What's a good book on art history...

What's a good book on art history? I know there's no one definitive text and you guys have probably had this thread many times before, but since there were no links or anything in the sticky I figured I would just ask. I'm not that interested in anything past the early impressionists, if that helps.

Other urls found in this thread:


You are in the wrong place.

I mean, classical artwork is stated as one of the purposes of this board right there in the sticky. If you're suggesting I go to /ic/ I can assure you I'm far less likely to find what I'm looking for there.

I am saying if you are looking for books than you are in the wrong fucking place.

>being this dense.

You're saying that history books aren't within the scope of Veeky Forums? Are you suggesting I go to Veeky Forums? I'm seeing no need for insults here, I'm just looking to learn.

>You're saying that history books aren't within the scope of Veeky Forums?
Are you literally retarded? This is a place for discussing what is inside the books you are looking for, not asking for books. There is a fucking board for that you utter moron.

You are like the person who wants to discuss "historical movies" fuck off. Come here once you've read the books you are looking for, then we will talk.


I am going to samefag here. But had you actually read the fucking sticky on this board you would fucking see that discussion of literature, even historically related do not belong here.

Again, fuck off. I wish I could see your face when this thread gets purged and you get a 24 hour mute.

Kill yourself. End your life. You bring no good to anyone, and the world would be better off if you disappeared.


Janson is a good basic resource for a wide, wide overview of Western art history, from Sumer to about 1950. It's somewhat dry, but it will familiarize you so you'll at least be able to say "oh, that's probably from X era, I can tell because Y." It focuses on sculpture, images, and architecture.

>spoon-feeding a literal retard who said he read the sticky but did not.

This is why this place is so shit.

>this blatant anti intellectualism on Veeky Forums
Where are you faggots in the countless religion threads, this is at least different and fosters learning, rather than vitriole

>this is at least different and fosters learning
Still not relevant to this board, you moron.

The reason I made this thread here is I figured that if I brought it to Veeky Forums, it would be pruned for belonging on Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums's sticky says it's for the purpose of discussing both fiction and non-fiction, but it also says to take all discussion of history here. Because of that ambiguity I figured I would try here first. If I was mistaken, I'll gladly look for recommendations elsewhere.
I can't imagine why you seem to be so upset, the worst I'm guilty of is an honest mistake.

Thanks man, I'll be sure to check it out.

>Veeky Forums's sticky says it's for the purpose of discussing both fiction and non-fiction, but it also says to take all discussion of history here.

Are you literally saying asking for books which has the word 'history' ion it is related to history? You didn't read the fucking sticky, why do you say you did? Here, the first fucking sentence.

>Please use Veeky Forums for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.
>Please use Veeky Forums for discussions of literature.
>Please use Veeky Forums for discussions of literature.

Meaning you cannot discuss the ideas there, but you sure as shit can get books relating to the idea there. How is that so hard for you to fucking understand?

>I can't imagine why you seem to be so upset, the worst I'm guilty of is an honest mistake.
You said you read the fucking sticky. You are a moron. I am also sensing newfaggery.

Sorry, dude.

Good. Next time, actually read the sticky. Had you actually made a thread on Veeky Forums you may have found out that history of aesthetics and aesthetics in general is quite an accepted topic there.

>/a/ is great because nobody spoonfeeds
>/v/ is great because nobody spoonfeeds

Oh wait, they're not, they're both total shitholes, and you're a fucking retard. Never respond to me again.

Correlation = causation

Kek. /v/ is a shithole, /a/ is not. I think you simply lack the will power to throw your autism into the ring.

>I can't imagine why you seem to be so upset
>implying you are going to make the same mistake again.

Welcome, newfriend.

>What's a good book on art history?

This is the textbook for the art history class I'm taking this semester and it seems pretty good so far.

Thank you.


Free Art History Book I used for a class last semester.
I only used it for the essays, I used the class lecture for tests so I couldn't tell you if it's any good.

Also I love Art History, needs to be a bigger part of Veeky Forums

I didn't mean to imply that I'm not at fault, the guy just seemed irrationally angry. In any case, I've gotten what I came for so I won't need to be bothering you guys again.

Thanks, man.

Dude, I don't think you did anything wrong either, I think that guy was some weird "bazinga'ing" faggot who doesn't like intelligent discussion.

Maybe next time make it a more general Art History thread and ask for book suggestions in the mix? Idk man

HOLY COW Op, sorry this thread got turned into such shit by the thoroughly in need of love.

Anyway, I've posted this little list before, but I think with these six texts

Kenneth Clark - The Nude: A Study in Ideal Form

Robert Hughes - The Shock of the New

Simon Leys - The Hall of Uselessness

(The only real place to start with aesthetic theories of natural beauty is at the starting point, which is

Immanuel Kant - Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime

after that you could look into the second half of The World as Will and Representation if you wanted to. Oh and probably also Goethe’s book on colors. But this is all really just an attempt to skirt the actual answer to your question which is to read more novels.)

(and the Gardiner, hey, its a standard for a reason. Just figure out what those reasons are)

earths children series by jean auel

You're part of the problem.