Was this the most embarrassed military defeat in history ?
Was this the most embarrassed military defeat in history ?
France in WWII
Nah, the embarrassing part is that the Oirats captured the Emperor, and then after a few years of negotiation with the Ming, just gave him back without grabbing a ransom.
Here come the emu posters thinking they're being clever and original
Not to mention Mong had already elected a new Emperor and did not want him back
Battle of Agincourt was pretty bad
Battle of Carrhae probably ranks high up there, where the losing side of it actually admits they fucked up and documented their true causalities, and in circumstances where they could've avoided the ass-raping but got screwed over by shitty leadership.
Something something Italy...
But not this
Butthurt Australian detected.
whatever fucking retard let your father live
Britts losing a battle gainst literal spear chuckers.
Russia in WWI was way more embarrassing.
Not really, Russia in WWI has defeated itself after 40 years of decline.
>t. 朱祁鎮
Just mentioning this battle to a Brit will give them the uncontrollable urge to scuttle the most nearby naval vessel
Lasted 1 month against a numerically superior army
Meanwhile, Prussia in 1806 got conquered in 19 days by an enemy they outnumbered
But I'd say that among the "plebian" well known battles, the Battle of France is probably the most embarassing one indeed
Has your shitty excuse for a nation ever tried fighting fucking emus?
Italian defeat in Ethiopia in late XIX century.
Revenge is the reason behind the second invasion of the country by Mussolini in 1936
here comes the byzzieboos/iranboos butthurt
>>b-but they lost because of the disease and they were tired and shit and the arabs werent playing fair ;_;
Netherlands and belgium surrendered in less than a day
And germans rushed like cowards toward Paris and didn't fight head on.
>Khalid ibn-al Walid
Yeah nah senpai that's cheating
>And germans rushed like cowards toward Paris and didn't fight head on.
That's where I realized you are a butthurt frog.
I am rather sure the French and Brittish army were bigger than the German one.
And you're wrong
The German army was slightly bigger than the French army and the BEF combined
Seems like the Axis actually outnumbered the Allies with a few thousand soldiers.
Battle of Singapore was probably the most embarrassing defeat of the 21st century.
Otherwise this
t. butthurt german
Blitzkrieg is the most cowardly way of fighting
Only a retard or butthurt nationalist think there are cowardly ways of fighting wars.
And that applies to both Wehrbohs and Frogs.
20th century*
> Why dont kraut go straight into my defensive lines at Maginot?
> Marching straight to the hostile capital is cowardly
> Forgetting that the traditional German route to France meanders through Belgium
Not a defeat, but this has to be one of the most embarrassing victories in the 20th Century.
Having to attack us with archers because you know we're superior, THIS is embarrassing.
Does there ever have to be discussion about this when it's so blatantly this one?
Though I should nuance that the Aragonese king was a fool to charge with the first strike against the french.
Eh, payback befell you sooner or later though.
Cheers for the war though! There aren't too many countries that can boast of a century-long war.
>inb4 "cherry-picking ;-;"
Well so are Agincourt and Poitiers I guess.
1. France in WW2
2. France in WW1
3. France in Napoleonic Wars
4. France in Seven Years War
5. France in Thirty Years War
6. France in Hundred Years War
7. France in Vietnam
8. France in Mexico
9. France in Algeria
10. France in every other war
le epic memester
quick someone delete my internet when im dead xD, im actually dying of laffter here ;)
This post really takes me back to 2003
jesus fucking christ
Ouch, will the American asspain ever shrivel and die?
This is litterally becoming England-level obsession now.
Anyone who may explain more why that was embarassing for the Germans?
They were facing an enemy with a superior navy while invading a country that they had to cross a sea to reach with extremely mountainous terrain and a long coast good for the enemy navy.
Wasn't it the Allies that dropped the ball?
That image is retarded but are you actually butthurt?
Your answers seems to indicate that the poster did hit some soft spot.
Come back when you embarrassing pussies manage to win one war (so never).
>France in WWI
I'm an americano but can you explain to me what's wrong with this picture? Pls tell me you're not one of those people who actually believes >we saved the day in that war
Britain and America fought WW1 yes. France was invaded, quickly lost, and its army broke down completely, it was only counted as a technical "winner" because its allies saved its ass as usual.
Since scarily enough, I've had to redact this pasta to ward off the BlackSheep.com's lies, here goes:
Historians mostly conform themselves to the idea that the war was punctuated in four phases, the first presided over by mostly english victories, the second being overseen by french victories under Bertrand de Guesclin, the third by english victories while France was plagued by a weak regency, and the fourth by french victories with their armies now having mastered cannon warfare exemplified at Castillon (and their morale reinvigorated by Jeanne d'Arc).
>italian years
Mostly won by the french, with successes so overwhelming that they sometimes warranted coalitions against France such as the league of Cambrai. France was only was halted in their expansion in Charles Quint's time, who could threaten France from both Germany and Spain.
>Wars of religions
France is the first country to quieten their Protestant dissidents, while Germany and England are plagued by infighting till the Thirty Years's war.
>Thirty years' war
Under Richelieu, France becomes the overseer for the anti-Hapsburg league, and its main financial contributor, funding Carolus Rex in his expedition, while neutralizing the Spanish at Rocroi and invading Italy to lplm threateningly against the papal states.
>war of the devolution
France wars against the entire world and still reaches a tie (or win some say).
>the Dutch war
France beats the Dutch at every encounter save for naval ones, and secure their claims over the Rhine territories.
>Seven Years' war
France and its allies are on the verge of besieging Berlin, until Russia betrays them. Furthermore, France's efforts there can be forgiven considering that they had tired themselves for Prussia in the austrian war of succession. Additionally, Britain dismisses the European theater, and instead brings 42,000 men to fight the 10,000 french in Quebec (who beat them back twice).
It wasn't just America, but France was useless in WW1 that's true. Even Italy did more.
weak b8
At least they were defeated by the enemy.
>war of the Spanish succession
France wars against the entire known world with only meek Spain to its side, and secures its right to throne a Bourbon as the heir of Spain.
>American Revolution
France has to end the losing streak afflicted on the american colonists, and has to do so by leading the American army with their generals, along with blockading english reinforcements, essentially for winning at Yorktown.
>French Revolution
France beats back Spain, England, Italian states, the netherlands, Russia, Austria, the ottomans, Prussia all while being plagued with a civil war.
>Napoleonic wars
France beats back 6 coalitions, and Napoleon is beaten at Leipzig under numeric inferiority.
>the Franco-prussian war
One french army is surrounded with their emperor, and republicans, rather than mobilize the remainder of the armies against the Prussians, rush to the idea of bargaining a peace with Germany in which a republic might be reinstated for France.
France saves the war at the Marne, and does so again by ending the german advance at the Marne once again before american aid becomes substantial.
Brits run away, the french generals are idiotic, the french president sells the country to Germany as he is fascist himself.
The end.
France was invaded by Germany, was pushed back near Paris but then managed to push Germany back. Britain only ceded little help in this initial stage.
Half the army did mutiny once but Henri Philippe Petain, which you may know as the leader of the region of Vichy France.
America didn't enter till 1917, managed to put it down.
stop taking the b8
Yeah, have you guys never played BF1?
Can't handle the truth froggie?
Don't worry, you still make good cheeses and hot easy women.
France had ended the german assaults hampering their lines to the north, and had flung the germans back into retreat at the Marne during the Second battle of the Marne.
American troops finally arrived, and were there to invigorate the Hundred Days' offensive, but weren't essential either. It was more the American aid in supplies, and the looming threat of their intervention that aided France.
Eh fuck you.
Why do you insist on shitting up this board?
France was losing fast. The Germans completely overwhelmed the French army, and almost reached Paris. The only reason France wasn't fully conquered right there and then is because the British stopped the Germans at the Battle of the Marne. After that for 3 years it was the British who held almost the entire Western front, while 90% of the French army surrendered, deserted, or mutinied. Then America joined and tipped the scale, and the Anglos defeated Germany. France claimed victory as usual despite being a useless cowardly piece of shit.
Why do you insist on answering him, seriosly?
Netherlands surrendered in 5 days
and Belgium in even longer
>responding to obvious b8
You guys should really know better
This is a history board, not a "let's pretend France doesn't suck complete dick at warfare (and everything else) because otherwise the frogs are going to cry" board.
On the off-chance that somebody naive might actually believe him, so I'm autistically incentivized to bare naked his lies.
There's nothing more triggering than hearing that the British, while phenomenal in their help, apparently held "90% of the front", as he sees it, when they were confined to only Flanders and Ypres, and the french had to fend off the germans everywhere rlse.
So when memes about france drop you suddenly take this board serious?
Based Breton slaves following their French master.
Seriously how many times have we had to bail out the French? WW1, WW2, Cold War, Vietnam... And what do we get for it? Ungratefulness and disrespect. Pretentious little shits.
>Napoleonic Wars
Who cares
>fend off the germans
>completely collapse, surrender and mutiny, until Anglos come to save your asses
Well I guess it's the closest that Frenchmen ever got to combat.
Daily reminder that Australia is the only country to lose a war against non-human combatants.
Not really no, this isn't the first time I've accused baiters of endangering this board's well being.
Well, we bailed you out in WWIII, WWIIII, the Hot War and Korea.
man, being French is so great
>le Anglo war master race
>litterally the country known most for cowardice and perfidy in war
Stimulates neural activity doesn't it?
>posting the victories of one of the greatest military leaders in the world
Yea, well done, Ahmed, well done HOWEVER
>And what do we get from it
Liberation from the english, and a posh statue.
Now kneel swine.
lmao you can't be this deluded
>things that never happened, and a cringy shit statue about leftism
Is that a point?
Why do Americans have such a massive inferiority complex regarding France?
Find me a single acknowledged author praising England for their courage in waging war?
You're saying you could've won that by yourselves?
We do?
This threat honestly feels like something out of the George Bush era. I'm enjoying the nostalgia. Just need some freedom fries to go with
>Cross a sea
Norway was littorial. Germany was able to operate their surface fleet there for the majority of the war.
The REALLY embarrassing part was that the Norwegians sank the Blucher. The most modern cruiser in the Kriegsmarine, carrying SS troops into the heart of Oslo with orders to seize the important government functions...sunk by torpedoes installed in the 1890s because the Germans were so arrogant they thought they could just sail up unimpeded.
>France useless in WW1
>Even Italy did more
Yeah the country that executed thousands of its own soldiers for not wanting to charge through the mountains into machine gun fire and could barely hold high ground against the fucking AUSTRIANS did more than France. The country who saved the overzealous brits' asses multiple times. Ok. Throw yourself down some stairs bud.
Wow calm down Hans
It's okay, we forgive you for having started WW1
You surrender your daughters to syrians so they can rape them, you're cowards, all anglos are cowards and this is a good thing your daughters and women so we can get rid of your kind
Anyway you're a bunch of mongrels obligated to dye their hair so they can look like white
r u cereal
>French Revolutionary Wars
>Opponent is also French
Don't thing so Tim, shit was basically a world war
>Italian wars were fought against Italians
Did the dude even bother just checking the wiki page to know the most basic stuff or did he invent the descriptions just by looking at the name of each war?
>the British stopped the Germans at the Battle of the Marne
Yeah, these brave 8,000 British soldiers of the early BEF single-handedly (with little help from 1 million and 80,000 French troops) stopped the German advance at the First Marne
France asked the US to help them in Vietnam, so as the great allies they are, they waited for the French to lose and leave, then a year later they invaded, struggled for two decades and lost too
This count as "bailing out" France to them btw
Turkroaches BTFO
Go away ant.
Anglo obsession with France and French people is laughable
>first battle
>unknown, but probably higher