XCOM General - /xcg/

Just Dance Edition

Previous Mission News:
1)LONG WAR 2.1 is OUT


The /xcg/ Mandatory Read:

/xcg/ XCOM 2 Character Pool:

Image Library of /xcg/:

List of compatible mods for Long War 2

XCOM2 modlist, updated a bunch of threads ago!

MEGA Mod Repository, now contains all of the mods in the modlist!

Modlist Steam Collection - Contains 99% of the mods in the modlist:

Assorted improvements (Skip intros, alleviate stuttering, multi monitor support, and resolutions past 1080p):

/xcg/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):
>pastebin.com/YmaXBKpN (embed)
Piratez mod for OpenXCom:

Class, Style and Air Game always save the dayy:

Other urls found in this thread:


I know slow is smooth and smooth is fast, but that is definitely way too smooth.

pistols are useful

lw2 is shit

>My A-team assault lets me know early on that he will be carrying the shit out of the plebs who cant hit their 80% shots in his squad by shitting on every mission he is in
>Fuck it, lightning reflexes, run and gun, close combat, crit perks, talon rounds
>He never misses
>His squad sits back and cheers him on as he tapdances into each mission and slaps the aliens shit
>"The Nuts" Robinson gets to close combat specialist rank
>AWC perks are motherfucking hard target and tac sense
>The rest of the squad equips their pom-poms as Big Nuts Robinson walks into the middle of a pod of 6, whips out his [coil shotgun] dick, and slaps the aliens faces with it
assaults are the shit

Fuck! those awc perks are godly best ive gotten are some sniper one and additional damage my ranger with a rifle had an additional 12damage with every attack

Please help

Is that a weapon mod? What kind?

nigger that's the coilgun shotgun


kill the snake, but the sweater must survive.



The fuck

you killed a viper and got that instead of a corpse?

dont breath that

If I had to guess, that's pink alien cocaine.

like hard r n word, like hard r, like arm wrapped around my neck like smiling like hard r like arm wrapped around my neck


I killed a Valentines Viper (it's a mod)

and i thought that mod was just a recolor
thats a neat easter egg

You got your hands on some chinese traditional medicine.

>tfw Chinese
>tfw I like grass jelly

that stuff looks gross

I'm sorry

Well I was having a lot of fun on my brand new run of LW1, but on my first UFO assault I got a hangup after getting suppressed by a sectoid. Audio and UI worked fine but I can't even press escape to bring up the menu, or use any abilities or select units. I looked this up and apparently it's been around since the game's release.

What the fuck? I have about an hour invested into this mission, is there a fix?

no need to apologize

long dong sucks ass

Don't be, pretty much every culture has its things that seem weird to others.

Probably Haggis, in my case. (Which is also delicious)

alien sight range indicator
campaign summary
enhanced soldier customization
enhanced tactical info
exalt reminder
realistic mission intel
and ofc texmod camo stuffs

I read the wiki and asked jonrbs and at this point I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what rank your medic unlocks psi at.

What happens when you reload the mission? Maybe you can enable dev console and use a command to complete it.

Bagel is useless.

He just stopped spending his freetime playing something that he doesn't actually enjoy (like we're all doing)

well, yeah, we've gotta find someone else to latch onto and form a cult of personality around. But honestly where to find a new /ourguy/ ? He needs to be a dank combination of natural charisma, entertainer, meme shitposter, plus legitimately skilled at videogames. It's a tall order.

>want to mod enemy within
>need mod patcher
>am on osx
>create virtual machine that runs linux
>compile mod manager on vm
>use it to patch the directory back on the non virtual machine
Good feel. Being computer illiterate sucks

>Sometimes you just have those good days for a change


Shit I'm not even attracted to aliens anymore, I just want to kill them.

>Huff it like cocane.
>Turn INTO a viper.

Do those mods work with LW?

Yes, the guy was asking for lw1 mods and I listed what I use. Haven't played vanilla in years.

this is a good thing embrace this feeling

Ah. I'm about to finish vanilla and about to do a lw run so I was curious.

Didn't know there were EW mods besides LW to be honest.

>4.20 average damage


I don't just want to kill them, that's too simple, I want to humiliate and degrade them. But until the option to capture and rape them then upload it to the darknet to lower morale and instill more fear, I guess killing them will do.

There are a lot of mods and most of them are minor tweaks for LW. A couple eventually got incorporated into LW itself - you used to need a separate mod to see the entire skill tree, and what currently exists as the UFO scanners project used to be a mod - but some really good ones were made near or after LW's final release version so they didn't have much hope of being packaged with it by default.

Aww shiiet



Xcom is a misguided bunch of terrorists whose short-sightedness will mean the end of humanity

xcom more like tardcom amirite fellow advent citizens?

Don't be a racist. Humans are an oppressed minority now! Are you a racist little trooper?

Will we get Viper sex slaves?

What are THE mods to use with Long Dong 2?


Thanks Uncle Gunman

Will this user get a free Skyranger ride?

>half my people in the havens get melee attack perks
>on people you can't pick the items on

Who designed this haven system? Why is it that rookies all have rifles with he and flash grenades, while haven defenders can have any weapon and any items except swords? Seems like lone wolf and cutthroat are the most common perks.

That's a bug, I'm afraid. Will be removed in 1.2.

That weapon looks like it's made of painted wooden blocks... :(

I was going for that


Oh sup numeric UI user

It was that guy's first attempt. I remember when he first posted it on /xcg/.

I think he went on to make the Mercenary Plasma Weapons.

ETA on 1.2?

I'm fucking done with xcom, between all my soldier missing all their 70% flanking shots, getting 1 shot at full health, and now this "can't vault over low cover" horseshit, I'm fucking done.

No way it's the same guy! Mercenary Plasma look amazing!
Well, you've gotta start somewhere I guess. I admit I wouldn't be able to even make the Mercenary Woodblock Weapons myself.

Why is X2 so much better than EW

Join me on the darkside

Postan operators

nice the good old man face




>3 dmg

just make it a miss you shit game

AGAIN? This game is fucking broken! This is my second mission where I hit all my targets!


>tfw no Hank Hill voice pack for my favorite technical




Wrong pic, woops

Though Manchu armor mods would be nice too

What game is that, sir?

Medieval 2 Total War with a partially translated Chinese mod

>load times
>minimalistic UI
>delays even with zip
it's not

>not liking minimalistic UI
>load times only with toasters
>mfw Jake got angry at zip

What kind of PC are you playing on that you have no load times? Game installed on an SSD?

SSD, though I admit it's still not quite as fast as lightning but still pretty decent

I use an Aorus laptop

>end of month report
>reveal advent events
>the event procs before I can fly to the supply drop

what magnificent design.

>Awakened IQ

Is there a console command to spawn alien debris in a map index position?

>very light extract the vip
>start revealed
>4 advent mecs surrounding the extraction point

when does the fun start?

I instinctively want to say no. What the hell are you trying to pull off user?

I accidentally cheated by spawning GTS. I feel bad and want to remediate my actions

Couldn't you just, not use it for awhile? Don't forget that by not clearing the debris you also lost resources in case you want to compensate for the free supplies you got.

I guess I could but just feel not very elegant

What's the most embarassing way you've ever lost an xcom campaign?
>playing UFO:EU
>expand my laser cannon business with a large investment
>except it was two days from the end of the month
>the maintenance and salary bill comes and I'm like 10 million in debt
>can't buy anything
>not nearly enough shit to sell
>can't make laser cannons to sell because I don't have money to build them

Honestly most of my xcom/x-com losses have been a slow crawl of despair as my roster suscumbs to wounds and the eventual death of all veterans and eventually the weight is too much for rookies to bare. I can't remember the last time I lost an x-com campaign, maybe when I was really young. It think one time I put my base in Antartica because I thought that would be a real cool secret base. It was cool, but it was also a little too secret.

Is there an indicator mod that clearly labels things that are about to explode? Sometimes those effects are not that visible and obscured by already-present smoke and fire like on supply raids.

Is EW literally rigged to give you 3+ women on your starting squad? what the fuck is this

I wish when the expansion comes out to XCOM 2 it will contain secret nazi bases in Antarctica and you could choose to fight both nazis & ADVENT (like the eggsalt in EW) or you can choose to work together with them to usher in a new fashy dawn on Earth.

EU had gender ratios that reflected real life, then in EW it was changed to 50/50 distribution

pistols are the waifus

More like 20/80 distribution. Every campaign I've started ever has had overwheming number of wome.