Is there anything more embarrassing than owning a car with hub caps?
Is there anything more embarrassing than owning a car with hub caps?
Being insecure enough to make a thread like this.
Little known fact: "Hub" caps don't actually attach to the hubs. They are affixed to the wheels.
also if you are this much of a whiny faggot about hubcaps, just take them off.
steelies are great too
Posting on Veeky Forums with your phone about cars while riding the bus.
Steelies are tight sometimes but let's be real, normies think they're ultimate shit. And being oblivious to that is the same as wearing a fedora and thinking it's alpha because you don't care about others opinions
Just using the proper terminology
Nah, the are not aesthetic at all and rust out super easy, are you joking?
The daily has steelies
The off roader also has steelies
I was about to mention driving some shitty hatchback with steelies then I saw and laughed
only way it can be worse is if its some old model
Holy fuck that thing looks poverty spec. Even my shitbox came stock with Speedline alloys.
posting stupid r9k pictures on Veeky Forums
can't get more embarrassing than that
say no more
steelies for dem feelies
Drum brakes
>*saturates your route*
>alloy normies be gone
steelies look better than 99% of alloys aka nigger rims.
My mates and I used to call removing hub caps "rally speccing"
steelies are patrician as fuck.
theyre more embarrassing than all of them too
That looks like shit.
steelies look cool as fuck. i didn't even know they made them for most cars. might want to get some for my shitbox.
steelies are "i drive the basest model" or "i'm on winter tyres"
Owning a car with only 3 hubcaps?
It depends, are we talking about intentionally taking them off for that
>A E S T H E T I C
or normies buying base model shit and not taking care of them until they fall off?
Because if we're talking about before, fucking you go man looks great
But the latter, no, no please god no
I like steelies with chromed/painted rims
>Red Toyota Corolla S
>Red hubcaps that perfectly match the rest of the car in color
fucking cringe. I want to see the person on my block who owns this piece of garbage
My alloys have hub caps. Yours do too. Stupid fuck.
Not owning a car at all.
I've always wanted to put winter tires on steelies while the summer tires stay on the alloys. Too bad my car came with all weather. Pic is not mine.
steelies in the winter
stock chrome in the summer
Just terrible
BRZ would look good with theeeese
You probably woulnd't be able to fit them
My corvette has those and they don't look like it but they are deep fucking dish wheels because they were designed around hiding those gargutuan boat anchor rotors that the 70's vettes had.
Also the rings end up looking like shit because its hard as fuck to get them on and off without even slightly denting them
And the caps are a real nig to remove
meant for