>tfw spiders keep laying eggs in my miata
Anyone else have bug trouble?
>tfw spiders keep laying eggs in my miata
Anyone else have bug trouble?
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not anymore
delet this right now
My parent live on a farm and have the electrical cables in their cars eaten by rats on their farm most years. one rat shorted the battery and started a fire, they have gone through 4 cars so far
yeah I had this on my 91 civic hatch as well as my current 98 mustang
fucking terrifying being under the car
My issue is all I see are the babies. once I kill them all I am always afraid some huge ass spider will appear in front of me while on the highway.
I fucking hate spiders.
You'll be fine as long as it doesn't have a mana bar.
Spiders aren't bugs, it's an insult to spiders.
>insult to spiders.
Fuck spiders.
To be fair, it's the only way to be sure.
bugs are cool, spiders are just tryharding faggots
Have they tried the repellant spray on the wires? Also my dad got his s60 eaten by mice and our insurance covered it.
>insulting spiderbro
fuck off
>Spiders aren't bugs, it's an insult to spiders.
Pic related, this is you.
That smile is kek
why don't they get a cat or two. Cats will fix that problem for you.
>spiders keep laying eggs in my spi... oh
Miatas can frown
I find at least 3 dead yellow jackets in my cavalier every couple of months in the summer
Im not sure how they get in but there have always been some in the back window i clean it out and more show up
They're never alive always full grown dead yellow jackets
At least you are not from australia.
>posts an American spider
Aye you cheeky cunt.
>tfw living in jewrope
>tfw no deadly arachnid species
>tfw don't have to be afraid of spiderbros
Feels bretty good. Had a couple of crown orb weavers at home. No flies that summer at all.
>be me
>couple summers ago
>pull car out of garage
>wasps have been around the garage lately presumably due to the recently bloomed flowers and nest
>back out
>forget something inside the house, shut door and run in to get it while avoiding wasps
>return to car and get in
>like 2 fucking wasps flying around inside my windshield
>grab towel I always keep in car while autisticly screeching and begin trying to kill them
>kill them, drive off
>close vents then turn it to 'defrost' on max and roll down my windows once I'm on the road to try and get any more wasps out
>another one comes out
>slow down slightly and roll up windows/turn off hvac to try and prevent aggravating it
>drive carefully to the nearest stoplight and pray it's red
>kill the wasp by wildly beating it with the microfiber towel still littered with the blood and corpses of its kin
>people next to me look at me strangely
>continue on my way to my destination
I've sprayed for wasps ever since and haven't had a problem, but I don't want a repeat of that
>move up north
>no more bugs
>hello salt
you cant fucking win
>hornet nest in an unreachable location
>working at house
>see black widow and egg sack
>douse it with oven cleaner
>come back later
>it's just reddish gray mush
Feels good mang.
Relax, at least you are not from where japanese hornets live... unlike me. My friend could not walk for a week after getting stung by one in the leg.
Miatas can also suffer from PTSD.
The one pictured never fully recovered and committed suicide a month after the heartbreaking photograph was taken.
Please hug your loved miatas, you never know when it's their time.