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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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I'd die for Caeda desu
You're waifu a slut and shit
Did that artist every finish all the requests or did he stop?
Azura is shit
>the Fire Emblen is never an Emblem
Kill yourself
Takumi a cute.
Roy is the cutest lord.
Fuck off Azuracuck
I love Veronica!
Cutest sibs!
Does Skill Inherit even mean anything when most of the high-tier characters are high tier because they have bullshit stats on top of having high quality skills?
Not to mention there's hardly any skill combo that does anything about the OHKO meta.
So I just beat PoR and transfered my save to Radiant dawn.
And I've noticed the support system is very different now.
Should I just pair up people willy nilly or are there certain people who should be supported with others as a priority?
Also why does Micaiah hate on Ike so much?
Ranged flyers when?
i love tharja :)
Ike and his SJW army is the reason Daein is in ruins. I'd hate that fag to desu.
what the fuck even is an emblem
>mages in RD
What the fuck was IS thinking?
Basic D-rank Hand Axes have MT comparable to that of the S-rank tomes and literally tie with that of Thoron.
Short Axes, the B-rank upgrade to Hand Axes, are as strong as Rexbolt, the SS-rank Thunder tome, despite not being one-of-a-kind weaponry just a step below genuine legendary weapons.
The absolute strongest tome in the entire game, Balberith, the SS-rank dark magic tome and a weapon you literally cannot use until the second playthrough, has a MT of 15 and a weight of 15. Tomahawks have a MT of 15 and a weight of 17, but are on units who will almost certainly get enough strength to eliminate weight penalties before you can start using Tomahawks regardless.
Now remember that Balberith isn't even available until playthrough 2. On playthrough 1 (and realistically in general because dark magic is insanely bad in FE10), the strongest magic tome you will actually use is Sanaki's unique Cymbeline tome and it's MT of 13 (and even that only because Sanaki is forced for endgame).
Spears have a MT of 13.
This is ignoring the endgame parade of hilariously bullshit melee weapons, like Alondite being Ragnell except usable by people other than Ike, or the 22 MT 1-2 range Wishblade.
Don't forget how thanks to them being fucked over in statcaps that literally none of the mages can hit the critical 34 speed benchmark needed to actually double anything worth a shit in Endgame.
What the fuck was IS doing instead of realizing that mages were being so completely fucked over in every single regard?
She's jealous that Ike got Sothe pregnant.
If it works as speculated, high tier characters will create an even wider gap. Seliph is already bad, but now he has to compete against Vantage Takumi or Wings of Mercy Linde. Meanwhile, the only skills he'll get are an attacking skill and a buff/debuff skill like Spur Spd which doesn't make him any better.
Summer Camilla will save fliers.
>Tfw 4.3K after an arena run
This is probably the best i can get too since i dont have the proper units and IVs to do a deathless run.
What does that facial expression convey?
Aversa and Reina are probably going to be blue lances for balance.
Mages always get either fucked or made broken in the balancing stage.
New characters when? God the wait feels bizarrely long in this game. It's such a dull game as is.
Friendly reminder that ISIS should bring back CON
Pegasluts don't deserve weapons heavier than a slim lance
>the only new characters on February 27 will just be the banner characters again
Sanaki when, give me my empress already
Best dragon. Best girl. FOREVER AND EVER.
I want to fuck Ryoma.
What's balanced about fliers being awful?
Thinking about it, a lot of these phone games have long waits between new stuff to do. Only ones I can think of that don't are idol games. Why can't we have what idol games have?
That's gay, Xander.
damn, radiant dawn's dub is horrid
Fire Shield
How do we save fliers? Who will save fliers?
Too bad her true devotion is for a particular tactician.
Another good example how it would kill certain unit's viability is units that already heavily rely on their skills. For example Hana's life and death makes her a glass cannon. Her base stats are not good in comparison to most of the other red swordies. So if it does work like that you could effectively give any higher tiered character life and death and there would be absolutely not point in using her, thus eliminating what small niche she has.
>get a perfect arena run
>still only around rank 2200
At least I won't drop into the 1500 feather tier
Vaida, she'll come with her special spear.
With Taco running rampant, nothing.
Unless they can equip Svallin Shield or something similar come inheritance.
It's been over 4 years, let's decide; who was Robins canon wife?
If I remember correctly for Marth it was a shield where you stick orbs in to unlock powers.
Please tell me she's good I'm too nervous to check myself
You shouldn't have agreed to do anything. Marx and Ryoma are going to keep your word on it.
Quick /feg/ Selena has stolen one of your orbs and is demanding you lay your testicles on a table so she can step on them to get it back,
What do you do?
Don't forget about making healers useless. Why use a healer who gets their attack halved when you could just give a healing skill to a good unit.
+dog -civilization
good nature indeed
This is getting really fucking weird.
Spring event Caeda with wing spear and Iote's
have Rinkah beat her up and get my orbs back so that she can crush them
RIP Kagero.
Why did my Selena randomly throw out a special move?
You shouldn't have ate her flan, she was saving it. It even had her name written on it.
She can learn skills in any game that isn't Heroes.
what are the chances of ike being in the upcoming banner? i feel like they would have done a reveal to hype it up if he was gonna be released
About as much as the most dangerous mage around in the FE universe getting in the next banner.
We can only hope.
This really could potentially sink this game for a lot of the competitive people if they implement this they way we're predicting. Hopefully IS doesn't screw up and there are limits to impose to the transferring of skills because otherwise this could literally devolve to the point where there is only one competitively usable unit per weapon type. I really don't want to see the team diversity go, it's what actually makes this game interesting.
Fuck Robin and his fucking 3star movie.
It was in Heroes she used buckler i think.
so this is the power of +atk odin...
i would gladly let her step on them
This isn't them being incompetent at balancing though.
This is active fucking malice against magic.
What the fuck did the mages on Tellius do to make IS hate them so much?
These orbs are more precious than that one.
>good units get better
>bad units get worse
This is the issue. Nobody is going to sacrifice good units to create new combinations. They're just going to harvest useful skills from shit units instead.
Which seems really counter-intuitive because you'd think the game would incentivize sacrificing expensive shit rather than fodder.
They were probably good at some point in development, a quick fix nerf was made by just lowering the tome attack level, and suddenly they sucked ass but didn't see the testing they needed before release.
Why do I struggle to play the gba games?
Is it possible to set the grid or see enemy ranges? can Matthew steal people's weapons so they can't attack?
I'm just gonna play through on hard and focus levelling just a few characters
link your Odin's stats
I want to laugh
Sexual pleasure
Imagine if it was Micaiah/Sothe and Sigurd/Deirdre.
post more
Impotent Force
At least lightning magic was decent in 9, I'll always remember stuff like forged Lightning dealing more damage to fliers than forged Wind. Calill was also not bad.
Dragons are for _______
I don't want to play Thracia
cummies duh
if you select an enemy using the cursor you can have them show a dark red range for specific units
its been a long time since Ive played the GBA versions but there should be an option in the settings to always show enemy ranges
Edge Takumi with skadi and replicate when?
Wish there were more ways to get orbs.
Rough anal
Man i hate that map. Always splitting up my support units and the DPS or Tanks.
That part really sucks too. The only actually good units I can see possibly being harvested is an extra Hector or Takumi for more Distant/Close Counter users. All the other cool skills are easily found on bad units. Wings of Mercy on Freddy, Fury and Smite on Bartre, Vantage on Lon'qu, Desperation on Shanna.
Me too.
Do it.
no more Taco, pls
Fred also has LUNA