why is /r/wallstreetbets set to private?
Came here looking for information too. Monitoring.
get. out. fucking. redditors. subhuman. wastes. of. organic. material. sjw. cancer.
>whaa fucking leave my secret internet club
I'm so confident you're a faggot I'd short you on 20k margin no cover no stops
probably updating the layout
>I'd short you on 20k margin no cover no stops
audibly kekd
Some guy used to shit post terrible advice. People enjoyed it. He started live streaming letting people tell him what to do. He fucking ripped his cats head of and started fucking it live.
lmao what
I watched that
Is this fucking true? Link?
how's paying for handjobs?
i think they might be changing the layout. usually what happens when goes private
We are just keeping the normies out for a while.
We don't like your kind.
any of u guys hang from the IRC
Out of 100,000 sperm, you were the fastest?
That definitely never happened
It's back up.
Honestly r/finance is better