OLD: >169306234
comfy bfs edition~
OLD: >169306234
comfy bfs edition~
Other urls found in this thread:
>new bond of stone
without number crunching, is there any reason not to take CoC over this?
f l u f f y
t a i l s
Alabaster abs
is boots 4 bots the best start on jhin? or is long sword and 3 pots still the standard
I wanna cuddle Jinx
cant you guys post this waifu/husbando stuff in some subreddit or something
im sure theyd appreciate comfy bfs and mating press more than 99% of the people here
idk MAN just a thought
I know I'm late on this but like
Riot really putting good money in their art dept.
everyone loves some pocelain
even Talon
Wish Pool Party Miss Fortune was drawn by the same person.
can you go post your non-waifu/husbando stuff in the league of legends subbreddit?
im sure theyd appreciate your bitching more than 99% of the people here
idk MAN just a thought
Depends on if your ADC is AA reliant or not. The only lethality adcs that will use it are jhin and losecian but no one plays losecian. I think they're trying to add power to the mastery while having people shift over too carry builds on adc and make the nerf on warlords less shit since you're getting your sustain through actual interactive fighting and not afk farming
Xtg for the League's biggest and best bust
wish SS vayne's artist was more experienced.
>That flat midriff
you're going to love this, trust me. what you're seeing now is my normal state. this is a super saiyan. and this. this is what is known as a super saiyan that has ascended past a super saiyan. or, you could just call this a super saiyan two. what a useless transformation, you changed your hair so what? hmhmhm just wait. has he really found a way to surpass an ascended saiyan? is that possible? he must be bluffing I am what would that make him? a double saiyan? AND THIS. eh what he doing? AND THIS IS TO GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
What's wrong with it? I think it's fine and way better than PPMF's.
What if LoL had a champion that was a dirty looking fuck (that prob smells disgusting) and blows people up with a big ass double barreled shotgun?
youre right, Vlad makes such a good girl(male)
the pale skinned boys are so cute
You mean Graves?
I want to pump shyvana full of quarter half babies
Meh colours generic face no depth not very sharp. Miles away from SS Vlad which came 2 years before that even.
So this is what a retard looks like
Bisexual manwhores are a blessing to us all. Truly the masterrace and God's gift to the world.
"Every woman's husband and every man's wife"
-Julius Caesar characterized by Curio, according to Suetonius
>mfw urgot urf
slutty bunny vladimir skin WHEN?
>tfw ywn be vlads top
so many people on league friday night, very sad imho
how does urf mmr work? is it like our normals/aram mmr or a different one?
It feels pretty good to be a guy who only plays Support and dodges for the innocent because 3 LP is better than 20 LP from "first time champ" jgs
You can be, if you're high enough in the Black rose hierarchy so that he seriously considers whoring himself to you in exchange for political power.
do you even ask to trade? most supps are probably autofilled mids and jgs who will be happy to trade
You're gonna die lonely.
Who is the hotter dragon, Shyv or Dragon Zyra?
>implying he wouldnt sub for me because he likes it
>soraka main
>haven't played in two weeks
>playing squirt gun carry
>having a actual fun time
>like actually having a good time
>mid starts having a hissy fit
>stops fighting with team
You have to be deliciously Vayne to achieve that
this wasnt written by me btw fanfiction.net
>"waaah, minor inconviniences happen, and ruin my whole mood :c"
Tristana's dragon
It's pretty nice to queue support main and never have to hear "I GOT AUTOFILLED SUPPORT TRADE OR LOSE"
Best girl
Best adc
>implying I wouldnt get him to enjoy it
>implying I couldnt make him use his blood magic to feminize his body more to suit my tastes
ah I want a cute girly boy like vlad
Faggotry is cancer.
who has a really big pepe folder, i want to train a neural net on it
hey. some of us are alright.
The Destroyer - power bottom
Trismegistis - enjoys monkey themed bedroom play
Gumi Cat - will moan Euler's name while you fuck him and completely ruin your mood
Angel Wiggums - the very archetype of a bratty sub, acts hostile and rude in an attempt to invite punishment and domination--unfortunately few people are capable of fulfilling his fantasies
Megu Wormie - shy but very receptive as long as you take the lead
Bukkage - 5 star difficulty rating to tame but once broken in will prove unmatched in quality as a cum slave
dawt - comes bundled with Bukkage
Meliorne - easily the most chatty of all the lolg sluts
Rumia - literally cannot stop thinking about sucking dicks for more than 3 seconds, very deep in the closet but wont fight you if you come on to him
Master Style - absolute slut, will sub or dom for anyone
Quiet and chill faggots are alright.
No. The ancient people had it all figured out.
so the greeks?
Why do fags post pictures of girls when you all are men?
Could I play Zyra mid
>some pathetic neckbeard thinks they can influence the fetishes of a hyper-promiscuous sex god who's had every type of filthy degenerate sex in existence and knows exactly how he likes it
I'm expecting this to be a go to for Jungle tanks.
Combined with Cinderhulk that's a fuckton of extra health. Their midgame scaling is gonna be insane AND they bring innate sustain for the whole team
Faggotry was not so much spread in ancient Greece as modern faggot propaganda would lead you to believe.
Especially after Greeks became Christian.
we're allowed to if we look like grills~
with my rock hard abs I could entice him into it, especially since a cutie like him couldnt possibly grow masculine body hair
as a midriff connoisseur
this pleases me
I can 100% guarantee you look nothing like a girl
Last Whisperer is so much better now.
Thank you riot.
Can actually do damage.
>no esports tonight
>or for the rest of the weekend
Wait, what? Why?
>could i play a high damage mage with cc mid
>implying i didn't see that coming
>implying i need your validation
you flatter me heh
The lane for strong independent men who needs nobody to win the game
Strategist, he decides which lane gets to snowball and when to countergank
Sissies who only Kill steal, usually roam bot to last hit the enemy ADC or support
minion that needs to be babysitted for 30 minutes to do anything useful
The supportive big sister who helps the team achieve victory trough buffs or plays
Wrong or right?
IEM break is for two weeks and IEM itself has 2 matches tomorrow with the semis and final being on sunday, i think.
>The lane for strong independent men
Aaaaaaaaaanddddddddd wrong.
>dead Riven top pinging
>gnak Xin
>all: x9 report Xin no gank troll
t. AD babby
literally a clean shaven whiter Jayce with long hair. Unless you count Academy who hasn't hit puberty yet (but that's no excuse to pedo all over him).
>implying you have nicer abs than him
supp is for sissy beta cucks
What champions never see play in tournament play despite being good on ladder?
>play like shit
>enemy laner taunting in all chat
>get carried to victory by my team
>same nigga is flaming in postgame chat
best fill
raging pussy that plays ranged laners or renekton/riven OR rager one gank away from going afk, or a mix of both
either smurf or trick2g enthusiast
faker wannabe, will either solo carry the game or be alost as useless as the adc
canon minion that can leave bot lane and help with drag/baron
erping sissy eloslut or tanky "playmaker" that doesnt know how to peel for carrys
that's an easy one
When will the next new champ be revealed?
shaco, swain, and riven come to mind
>this login theme
Wrong, I am neither strong nor independent
top/jungle main detected
Riven and annie are 2 that come to mind.
Now this, this is correct.
>login for my boy Xin
Fugg, i really want this skin
why do you autists keep posting this shit, you already killed rumia please end this meme
After Urgot rework I think. It's gonna be a support of some kind.
my core is what I work on the most, and he is DEFINITELY a cute effeminate boy, right next to ez but hes too annoying for my taste
Id rather have a brat like vlad to put in his place
No it fucking isnt
>Jayce's mana costs increased
>He will finally have to fucking build Tear again
Can 7.5 get anymore based
>T. topcuck mad that people arent swallowing his bullcrap.
After the Galio rework
Speaking of which
>Demacia icon on PBE
>all but confirms Demacia lore update coming soon
>will likely coincide with Galio rework
>will also likely be followed by Noxus lore update
>which will probably coincide with Urgot rework
>maybe if we're lucky, these lore updates will expand on the potential forbidden romance between Garen and Kat
>if this happens, Imthem will cry
t. top lane bitch
literally every single post you need to elevate yourself above everyone else when the ENTIRE playerbase knows youre all different flavors of tryndamere and if you get ganked aand die a SINGLE time you will tilt off the face of the earth and refuse to group since the jungler didnt camp your ass
>exhaust nerf
finally its been needed for the longest time
They could fix leathality
Either way I'm happy when they do fix it and all the previously nerfed champions like jayce who used it are complete trash afterward
Gee thanks autofill :^)
so much potential
>more nerfs to karthus
hella epic XDD
There's Varus and Talon on the masculinity chart between Ez and Vlad desu.
Possibly Zed too.
>enemy team has jayce urgot vlad garen
>we have thresh illaoi
lol ok
I honestly don't have a problem with Lethality so much as I do with EoN's bullshit shield and the fact Crit is a complete fucking joke right now
Yeah this patch and this next patch are pretty nice.
I'm liking them a lot.
Lethality is still problem though.
don't forget that they'll feed and keep taking fights/1v2's they'll lose and then complain "wtf im getting dove now" after being 0/7 and just blame the jg