>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
I love Alfonse.
Azura a best.
Kagero is my wife
Camilla a best!
Can we hack in feathers yet?
Where's the latest version of Tact Hack and Gheb FE?
what's the best FE Hack?
Prove to me that FeMU is flat. You can't.
I love Azura
Robinfags are actually the worst. When Fates was brand new and Femui was quickly gaining status as a semen demon they were annoying as fuck
Shit taste
Say something nice about your wife Lucina!
you touch yourself. Therefore she's flat
Fuck off you faggot, the threads were actually not bad while you were gone.
Best ship
I'm still rerolling. I've just been REALLY unlucky the past couple hours.
Let me know if anyone wants any specific solos because I'm throwing away most of the non SS rank solos.
The latest versions should be in the hack compilation in the linkbin
>What's the best FE Hack?
Last Promise. Road To Ruin is also really good though it's not finished just yet.
I only have 4 of 9-Lunatic maps to beat before I've beaten them all.
You think these 4 will get me through them?
Or should I wait until Monday's new banner and hope for something better?
Who /alreadyboredofheroesandstartedaplaythroughofanotherfealready/ here?
>cucked by Veronica.
>Stockholm syndrome
Reminder to protect your manaketes from evil dragon slayers.
I like Hana
Eww who the fuck marries this ramen haired loser.
Heroes takes next to no time to play anyway, why weren't you already playing another FE?
I've been looking for Jeorge so if you get one post it here.
she's just as busty as femrobin!
I tried to pick up FE6, but I couldn't get past the graphics. Only other FE I've played it PoR and I had no problems with that.
Since heroes came out I finished FE1, FE3, and FE4.
Started FE2 but its shit so i'll never finish it.
>your wife Lucina!
Nowi is the best! Even if she is used goods, which she isn't, she will wait literally forever for her one true love. *Sob* *sniff* Avatar's not gone! He's/She's just...misplaced! I'll wait a thousand years for him/her if I have to!
Alfonse pls
So is there any way a shit team can determine when they can have a good chance at winning advanced in arena? I ask cause my niece is starting FEH and she's all about cute characters and gives no fucks. I mean I'm trying to reroll an account for her according to her specific units list but it's not going so well.
I've at least convinced her to not use that stuff in arena until she gets the feathers for her favorites, but that leaves her with units like Sharena, Anna, Lissa, Olivia as her best units. Should I just tell her to play it safe and stick to intermediate instead?
do share solo azuras im sure couple of anons here are also willing to gamble on solo azura accounts
>Not playing FEH between chapters
Don't tell me you put all your mind and effort in playing FEH
I'm playing FE7 and I just got Priscilla, is there any reason to use pic related over her? Other than Serra being much cuter.
I've beaten FE8 again for the fourth time, and I'm tempted to do a third run of Radiant Dawn
Would you want nowi to show up in the next fire emblem game even if she is old and cowtits like tiki did
>Minerva, the most badass flyer in the franchise
>very fun to play
>absolute dogshit art in Heroes
Why do they do this? Her original art is so much better it's not even funny.
Pregnant women get breasts all the time even after.
that was annoying as fuck to read
Yeah though, everyone in FEH is at proper levels, I need more feathers before I can promote, and the current banner is hot ass. Aside from failing at the arena once a day there's actually nothing to do right now
I'm playing through awakening right now because I never did. Having a pretty good time so far. Got to ch 9 as F!Robin but I've switched to M!Robin for muh immersion. Now on ch.6
Not sure how people use Donnel on hard+ difficulties. Dude is a ridiculous liability.
I'd like 4 or 5* titties with perfect IVs. Kagero, Camilla, Lyn, any of them work or hell even if the IVs suck so long as there's two or more together I'd take it.
>im sure couple of anons here are also willing to gamble on solo azura accounts
Yeah that's me. One of the main things I'm rolling for is a good Azura account because I've yet to have one.
I don't know why you'd want a Jeorge but okay!
Do you want 4*s as well or just 5*s? Clear %*s are hard to come by.
Will do!
She could walk on sand better?
>shit art
This is the most contrarian thing I have ever seen in this general, I hope you're baiting
That's not her original art.
Why do you guys like FE7 so much when its not even the best strategy game on its own system?
Shadow dragon's art always felt off.
>Chrom looks amazing on the intro screen.
>Looks like shit ingame.
If you're going to do GBA 6 is an awful place to start
>dissing that spritework
hana sucks though
Donnel is only held in high regards by people who started with the series on Awakening and played on Normal Casual, that's why.
Shoulda just gave him to Kozaki.....
>getting your niece into a gambling simulator
No Kozaki magic.
Please answer
Use both. Heals on wheels is good.
Serra promotes into D-rank Light Magic, where Priscilla promotes into E-rank Anima magic, which is already covered by Pent but can still be useful.
>Will do!
Thank you very much.
Just reroll until you get 1 5* cute unit and at least some cute 4*
She should be able to beat adv, it really just depends on her accumulative rating, if it's low enough you won't see Tacos and Hectors. Is 10k feathers still a gift? Get her to 5* Sharena, she can carry with her stats and then play defense and support with her abilities.
Go home user, we all know that IS made a much better game with FE7 than whatever faggot developers made Advance Wars
How do Lynfags feel about this official CG?
She saw me play, saw a character she liked (Raigh, thank god he's free), then started from there. At least I prevented her from spending money.
What's wrong with a friendly hug?
You have Julia and Ephraim. I would hold off for next banner.
im jealous of lyn
>Other than Serra being much cuter.
Do you need another reason?
I finished FE6 and I like Roy now.
Everyone on the intro screen looks better than they actually do in the game because Kozaki did the art.
See the thing is most of who she likes doesn't even come in 5*, so I have to make do with getting better IVs once she found out about it since she wants them 'perfect'. I'll give asking her to invest in Sharena a shot but I don't know...kids you know?
That actually gets me worried. How many kids are going to pick up FEH and then drain the fuck out of their mommy's credit cards summoning like crazy?
We'll find out by how long this game lives.
A couple, probably. It happens with all the mobile games, they're designed around it.
If you actually give your children unrestricted access to a mobile device that has credit card info saved then honestly you kinda deserve it.
I dream of my beautiful wife and all the wonderful things we do together as a couple, I love Severa so much!
I don't even plan to play Heroes anytime soon. Hard mode Conquest is really fun though.
I'll try asking again, is a +Spd/-Res adult Tiki good? I want to get a 5* version, but I don't want to roll the shit gacha. I know young Tiki is better, but I have both.
So is there just no reason to play heroes anymore because of hacking?
What's this about hacking?
Anna is for ____
What's the best IV combination for Adult Tiki anyways? I'm curious, mines +Spd/-Hp
The shading is awful, her pose is completely generic, her expression is blank, and it looks very flat (see: right hand). Also the hair is stupid.
It's just extremely amateurish art overall, done for a pretty major character no less.
+big breasts/-clothes tiki is best for 5 starring
maybe with my magic and talents i can make you have decent sized titties one day. or maybe i can get tharja to help me curse you with big titties.
Tiitycina is one of the greatest things that will never be. Maybe Baby Lucina will grow big and busty now that she's growing up in a timeline with proper nutrition.
pic related
delete this
The weak should fear the strong
Let's see your art skills
That's not hacked in yet. They are still working on Nino.
Or if /feg/'s favorite crackship for a three day period actually came true
Takumi looks great ingame.
If Saber can get tits, Lucina can too.
It'd help me with my conflicting emotions for her.
She's cute but I'm not into loli. Older, slightly wiser Nowi would fix everything. She already looks older in Heroes. Just a bit.
Even better i would say.
Reminder that Robin is neither flat or busty, but in that perfect middle ground instead!