Why is Germany so intent on destroying Europe?
Why is Germany so intent on destroying Europe?
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Blame Pr*ssia
>phony peace
You have yourselves to thank for that tbqh.
What this user said. We told you to not try and dick over Germany, but noooo League of Nations knows beeeest.
I don't get why Merkel gets so much shit here. How on Earth is she destroying Europe? And don't say muh immigrants cause that's not a correct answer.
> wanting to be cucked by arabs
I see how your position can be right one, but I would disagree with that.
It´s always a Ossi/Ösi
It's in their nature.
>don't say the correct answer cause it's not correct cause i said so
Get the fuck back to /pol/
>inviting millions are muslims to permanently change the racial and cultural identity of Europe doesn't count! Why u hate mommy merkel??!?!?!
Your grammar makes me proud that Europe is falling apart.
Why the fuck should I care about "changing the racial identity of Europe" exactly? I can understand the concerns about culture, but that will take a honest-to-God army, not an army of refugees.
In fact, I'd be more worried about the fact that you can't have all those immigrants and a welfare state at the same time.
Get back to /pol/ faggot. Stay the fuck out of our fucking board. Jesus fucking christ how can anyone be this mentally deficient. Fucking pic related.
>Why the fuck should I care about "changing the racial identity of Europe" exactly?
Well I guess if you want Europe to die then Merel would be a hero, just don't pretend to be shocked that people who don't hate Europe hate Merkel.
Nice non-argument you diaper-soiling faggot.
>permanently change the racial and cultural identity of Europe
Then she's doing a really bad job.
Sandnignogs make less then half a procent of europes current population and the numbers are decreasing.
The "European identity" (if that is even a thing) will not die because the bearers of it are slightly more tanned than "white as snow." It will die if the bearers will feel it is inferior to some other culture/identity, if anything else because it sincerely conquered them militarily and culturally.
I am not the kind of guy who usually critics Merkel (on Veeky Forums), but here is why I dislike she: Europe´s problems are sencodary to her, but German problems suddenlty became European problems.
The migrant issue is a pretty flagrant one, everyone blames her for bringing the inmigrant to Germany, but thats not true. Inmigrants have been arriving to Greece for years, but that was a Greek problem, more so, Greece must pay debts, they are a bunch of lazyfucks and nobody cared.
Then inmigrants arrived to Italy, Italy asked for help, and like Greece before it was ignored. But Italy has a more powerful voice in Europe, and they can use it so Renzi threatened "if Europe does not do anything I will give them papers to let migrants travel through Europe". And then, after the threat, the EU make a first attemp to do something with a quota between countries. But who really cares? Everyone promptly forgot and nobody tried to implement the quota by force.
But, finally, the migrants, who have been living and travelling through Middle East, North Africa or the Balkans, reach Germany, as Greece too bussy paying debts has no means to keep them in check (as the Greeks themselves publically told to the EU). AND SUDDENLY THE MIGRANT ISSUE IS A EUROPEAN PROBLEM.
Now that they are flodding Germany, new quotas are issued, and the countreis that refuse to take their share are accused of being anti-European and are the Turkish help is looked for.
A problem which peripheal European countries have been facing for years only becames relevant when the flood licks the German feet.
But there is even more fun, the same Greece that has to deal with most migrants is the perfect scapegoat and its warned that it could be kicked from the Schengen area, when Greece doesnt even share land border with any other Schengen area country. BRAVISSIMO.
>demographics is a myth!
>savage animals will turn into model Europeans!
>islam is compatible with western civilization!
>why so racist? muslims did nothing wrong!
It's punishment for not letting Germany have true sovereignty..
If we can't have it nobody can