Why are colonial countries so crazy for Jesus and Christianity when it was forced on them by their captors?
Why are colonial countries so crazy for Jesus and Christianity when it was forced on them by their captors?
why would they want to burn in hell?
>why are people so happy to have access to Truth?
Some were, some weren't. It varied by country and by individual.
>why are people so happy to live under threat of fire and brimstone if the eye of saur--jesus catches you touching yourself
I know, but if the white man told me I was going to hell while he plundered my nation's resources and all my people were dying from disease, I'd get executed for telling them to fuck off, or i wouldn't be ecstatic about it. South American countries are more into Jesus than anyone else it seems.
lazy mans slave organisation
Simple, Christianity has always been a slave religion
>Why are colonial countries so crazy for Jesus and Christianity when it was forced on them by their captors?
Why do white people today go on with that racist, colonial attitude according to which there's something wrong with you if you don't follow white people's latest craze: Christianity first and now gay feminist secularism?
It's a pretty neat religious package. Missionaries and priests brought both rituals and materials with them. They were visible.
Also in South-America there are synchronisms where aspects of older faiths are still alive in modern day practices.
Because it was forced on them by their captors. Christianity was all the rage in Europe when it was forced on them too.
>why are cucks such cucks
Some it was preached with pure intentions. Others it was coopted as a way of dominance and control by the missionaries or the government.
They were forced to accept Christianity, literally tortured and burned alive if they resisted.
only at first
most of south america for example was converted by native converts who were more fundie than their white converters
initially proddies were intent on eradication as they didn't recognise the natives as humans, cathies were more lenient (convert or die)
As with what many here have said: it varied from context to context, colonizer to colonizer.
Take Spain for instance, in the Americas, where the goal was to acquire lands and create new spains: forcible conversions.
Here in the Philippines, which was too far & hard to reach in addition to powerful local polities to whom steel and gunpowder is not a mystery: aim is to create trade posts for eastern trade.
Conversion went this way during the 16th Century
>Muslim Flips were more powerful than Pagan Flips
>Spics - realizing this after many failed attempts and defeats from Muslims- built fortified empty towns in the lands of their pagan allies.
>Spic missionaries approach Pagans. "Pls. accept Jesus."
>Pagans "Ok, what's in it for us?"
>Spic "well, not only will you not burn in hell but you can totally live inside our awesome fortified town. Its got cannons n shit and pretty much we can help you tell Muslims to fuck off. Also you get to be a christian prince and still rule over your people."
>Pagan: "Wow you guys are great & strong. As per tribal politics I accept your religion and far-away king. I am now Juan Carlos, you can baptize my tribe. I'll contact my brother Chieftain of some other tribe see if he wants in as well.
Later (16th-17th centuries.)
>Mixed race Spanish-Filipino Missionary to Pagan tribe: "Please accept Jesus."
>Pagan tribe: "What's in it for me?"
>Missionary: "Well, not only will you not burn in hell but you can live inside our fortified cities. It's got cannons n shit. Also native princes like you are uniting under the cross and living peacefully. We have successfully defended against Muslim pirates. Why should you be left out?
>Pagans "Wow, you are great & strong. As it is clear in our tribal politics that this far-away king of yours is the new hegemonic power in these islands, I accept him & his religion."
Spain accidentally acquired a colony in the Philippines than the trade post they initially wanted due to loads of willing converts.
Because dey do dis thang called aaynaal leeking, where dey eata da poopoo.
Christians are very good at destroying all traces of rival movements and of painting non-Christian times as being savage and wicked.
>only colonial countries are crazy for jesus
>implying Christianity is not a simitic religion from the middle east
>implying Christianity originated in Europe
>implying the Europeans did not impose their fanaticism and obsession with Jesus onto the colonials
Because they know the atheicuck apostates are subhuman cowards who let the muslims rape their women, and thus they don't want to become like them.
I haven't seen Richard Dawkins kissing many feet.
i've never seen atheists crusading against muslims.
But i see many christians killing shitslims in Central Africa, South Sudan, and so on.