Ask a Roman Catholic who converted to Protestantism anything
Ask a Roman Catholic who converted to Protestantism anything
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Nice blog user, where do I subscribe?
Is that a question?
what denomination did you join?
Why did you leave the top quality world wide, one true catholic church for a bunch of bumbling moaners who do nothing but circle jerk over Martin the meme man Luther.
This is coming from a non catholic by the way
absouletly heretical
should be crucified
You should study Church tradition and come to Orthodoxy.
you don't "convert" from Catholicism, you only fall from grace
What made you convert? Was it the attractiveness of their ideas or a repulsion for catholics ideas?
Do you live in a predominantly catholic or protestant country?
I'm Catholic but 2bh I'm probably a heretic at this point, I'm better off converting but why should I in the end.
come to orthodoxy
As a non religious person, i feel like you made a mistake, unless you live in an area thats like 100% proddy or something
Why did you do it?
You're never more than one good confession from receiving communion if you're confirmed and baptized
Middle ground: Greek Catholic.
Is converting the right word here?
>tfw every church but two are protestant
at least some of them are nice though
>Ama thread
>OP doesn't answer any questions.
Buddhist here.
Why proddy?
It seems to me that Catholics are more open minded on many more subjects, and thus more welcoming to other people of other faiths and cultures. Which saves more soulsfrom hell.
Where proddies just seem to be more inclusive and by being very strict about the bible, they repel people away from Christianity, thus saving less souls from hell, and adding to the decline of christianity in western culture.
>inb4 proddies say "catholics idol the pope"
proddies arent perfect either,
so it seems to boil down to
>be imperfect proddie, repel others from soul saving
>be imperfect catholic, be open and save others from damnation
Being catholic seems more selfless than being a proddy.
>Literally believe that anything the pope says is the word of god and should thus be believed as such.
i think he means less-literal denominations are more open to science etc.
>Was it the attractiveness of their ideas or a repulsion for catholics ideas?
>Do you live in a predominantly catholic or protestant country?
Predominantly Atheist, historically Protestant
He took out my heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh
The Catholic church didn't recognize a heliocentric model until the 1990s
Explain this cuck
No. Go away, shitposter.
Is that a question?
You refuse to answer my argument
A coward you are to History
Protniggers confirmed for ahistorical