>dating a trust fund baby
>brought her to family dinner
>wage cuck parents shame her for not working
what was i supposed to do? i just let them go off on her for doing "nothing" and we laughed it off when we got home
>dating a trust fund baby
>brought her to family dinner
>wage cuck parents shame her for not working
what was i supposed to do? i just let them go off on her for doing "nothing" and we laughed it off when we got home
you were supposed to dump her
Would your parents work if they didn't have to?
The answer is no.
I recently retired at 28, and people have been giving me that spiel too... as though you need to slave away doing something you hate to have life purpose.
you are a pussy
you just let your parents turn your gf into a punching bag and your instincts told you to let her take it.
glad your not one of my friends.
It's great that you didn't say anything or defend her.
Just realise that her opinion of you dwindled severely after this situation.
Good luck keeping her, you pussy.
yeah i'm going to cause a conflict at a family dinner over something like this. she's an adult and can stick up for herself she just laughed it off
>she's an adult and can stick up for herself
No she isnt and no she cant, you just said she's a trust-fund baby
wife her quick
it'll be life on easy mode
you can shit post on Veeky Forums all day
This bullshit, fragile mentality is why women keep themselves from achieveing equality.
she shouldn't have to feel guilty for that. however, you should've stuck up for her.
>retired at 28
>humble bragging for something you don't have any merit about on a fingerpainting mongolese chatshow
> Parents not smart enough to kiss her ass so that you and your parents can have nice things for free
Fucking morons. Why didn't you brief your parents on this better?
Ok, I'll bite.
How'd you make your cash?
what a wasted opportunity
>This is how poor people actually think
sometimes doing nothing has a greater impact than doing something, fuck judgmental people that don't understand perspectives and having a different outlook evangelizing their own moral faggotry as an absolute truth
not well travelled enough
brofist, fuck normies
Be yourself, have faith in yourself and work hard.
I'm working hard every single day. In being myself.
> she's an adult and can stick up for herself
That's not the point. This reflects badly on you because you neither stuck up for her, you didn't even diffuse the situation, you said it yourself, you let them go on about it. Why did you rapidly change the conversation topic, make a joke that they would have no retort to but everyone around the table find funny?
Conflict was not inevitable and neither was them "going off" at her.
Point is that now she might start to think you will let your parents steamroll her in future.
hahaha. Not wrong.
Wage cucks hate non wage cucks. Fact of life. They believe you have to work to be a good person in life. If you don't your low life.
It's a parenting survival automatism of being patronizing in their self-valuation of imposed guidance instead of relying on good manners in being respectful and adaptable, without realizing that they're sawing off a potential branch they're sitting on; therefore perpetuating the cycle of working class they're accustomed to, you can't blame them completely. Romeo and Juliet can only prevail when they stick to their guns, enough tension for a relationship to flourish already without the additional tensions and external factors. The worst is people that think they help when they're actually detrimental by being very close-minded.
Why are you working hard to be yourself?
Pls tell is b8?
Who do you work for?
>trust fund baby
Be nice with her, wife her and take her out like a turkey. Spoiled rich babies who don't know how to make money beside extracting liquidity from there inheritance are why the system works. Don't fall for the "muahhh murring intu rioch fumily" meme
God is my judge.
That's shitty of them, but do watch out for her being a fucking cunt.
Almost 28 here. Net worth of $240,000 from my wise Grandfather plus another $20,000 of my own shit. I work, but only part time now and I "work" the rest of the time acquiring trade skills for the fuck of it.
Feels good.
How the fuck are you gonna retire on that? 240k is nice but even working part time I don't see that carrying you through life unless you hit the investment lottery.
In all honesty it probably wont work out. Rich people generally don't allow their daughters to marry poor guys because they know the poor guy won't ever be anything more than a financial burden.
It's different when a rich guy marries a poor girl, The family may object and warn she may be a gold digger but in the end she is just a woman and is not expected to carry her own weight anyway.
OP will probably get dismissed by her father.
Creampie her until she is pregnant
We are only getting your side of the story. She was probably being a stuck-up, entitled, posh, pretentious, materialistic, egotistical, braggadocious, delusional cunt for all we know.
Most people on this planet have to live on less than $2 a day, there is no moral justification for not working absolutely as hard as possible and benefiting the world with your money when you die.
>240K from family
yeah, well, you got nothing if it is all.
>20K with 28
There is a high probability you die in a gutter or a war.
Daily reminder role playing on chinese western botanical fan boards is a sign of severe mental illness
Daily reminder that projection is a way of coping in restricting freedom of speech without taking everything with a grain of salt.
Using your same logic, everyone is "role playing" if you're looking for any justification of sanity in anonymity, good luck but by any means, don't judge and dismiss everyone in the same black and white high horse thinking
Did the anonymous poster hurt your fee-fees wage cuck?
I'm not retired or planning to in the near future, and never indicated otherwise.
I have a Roth IRA and other shit too. I live cheap as fuck. By the time I'm 50 my net worth would be about $1.1 million.
But what would that provide by then? One thing I'm concerned about is inflation, so I wanted to get into a little gold but my advisor said it's stupid because it doesn't generate revenue. I said yeah, but what about as a hedge to preserve purchasing power? He said that even then it's dumb because when you sell it "at a pawn shop or something" you don't get the full value.
zero fucks given, this one is bait though? logically speaking feelings don't matter. Did I show emotion?
>by the time I'm 50
at a certain point you just don't talk about money, it's vulgar. Maybe you'd know that if you were wealthy.
Are you a schizo or just really lonely?
Law 31: Control the Options – Get others to Play with the Cards you Deal
>trust fund babby
>won't even stop his wageslave parents from bullying her
Are you a retard or a retard?
Make mobile games as hobby, one went viral. Sitting on a net worth of 3.7m.
aka. I got lucky.
25 here.
Made a Steam game 2 years ago.
It went viral, got £1.2m personally after tax. £1m still in the company just cos i don't need to withdraw it at the mo.
aka. also got lucky.
Got one friend with net worth of over 10m. He laughed in my face when I said I'd retire at £3m.
You may wanna keep making games as a hobby. £4m aint gonna help for shit when you have 3 kids, 2 divorces and 5 grand kids.
>You may wanna keep making games as a hobby. £4m aint gonna help for shit when you have 3 kids, 2 divorces and 5 grand kids.
wtf is wrong with you
My god it feels like x in here but less entertaining. I will digress now and vacate this board for good.
Why are you shitposting on East Asian niche hobby forums? Shouldn't you be vacationing in south of France and fucking gold digger Thai prostitutes?
what experience u have in programming my dude?
minimal or full-throttle autist coding since ur mom shat u out??
Tell them: "Work is not a character builder, it's a life neccesity. And if she doesn't need to, she doesn't need to"
That should shut them up.
Also this. You gotta stand with your spouse, over your own parents if need be.
> she's an adult and can stick up for herself
this is the incorrect mentality if you want women to like/love you.
>Not posting the games
Legit curious
>revealing my identity on Veeky Forums
Yeah, no.
I don't quite get it. I mean, I understand having difference in opinion, but that's really all it is isn't it?
I mean, anybody can justifiably hold the opinion, and genuine wish for their offspring to do something with their time in order to either contribute to the world, or to build upon some kind of skill. Lots of people I know, and lots of my friends who are parents are the same. They don't really care if their kid is making a lot of money, but they want their children to at least be doing something, if only to be able to open the doors they want and do what they want at some point down the line.
I have the feeling that i need to make much more money, like £5m or more, so I still do 16 hour work days, 7 days a week.
Veeky Forums lets me blow off steam and is legitimately interesting for some reason.
I dropped out of Uni at age 18, spent 6 years living at home with parents, poor as hell and depressed, working every day on games.
No experience programming. Only trivial knowledge that any 12 year old could pick up.
Your tactic should NOT be "i need programming skills so Im gonna learn them"
it should be "i need to make games with potential to go viral"
The viral part is key. It is a hit driven industry.
The learning will be a natural part of trying to make a game.
I don't know why im telling you this shit. It's fucking competitive out there.
Also this.
Perhaps if i needed the money I'd see it as marketing potential to post about it here, but not worth the risk.
Marry her and be rich. It will piss off /leftypol/.
she can't stand up for herself because she has to remain civil , cuck
lol, you're going to be ruined very soon
>By the time I'm 50 my net worth would be about $1.1 million
major thanks pal, ill take teh advice regardless of it being bS or not
what programming languages do you know currently?
u sell it on steam or something??