GSL Code S
1h 17m
herO vs sOs
Ryung vs Maru
SC2 General
Other urls found in this thread:
oriental girl friend 2017/2018!
i love innovation
eng dubs = epic ftw
thinking about getting a bunch of statues for my future apartment thoughts?
like 10 of them
frick my butt in a cold shower edition
lesbos is an island in greece
never trust a guy that posts by solving image captchas
i think thats a good rule to live by
like how big
or like big $2000 anime figurines
frick the heck nope
holy fucking shit trump banned cnn and the new york times from a white house press pool
i'm fucking cumming i cant stop
na dubs = epic ftw
i didnt post in the thread but im from ireland
trump is a frickin g-d
hmmm all the ones on amazon seem to be in the 6inch range i'd want them bigger
/f/ was really boring
usually there's at least one good .swf but it was all trash
when did /scv/ suddenly become communist. you cant ban the free press
word +1
6 inches is average ya size queen...
actually 5.1 is
6 inches is over average by a lot
we banned the janny
*goes back to caveman times and paints 'gook' on a cave wall*
only for chinks and binder bup dings
we banned the gook
feeling a bit hungered at this very moment
sorry i dont see race i just see people
and the average size is 5.1
lol yeah you can
our fucking guy just did
the fuq? lol
not in a western country. tiny dicked asians bring down the average a lot
Brendan Valdes@BrendanValdes
Filling in for GSL tonight. Excited to join a SPECIAL SECRET MYSTERY GUEST on The Bunker before #GSL today!
Brendan Valdes@BrendanValdes
Filling in for GSL tonight. Excited to join a SPECIAL SECRET MYSTERY GUEST on The Bunker before #GSL today!
Brendan Valdes@BrendanValdes
Filling in for GSL tonight. Excited to join a SPECIAL SECRET MYSTERY GUEST on The Bunker before #GSL today!
not watching
ugh...starshitters gonna be in the thread later on... NOT looking forward to that
5.6 is average in america
and that's after black people and natives
*making ur agf cry with your massive 5.6 inch penis*
gonna leave for a while
'Sup /sc2g/
I will say it now, do not rule out Ryung, I have seen him beat INnovation a few times on ladder recently and he has the moves, if he can counter Maru's doom drop play it will be a close match!
gonna chug some more beers hopefully i pass out before starcrumps invade
Can someone tell me please, why most people think sOs will win against herO?
Did you guys seen sOs in Ro.32 and Ro.16? Every Game i watched him in the last weeks was soooo bad, it's a wonder he advanced to the playoffs. HerO on the other side plays extremely well in all of his games so far.
i go and say 3:0 or 3:1 for herO
Maru will also 3:0 or 3:1 Ryung
someone wheel me away before gsl starts
lol i spilled the clothespins :P
angelus silesius
also lol
sOs has a history of embarrassing herO is big matches hehe.
herO looks more crisp right now, but if they both play at their peaks sOs is the winner. sOs is one of the few players that can really switch it on sometimes
could not care less
i havent given a fuck about sc2 since dh roccat lotv championship when we saw that lotv didnt change a fucking thing
okay i guess ill skip todays games
havent played since wol
for me, its socrates
Maru and Inno play entirely different. I'm not ruling anyone out but I wouldn't be putting even a few bucks on Ryung
current meta? havent played
ryung is a tvt god
but hopefully maru wins
a ryung semi would probly be terrible
how can girls be so comfortable with just sticking stuff up their butt...
my picks for the tourny? dont care
i dont even remember the last time i watched a sc2 game
its all about bw now
for me its hermetic esotericism, hands down the most insightful branch of philosophical discourse
I've never assumed sOs to be fundamentally a stronger player than HerO in the general sense. That said in PvP it seems more of a tossup. HerO's standard play is stronger but sOs seems better in longer series and against standard play in general. Not to mention the previous history of these two players. I think it will be a close series at the very least (rooting for 3-2 HerO).
Maru 3-0 Ryung. Not much to say Here
ikr girls and boys both have the exact same butt but it's frowned if a man uses theirs?? wtf?????
only had 1L of beer
should i drive to mcdonalds
mhm mhm... very interesting....
but how do you account for sicoully effect within that scope.....
thanks jason
yeah hahaha
Maru 3-1 Ryung
sOs 3-2 herO
i cant wait until i learn some basic philosophy and then i can join in on the talks and maybe meet a few girls
quite an atmosphere in here tonight... big tournament looming... cucumber up my ass...
1 liter is 34oz of beer...
i usually drink triple that
i ignore it
on one hand I want the double jin air win but on the other hand maru vs sos will probably be a shitty semi
Is the countdown (1h from now) to the Bunker or to the show afterwards?
*tries jamming house keys into car door* why the heck wont this thing open lol i just want to get some mickey D's and a couple beers woopsydoodle *falls down* hahahaha ok got it open time to go *accidentally turns on turn signal and windshield wipers on full speed* ahahha wtf im fine *drives*
great thanks for making my youtube feed flood with pewdiepie i fucking hate you so much
i kant get into philosophy for the life of me i think derridas something wrong with me
we like pewdiepie now
that guys gonna kill an innocent bystander... *calls the police*
odds order 'zah
evens eat noodles
thats to the show afterwards
*speeds down a secluded back road at night with the headlights off and a nice buzz going*
i think i'm finally turning things around :>
*breakdances into the room*
funny thing is people who grew up on pewdiepie are now openly posting on Veeky Forums
you gotta just locke in your focus...dont be freudulent with your passions
man your gonna kill someone... cant let you do this
ok im gonna stop taking antidepressives for a few days so i can fap to that wgirl
Thanks anime guy
*eats a pack of gummybears*
*flips on the pewds*
what a god