Fighting Games General /fgg/
fuck sfv
>Fighting games will die in your lifetime
fat cammy is disgusting that artist should kys himself
Xrd for Xrd
Post >yfw you got left behind
I want to marry Sin!
Play Makoto's game Street Fighter III:3rd Strike on Fightcade
Brush your teeth user.
Why couldn't capcom at least fix clipping issues during the vs screen and story, it's bad.
>I'm gonna try Tekken and stick with it
No you won't
None of you will
Don't waste your money
Cute gif desu
So you don't want the game to have higher sales?
Thoughts on the new pool format for combo breaker?
I do!! she is honest and best girl
>Tfw you only like fighting games because the characters are cool but secretly you hate the gameplay
Seriously why can't Q have his own game or something
I do but what will that matter with no one playing after 5 days?
What would you rather have us do?
No, Smash and For Honor will keep the genre alive
Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
excellent choice
As if centering your screen on someone's head is somehow more engaging
Of course no one will be playing if you tell people not to buy it. Someone will surely stick with it. Keep in mind that if a million guys buy it, at least 10 will keep playing. May not sound like much, but it's better than nothing.
I mean, I started playing Tekken with Revolution
>tfw set this gif as my background so i can see her smile every time and with that she makes me smile too
Hah! Gay!
I mean its still double elim, not much difference except larger losers bracket
Looks fine.
cammy tips?
How can you hate fighting game gameplay? What's wrong with it?
Jump forward. Cannon Strike.
get your opponent in the corner and proceed to rape
I mean, if there are people who stick with the atrocity that is SFV surely a decent game like Tekken would have loyal players who consistently play it, don't you think?
But I like Tekken
Pray 5 times a day
Play dbz super
It als is already by smash community.
It's not a Capcom game AND it's a 3d game, so history tells us that the odds are against it.
None of my friends play this and to my knowledge, there's no good netplay for PCSX2
don't get hit
chichi is hot desu
if you shit talk or if something funny happens it's going to be a webm. wouldn't be a problem if people didn't think they had some kind of rep to protect lol
every fighting game that namco makes that isn't Tekken is trash
Good pic but reduce the size so i can save it 1mb is too much
Seems good.
When I see DoA threads I get a glimpse of what normal people must see when they look at anime games
>drop roach
>use nature's guidance on it
>didn't even attack
jesus christ time to go to bed
reminder that lilith gave him the bsc in makai.
Get new images, dogfucker.
Thanks family
I wish my tip was deep inside Cammy
USF2 is such a disappointing cash grab. Can't say I'm surprised though.
no way, Cammy&Rashid just won the best couple popularity poll, she will rescue him for sure!
bravo japan
Is Neo Turf Masters a fighting game?
thats kreymore tho
Who the fuck is kreymore?
>IKing Elphlet as Sin
dieminions twin brother. he plays juri.
You're right i never noticed it wasnt dieminion lmao
enjoy having to create alt accounts just to con people into playing you lol!
this is so silly
get one knockdown against a character with no reversal and you have completely braindead zero thought meaties into tick command grab bullshit every time
what if fighting games had talents and abilities like in dota 2 that allowed players to customize their characters?
Literally my strategy as Necalli.
What can you do, thats SF5 for you.
Why is azrael the default training dummy in bb? Seems arbitrary.
necalli though you have to play neutral a bit though before you get a KD and go happy time
>there will never be an Ougon Musou Kyoku 2 which unkusoges the game and gives it rollback netcode
Truly this tale must have been written by the most cruel witch...
and even if you think the throw is coming, it never does and crush counters/counter hits for days.
that would be a kusoge and was already tried with sfxt
How did she not block it?
Nothing inherently wrong with the idea but it might turn matchup data into a huge clusterfuck. It wouldn't be much different than fightan games like 3rd Strike and USF4 where you pick from multiple supers.
Speaking of DOTA2 I always thought it could be fun to have a game like KOF but with a drafting process during character select.
Grenade exploded.
Oh I didn't see that with the shit quality.
That just forces you to play characters you don't like and it makes it so you never actually play your best characters which is retarded and not fun.
>I'm gonna try Tekken and fap with it
Yes I will
At the end of the day that's all any of you care about right? It's pathetic.
Too late. Already bought the collector's edition.
It seems fun to me but I have character ADD.
Yes, that user does so it means all the fanbase does it too
All of you do. Every single one of you only cares about what gets your dick hard.
What's wrong with that
merk time
See me in a cross Atlantic Eliza mirror deathmatch
Anyone wanna play doa5lr on xbone?
I'm gonna get tekken and rev2 and stick with them because there's nothing else interesting for me
any beginner wanna play melty blood?
Which characters are the most hated in SFV and why?
if you're going to listen to techno at least listen to the good shit
You truly are a ignorant 16er.
Normies will buy into the initial hype and even buy the season pass.
In the first week, they'll happily mash against other normie mashers until they get anally ravaged by someone with a modicum of tekken experience. Then comes the juggle plateau, where they'll keep getting raped and bitch about those "faggot juggles"
Then most will proclaim its shit and worse than Jive while they shitpost about the next "savior" of fighting games.
Only very few people from the initial hype will actually stick with the game.
This has been happening for years.
mika, urine, balrog, laura, their gameplan is considered cheap and too strong by a lot of people
Who's the best gorilla in fighting games
whats your ip?
FAG before he was nerfed to oblivion
idk if this will work or not