I'm a failed tradesman/blue collar labourer. Is 26 too old to go to university?
I'm a failed tradesman/blue collar labourer. Is 26 too old to go to university?
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age is just a number
why do you want to go to university though?
i dunno but im hopefully going back soon and im 27
asking here is guaranteed negative advice
hnng those 12 yo, though
you're never too old to educate yourself
How did you fail being a tradesman?
It depends on your location and the costs of living. If you don't plan on studying a meme degree and need to work for a living, expect three to six years of hardship which might not pay off. You will not find the answer on here.
Whats to say you wont fail there too? Plenty of college grads are having trouble finding work and they are in mountains of debt to boot.
I highly doubt reddit makes up a majority of college graduates. They are the failures. People who actually did it right don't have time to he posting about their personal life on internet forums.
How did you fail?
being a tradesman is literally just swinging the hammer around.. how did you fail? built a house upside down?
>preferring (((((college))))) over hard work
Which is why you should call put anyone roleplaying here
It's fun to watch them get angry
Went at 26 to get my physics degree. But I'm going the doctoral route.
What exactly are you worried about? You essentially get easy relationships with women in their early 20's. You'll get access to expensive software and gyms. You can walk into groups on campus and make connections. If this is your first degree, you can get a pell grant to cover expenses.
What degree are you looking for? I could suggest resources for mathematics and the sciences if you're afraid of underperforming.
Link em pls
If you failed a trade what makes you think you'll do good in uni?
On the brightside the kneepad industry is booming you should hop on that.
Bruh there was a 60 year old in my calculus 2 class and he had the brightest character in class. Age has no barrier on your performance in life unless you let it.
>age is just a number
but neural plasticity isn't LOL
What's your interest? Here are two invaluable resources for math in college. Though, at a certain point you'll have to scour the internet for help regarding very, very upper-level mathematics.
>Khan Academy gamified math lessons. Free lectures regarding most college curriculum mathematics. Works like a point system in which you continue on to harder concepts as you gain points.
>PatrickJMT; Used him a bit more for calculus and I think ODE's.
Those are some visual / interactive math resources. If you have a particular interest I can recommend other things if I used an online resource for it.
The guy is in his mid-20's... neural plasticity is probably not going to come into play as much as you think it might. You'd be surprised how many people have the capacity to learn complex-ish things if they simply teach themselves how to learn.
its almost impossible to fail as a laborer...
Its either you put a little effort at work or you don't at all. Don't go to Uni if you cant even pick up garbage in the construction site..
We all started as the laborer (I did too when I was 18).. I hustled even though i'm only 110lbs back then (asian.) Now 19 yrs old carpenter... I'm in charge of two apprentice carpenters older than me... Just hustle... You really don't know what you are capable of until you bust your balls. Although I am in no position to give advice. I'm still a young fagget. Good luck out there
being a blue collar is pretty comparable to Uni-Students who reads textbooks day after day ^_^.. More of a choice on Swinging hammers or Reading Textbooks :P jk