At a red light

>at a red light
>turns green
>guy behind starts honking .1 seconds after its been green

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>faggot makes another dumb

get off your phone, it's probably been green for 5 sec

if the guy in front of me doesnt start moving 3 sec after green i honk at him

If 20 people sit around with their fucking thumb up their dick at the light, That's a whole fucking light cycle wasted. Wake the fuck up. If you can't get it in gear as fast as an automatic you shouldn't be driving a fucking manual.

3 seconds is too much. Now I bet your going to get all pissy when I have to do the honking for you.

>be me
>riding skateboard to class from parking garage
>at a crosswalk, no intersection but there is a left turn lane
>saudi kid in his C63 is waiting before the light turns red so he can make a u turn
>he has a clear four second to make the turn no problem
>light turns red
>he guns it
>people already in the crosswalk
>directly in his path
>stop and wait while he's trying to make his turn
>look him in the eyes
>he throws his arms up
>just stand there
>he blares his horn
>stand there some more
>play the waiting game until he gets out of his car to threaten me
Just because you're a prince in your shit hole country doesn't mean that bullshit like that flies anywhere else.

>at red light
>guy behind starts honking before it turns green

You should be treating the lights like a Christmas tree and be pre staging your shit. Git gud. Technically when the other light turns red you should be starting to roll slightly, looking for cars and be ready to put the hammer down.

>Old lady leaving grocery store
>Takes 5 minutes to back out of her spot in a empty lot

i puprosely stall my car when people do that

>bench racers the post

>not just doing

He would probably get so mad and blow up on you

>guy behind starts honking .1 seconds after its been green
You lost track of time so it was more like 3 to 5 seconds. In driving experience across 2 decades, I only hear people honk after at least 3 to 5 seconds.

>light turns red at crosswalk
Some of the Homeless people here walk across the street even if it is red against them. They force traffic to stop. I see that happen frequently. It is annoying how they make cars wait. I wonder if they are trying to do a "you hit me" scam.

Might very well be. I know here stuff like what happened to me is pretty common so I figure that if I got hit he (or his oil rich dad) can pay my tuition but I don't go out of my way to get hit. Sometimes it's just out of stubbornness

It crossed my mind but then I'd probably lose my skateboard

I love when I see cucks stopped at a red light slowly inch forward, while the other light is still solid green. Eventually they get right underneath the fucking lights, can't see it when it turns green, and end up taking a couple seconds to realize it and drive off.

This was staged. That's a dealer car that was already scheduled for a windshield change for some reason(loose seals I think) and the dealer setup this video to "go viral", lel.

>at a light
>guy in a new BMW next to me with a license plate that says "NYC" and I light turns green
>cars ahead of him start moving
>lays on the horn before the car in front of the car in front of him even fucking moves
>proceeds to do 50 in a 35 next to a neighborhood/park passing cars in the bicycle lane


>be me
>see this thread
>this is the 7th time i've seen this thread
>start posting pictures of jets



>thumb up their dick
Wha? How is that even? What in the name? Do you have tiny thumbs? Is it some kind of genetic condition? You are SO brave talking about it on /Veeky Forums/...

I like that idea

Яeporting for duтy.



ok i'm gonna go play violent videojamez

>light turns green
>red light runner zips across intersection
>stop for 2 seconds to praise allah and make sure the coast is clear
>get honked at
Literally happened a week ago

>ywn drop ASMs on innocent civilians
why even live

people from New York don't even wait one second, even when they are far from the city, because asshole.

>riding skateboard
Ol' Ahmed should've run your ass down for the betterment of mankind.

>At red light
>In left turn lane
>Glance at beat-up panel van to my right
>Neckbeard driver doing something on his phone
>Look closer
>He's shitposting on Veeky Forums
>Light turns green but arrow doesn't
>He doesn't notice green light
>Lady behind him honks
>He screams, flails his hands, loses control of his phone
>Stomps on gas and completely loses control as van drunkenly galumphs diagonally across intersection into telelelelophone pole
Shitposting on Veeky Forums. Not even once.

(This message brought to you by the league of Concerned Urban No-Texters)

why does everyone wait for the car in front of them to go. If we made rear-ending someone the fault of the car in front and everyone waiting at the light hit the gas and went as soon as it turned green, we would all be at work a lot faster.

I fuckin hate poor people.

>on expressway
>light is green
>turns yellow
>"oh cool I have at least 3 seconds to make it through the light :)
>car in front of me fully brakes, stops 20+ feet before crosswalk
>I was driving my sister to her friend's house and thought it would be a good time to check my phone for directions
>hard right, full brake, release brake and use momentum to pull a hard left in an "S" shape
>4wd jeep shitbox saved my life
Fucking people man. Happened today.

That's when I "stall" my car. Have fun sitting here for more green lights.

Yeah but it's not like the road is prepped, so I stopped that after I blew through a set of tires in a week

>A/R receptacle open like a fucking slut

Because following distance

>I fuckin hate poor people.
You mean you hate "low quality" selfish drivers. Those kinds of people exist rich or poor. They consistently make the driving experience significantly worse for everyone.

>light turns yellow with car in front of me
>continuing at full speed expecting to run yellow/red light
>begin to browse smartphone touch screen maps
>nearly end up in collision with driver who obeyed state law

Unfortunately for those who consider yellow as the speed up light, I tend to slow down and stop per state law. So if you depend on racing through the red as so many do, you'll be unhappy with me. I got a red light citation once because I went when it was yellow. As those things go, if any part of the car is still in the intersection when the light is red, that is a ticket. Because of that ticket, I usually slow and stop when it turns yellow.

lel people that do this are always way too slow.
>sitting at stop light
>car next to me inches forward a foot then waits 10 seconds then inches forward a foot then waits ten seconds then inches forward a foot then waits ten seconds
>they see the other light turn yellow and inch forward some more
>they're halfway into the intersection now
>they don't know the light cycle. we don't get the green next. it's the left turn arrows now lol
>he inches forward a little more
>he's unprepared when it finally turns green and takes off late and slow af

Fucking this. Heaps of people in Melbourne inch forwards, none of them take off quickly. Why bother if you're not saving any time?

Fuck New York, what a hellhole

welcome to Puerto Rico.

Everyone creeps.

At least 5 cars run every red light every time.

You have to be rolling into the intersection before the light turns green.

Passing on exit/on ramps is common and expected.

never drain the free space in front of you. That's your platform for potential maneuvers.

When you take off, it should be from the point you stopped at.

This is essential for managing a clean driving profile with smooth entry curves - facilitating a smoother ride into higher gear, and better fuel economy.

Thank you for reading.

>At work this morning
>Have to unload truck
>Truck is turning into parking garage entrance
>Truck is going slow trying to because garage is about 13'9" and truck is 13'6"
>Lady pulls up behind truck while it is trying to pull in
>I turn to co-worker
>"Hey Steve I bet you this lady is going to sta-

Why do people think driving a truck is so easy?

>why does everyone wait for the car in front of them to go.
At lights, particularly the short time length left turn signal, I leave a big gap to the car in front of me. The gap is proportional to the number of cars in front of me. When the light turns green, it takes time for the cars in front to start moving. This is the hysteresis time. I cure that for the cars behind me by starting to creep forward. By the time the car directly in front of me starts to move, a lot of the cars in back of me are already rolling forward.

By doing this trick, more cars make it through the turn signal because their hysteresis time was eliminated.

>Tfw drive 50cc scooter
>Soccer moms in their 14L SUVs honk at me
>Drive slower

Some assholes try to get people to rear end them at lights

>what did he mean by this

>At red light
>Making a right turn into traffic that's heading the same direction
>Fucking horrified to go unless I have at least a quarter mile of distance to spare
Every time

I've hit several homeless people/nigs because of that. Just drive off on them, what are they gonna do?

>turning onto main road
>wagon boot full of stuff
>car doesn't even have power at the best of times
>pass on a gap that's too small
>guy starts honking

tough shit

>browsing on your phone while passing an intersection at full speed on yellow in traffic
>lacks self-awareness to the point he complains about someone else in this situation
Don't reproduce.

>at red light
>turns green
>we start to go
>probably moving at about 10mph
>faggot in front of me slams on their brakes
>I was turning right
>hit their bumper
>fat faggot gets out of passenger side
>"did you even see me"
>of fucking course I saw you faggot, you braked for a green light
>driver starts spazzing out
>like literally convulsing
>they call the police
>regular cops show up
>say they're out of jurisdiction and have to call highway patrol
>here we fucking go
>fat faggots demand they call an ambulance for the driver who """can't move"""
>she is literally like vibrating in place
>clearly fake as fuck
>cops come up and start lecturing me about some bullshit even though they literally brake checked me as we were accelerating from a green light
>after they take the fat bitch away the other passengers don't even seem to care
>one is literally walking their dog around the parking lot
>really makes you think
>apparently the man who got out of the car and walked up to me on his own and said "did you even see me" is fucking """"BLIND""""
>say to the police that they're obviously just trying to scam me
>the bitch highway patrol has the nerve to fucking say to me "everybody processes things different"
>bitch are you fucking serious? They clearly don't give a shit that their friend just got taken to the hospital
>I get a $167 ticket with ""$1700"" in property damage listed for denting the bumper of their 1998 Camry

Happened to me yesterday, I am going to do everything in my power to fuck these assholes up. I'm definitely going to contest the ticket.
I fucking hate fat people, they all need to be euthanized.

if they're fat, there is a high likelihood they are mentally ill and perceive the world in a way that is so alien to the rest of us that we can only imagine the delusion that happens in their every day lives. These people will run a red light, cause an accident and then say "You should have seen me! I was laying on my horn!". They will blame everyone but themselves for their actions because they do it with every meal, every action and with every person they encounter.

>he got outsmarted and scammed by bunch of fatsos in a shitbox

> $1700 for a bumper on a shitbox
Damn user. Shit like that really makes you think about getting a dash cam. Sucks you didn't have a witness in the passenger seat.
>You just paid for 680 double cheese burgers at mcdonalds
>That might last their fat asses a week

You have not driven much in major cities. I can promise you, they do honk less than a second from change

>at red light
>turns green
>we start to go
>probably moving at about 10mph
>epileptic driver feels the seizure coming up
>breaks so we don't roll out in traffic
>get rear-ended
>friend gets out to assess damage
>asks the faggot if he's even looking at the road when driving
>of fucking course he wasn't - he failed to brake in time at 10 mph
>he starts sperging out
>like literally autistically raging
>we call the police
>regular cops show up
>say they're out of jurisdiction and have to call highway patrol
>here we fucking go
>we ask them to call an ambulance for the driver who can't move
>she is still seizing without meds
>clearly needs help
>cops start explaining to the fag that he should hold the distance, always be prepared to brake and mind the road instead of his phone
>after they take the driver away we prepare to move further
>Jack walks the dog who had to go for a while now
>mention to police that one of us has vision impairment and can't drive
>faggot starts audibly REEEing, shouting and calling us scammers
>insists it's all a great conspiracy against him and his $2k civic
>the highway patrol tries to calm him down, but he starts to screech and curse at her too
>writes him a ticket three times as large

>I wonder if they are trying to do a "you hit me" scam.
That wouldn't be very smart considering most would just drive off because they have no soul or noticed the bum is commuting fraud in which case, personally, I'd proceed to get out and punch the hobo in the nuts. Just a terrible idea all around, no wonder they're homeless.

>at red light
>car in front
>see fag fiddling with the stereo or phone while it's turning green
>give a short honk to get his attention
>he gets all pissy and thinks I'm an impatient asshole

My favorite scam video

Fake or not, you can't fuck with people like this. It could be their last straw. If nobody's around to record it, it's more beneficial to just kill you as a scammer. If you piss them off, they won't give a hundredth of a fuck as they make sure you won't live to try to cash in on it. The insurance scam model only works on the other person's pity. If they don't have any, well...

>guy speeds past going 30+MPH over the speed limit
>dodging cars and swerving through lanes aggressively
>clearly he has somewhere very important to be
>zooms way out of sight in no time
>end up stopped at a red light right behind him


Every fucking time.

>welcome to Puerto Rico.
>Everyone creeps.
>At least 5 cars run every red light every time.

Puerto Ricans bring their 'advanced' horn semaphores to NYC. For example
- two very short honks mean "I don't see any cross traffic so I'm going to run this light"
- two long honks mean "there is someone on the street I recognize"
- one very short honk means "I am an unlicensed gypsy taxi, do you want a ride?"
- four or more very short quick honks means "I am going to cross five lanes of traffic without looking and then park in the bicycle lane"

>if they're fat, there is a high likelihood they are mentally ill and perceive the world in a way that is so alien to the rest of us that we can only imagine the delusion that happens in their every day lives.

Some people dream of getting insurance payouts. It's more likely than having a rich relative leave you money, or winning more than twenty dollars in the lottery.

This is why Mother Russia is winning with in-car dashcam deployment.

A woman in the lane next to me was doing this. The difference though was that she would blow her nose and every time she would take her foot off he brake, roll back, then inch back forward. Then blow her nose to repeat the cycle.

I was so entertained I nearly missed the light change.

>at red light waiting to turn left
>light turns green for me after straight ahead only cycle
>start turning
>dude from perpendicular street goes through red light at 40mph and plows into my door

How do some people even manage to get their driver's license

>waiting at a light
>SUV beside me inches forward when the fucking opposite light is still green
>eventually completely blocks off the pedestrian walkway
>it's a woman driver

GODDAMN it is always a fucking woman driver. Maybe if they were prohibited from driving large vehicles that make them feel safe they wouldn't drive like powertripping cunts. As a pedestrian, I've also been honked at by women who are turning. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO FUCKING WAIT FOR ME TO CROSS BEFORE YOU TURN BITCH IT'S MY RIGHT OF WAY.

They only need someone to give them the barest touch in order to fake injury and milk it to register for permanent disability status. Then they will receive a stipend and transition to permanent housing at one of those many discount older apartment complexes where a zillion such cases are housed. Our city has over 10,000 (ten thousand) of new disability cases in the past 12 years. Finding ways to meet disability requirements is a challenge for applicants as very many are disqualified. Almost all of the costs are furnished by both federal and state social welfare, so thankfully the city isn't slain by the costs.

>highway patrol has the nerve to fucking say to me "everybody processes things different"

Welcome to DIVERSITY mindset.
Epilipsy people get to drive too apparently.

Sometimes you have to inch forward (even into the pedi crossing) to get the sensors to trigger. You better not be one of those faggots who stops 20 fucking feet from the stop line and wonders why the light doesn't change to green...

>Drop clutch and spray with rocks
I don't see the problem

Why not just stop AT THE FUCKING LINE like everybody else in the first place? The sensor is there, you don't have to keep creeping to set it off.

You can move off when you see the amber light, you dumb cunt. Otherwise you're expected to use the time between the amber light appearing and it changing to green to prepare to move off when you see the green. Not doing so just creates traffic.

Clearing through intersection at filter(amber light) about to turn red, retard in oncoming slows down to almost stop then blasts through as I'm making turn, slow to stop and laugh as he smashes into the metal bumper on the F450 and shreds his entire front end.

He gets out, admits fault "need to get bro to airport, inna hurry sorry man"
Just a dent on the bumper so I say fuck it and just let him go after taking his insurance.
>He never made a claim so I didn't either.

This is why you don't buy the new plastic/aluminum trash.

>The sensor is there, you don't have to keep creeping to set it off.
If I am on a slight hillside, I will let off the brake and the car slides backwards, then I let it inch forwards again over the sensor in the road. That makes the light change sooner in the places that count cars as opposed to those that only check if there is one car or not.

why are you driving in downtown manhattan?

>You better not be one of those faggots who stops 20 fucking feet from the stop line
I hate those "super safe" drivers. They drive overly safe and thus cause problems. Like the ones at the stop light waiting until there is one and a half car lengths of space in front of them before they start moving just in case the car in front of them needs to stop or does a brake check. Fewer people get through a traffic light if there are 2 or more of those extra safe drivers in the queue.

>catch up to a black vw golf
>speed limit is 70 km/h
>vw infront of me holds 70km/h so far no problem
>hang myself behind him
>suddenly he brakes down to 20 km/h out of nowhere

They sit so far fucking back from the stop light that if somebody decides to blow through a red they're fucked. It boggles my mind as to why people do this.

You don't need to wonder why. Just think about how society has changed. There is constantly less courtesy and more selfishness. Thus, it is okay to be an asshole on the road because there isn't any more civility. Sure, there are still courteous drivers out there, but they are getting less and less under pressure from the selfish drivers to also become selfishly non-courteous themselves.

>crowded street with cars parked on two sides of the road leaving little room for cars to pass
>honk at you because you've waited for him to pass and his rearview mirror nearly bumped on yours

Sometimes traffic in general doesn't help. Fuck people that just leave their cars on a street taking away the space.

>at a light green
>behind honk guys
>.1 second goes
>light red green

t. cgp grey

>ITT: autists counting seconds

>>behind honk guys



Pay attention to your driving. Don't tailgate and you won't rear end people.

>tfw I'm guilty for this

It's just a chance you take. either the lights will be on green or they won't. I usually do it if someone is going 10mph slower than the speed limit

>Don't tailgate and you won't rear end people.
You still have to be alert because others do not drive perfectly and may shove the rear of their car into your front end because they either don't see you in their rush or are just looking for a new rear bumper assembly from your insurance.

Like today, I avoided a rear end when some black dude raced up 2 lanes over in the HOV lane. Of course he was illegal (single occupant). He cut across two lanes (another illegal move) and moved within one foot of me and shoved right in front of me in order to make the right off ramp of all things. I thought he was going to hit me, but without thinking, my reflexes automatically took over and I braked and moved over slightly without panic hitting any other cars because my brain was already aware of them. I'm amazed my subconscious reaction went that way without thinking. I guess if you drive enough and are always thinking of defensive driving, your subsconscious may also learn to cooperate.

But damn it all, that guy was a real jerk of a driver. There would have genuinely been an accident if I had not _*actively*_ avoided him. He shoved right in and braked to get to the offramp. AND he had the left brake light NOT working too.

>implying you weren't on your phone browsing 4chins

>at a red light
>turns green
>guy starts honking
>"stall" car a few times
>light turns yellow
>gun it

pretty good stage pretty good driver

Welcome to Chicago, where it's possible to flip a van on it's side in such a limited amount of space.

This, you should never ride someones ass, if you rear end someone, it is ALWAYS your fault.

>behind tow truck in the left lane , speeding SUV in the right
>SUV finally hits slower traffic and attempts to swear into the left
>Tow truck slows down enough to block the SUV so he has to swear back into the right lane
>I purposely move up to continue to force the SUV to stay in the right lane behind grandma driver as he attempted again

Did this happen to you yesterday? I was behind someone that had an accident yesterday right at the edge of my neighborhood onto a main road.