How did you find your faith, Veeky Forums?
How did you find your faith, Veeky Forums?
I was about to be shot but I was offered to become one of them instead of dying alone. Being an autistic lonely person i accepted. I fight for Allah now in Afghanistan.
I didn't. I never had it and barring mental illness or massive cranial trauma, I never will.
save yourself user
No thank you. I would rather not damage my mind to the point where I'm willing and able of accepting irrational statements blindly as fact. I am not capable of belief.
Is it bad that I go to Catholic mass from time to time even though I'm an atheist because I find the music and atmosphere soothing and I like the childhood nostalgia it gives me?
Mark 9:23
Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
Most catholics don't believe the stuff that's preached
it's just so ingrained in certain cultures (Italian, Spanish, etc) that it's more of a cultural practice rather than a religious one
I looked down at my crotch, and realized my gigantic penis was God.
I looked around us, checked the arguments and scientific evidence and concluded that we live inside the carcass of a dead God.
Thor spoke to me and he gave me strength to kill my enemies. So I guess my faith found me.
How many did you kill yet Coldsteel?
Was raised nominally Christian by lapsed Catholics (didn't go to church, wasn't baptized, but taught about God from a Christian perspective), as I got older realized a personal God didn't make much sense when one looks at the world, became Deist. Still cool with Jesus, would probably embrace Christianity fully if there was any indication it was true.
I don't know why, but I've always felt drawn to the North, and a few years ago I read the Völuspá and really liked it
after 7 years of soul searching i concluded that God exists, or at least a god
did he also tell you to grow a neckbeard?
Hey stupid Christian.
Prove Paganism wrong.
WITH ACTUAL FACTS, not the bullshit you have got written in the bible.
>converting ot what your girlfriend is
>not having her convert to your beliefs
cuck you will never be the man in the relationship
Kill yourself
Hey stupid Pagan,
Prove that the Earth doesn't float on sea.
WITH ACTUAL FACTS, not the bullshit you have got written in the books.
I was on the verge on a severe mental breakdown, went into an insane asylum and then suddenly discovered JAYSUS
Nao I have f8th, believe in life & everything will be okay senpai, the fact that I'm basically a failure at everything doesn't matter because I'll go to heaven
You need Jaysus, bro
funny since you beleive that and everything else youve written in this thread. Which you learnt from people on the internet
The memes revealed themselves to me
Listening to the Insane Clown Posse
Not even joking
By realizing that faith was the human ability to believe what we have not seen.
Lack of interest. Research cultivated a dislike of the totalitarian abrahamic religions, while the rest just seem even more ridiculous. If a person finds their faith rewarding, that's fine. I have no need for it.
Do you have any hope for your future?
I haven't found it yet. Still looking.
Shadilay brother! Praise be the brightest darkness!
sure. Got a good job that keeps me busy and I'm surrounded by lovely people.
Hope is an illusion -- KEK honors only lulz.
Look no further user. KEK is with you!
Buddhism made some level of sense, so I tried it. Personal experience convinced me it was probably true.
I'm sorry, but the memes have never spoken to me. Why I've never even made a meme.
KeK does not speak to us but through us, user.
The LORD took out my heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh
good lad
Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!
I am an Astrologist
I follow the old Gods,
and chart my course by the stars.
Haven't got it yet, but I'm slowly accepting that there is mystery to the universe that I'll never be able to quantify.
Worked on a tallship for a few years,
Working up a mast in bad weather in the literal pitch darkness of 4am I became an extremely pious man.
how was it user
how did you land that job?
When it's good it's great. When it's bad. Well they had to pressgang folk for a reason but eventually even the worst of sailors breaks and gets into it.
Hard work, heavy weather and usually a daily dose of mortal peril make it a pretty good life for a young man. I only worked on professional ships with very small crews so it was pretty as great as it was brutal at times.
Ships are always looking crew if you're up for working for bread and board alone. I didn't a proper wage for a year. Can't spend it anyway.
I didn't.
I was raised catholic and would absolutely crusade but no I don't have faith.
Are you american?