sure. I do it to distance myself from their frame of mind (and because I really want to be as different from them as possible).
All the popular boards are mostly made up of underage Gen Z hence the low quality.
>You really have a hate boner for millennials. Is your social security check late, old man?
I think you misread my post.
Hence why europe is fucked
And their children will become nonreligious. Religion is simply dying in the developed world, there's no going back.
not necessarily. traits such as religiousity are largely heritable. in america, the religious are becoming more religious, and the nonreligious are becoming less so.
>traits such as religiousity are largely heritable
[citation needed]
The religious instinct is anything but dying, many of us just aren't aware of the ways in which were religious.
You have to keep in mind that "religion" as a distinguishable epistemology is a relatively recent phenomenon. Before this innovation, a Catholic in say, 1400 CE, didnt see themselves as "religious", Christianity was just the way the world works, not some kind of personal choice.
The same thing is happening today, but because it's a religion it's not usually viewed as something even warranting questioning
Millennial are old as fuck now. They dont have enough time to effect the world.
Religion not spirituality. Millennials love spirituality.
>You have to keep in mind that "religion" as a distinguishable epistemology is a relatively recent phenomenon. Before this innovation, a Catholic in say, 1400 CE, didnt see themselves as "religious", Christianity was just the way the world works, not some kind of personal choice.
This is bullshit. The Catholic Church has always had the concept of the "righteous pagan", and they knew very well that atheists and non-believers existed.
like most neurological traits, religiosity is highly heritable. religiosity is the penchant to worship a thing or willingness to subvert self to higher structures of authority.
fucking idiot. the year 2000 called, they wanna know how much paint you've eaten over the last two decades
What delusion are you under
what kind of spirituality?
Gonna have to find a better source because that one ends in a 404.
Not really
Religion is predicted to heavily decline in the civilized world. It is only growing in shitholes.
Yes but these were outliers.
Think about if we viewed today in this light. Of course there are people with "traditional" religious beliefs but they are just that, beliefs. In the dominant western ideology, empiricism/science isn't a matter of belief or personal choice, but the commonly agreed upon actual structure of the universe.
Atheists during the Church's peak years were in a similar situation. Of course they existed, however they were mostly seen as an obscure deviation from the actual nature of reality by the populace
There is an 'Xennial' generation that was too late for X but came of age BEFORE the information age did. I think it's 79-86 or so.
hope so , its about time humanity wakes up to its god hood.