We racecar now

Evening Veeky Forums

It's the night before my first race and I can't sleep, so how about a share your racecar thread? (inb4 nobody on Veeky Forums owns a car)

Pic related, it's my car.


Some photos from the build to keep this bumped


good luck my dude
miata is a great race car and probably the best platform to learn racing because it doesn't tolerate any mistakes
take a corner unoptimally and you'll be left behind
however, when you git gud and learn your shit you'll be able spank cars with way more hp

good luck

what series?

Waste of a good NA

But in all seriousness, good luck. Take every opportunity you have to pass, and don't fucking crash.

good luck OP, looks like fun

>Waste of a good NA
implying it was any good to begin with

But hey at least he's actually racing it instead of stancefagging around, vapid' while he's scrapin'

How did it go OP?

nice, I registered myself to a race at then end of month.
DonĀ“t even have the car yet I registered

I track my DD, which is kinda scary at times since it is my ride home and to work the following days. I try to remind myself of these things when I'm pushing harder through corners. If you're running a track only car and bringing it on a trailer, I wouldn't worry as much. Have fun, follow the rules of the org running the track day, you should be fine. Don't worry about passing everyone or people passing you; just drive as fast as you are comfortable with. Also, if you're behind a slower car, try not to follow their lines and drive your own. I'ts easy to follow behind them out of natural driving habits.

I track my DD too but OP says he's racing which is kind of different

He said he's having trouble sleeping so I figured it was his first time. Yea, if he's racing that is quite a bit different.

Hey OP how did the racing go? Have a good time?

i daily a chaser and didnt wanna smash it so bought something I dont give a shit about.

I crashed my first race.....just dont fuck up too bad op and remember to just have fun.

Is that a fucking 10ft trailer?

I thought my 14ft was small.

good luck OP, hope you kick ass out there

Is OP dead?

>share your racecar thread
are you going to share a race car or just that miata?


Great start for your first post on Veeky Forums, that was an epic bazinga xD

that's a cute little screen you have there, does it help you justify driving a miata?

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Why would it need justification? Seems like you think being a race car has something to do with being fast and expensive. There is no better series than Spec Miata if you want full fields and constant competitions.

you jealous nobody has invited you to the club?

>Wanted to race bad
>set down laptop
>crack knuckles
>open up laptop
>type in craigslist
>max price 500
>I see it
>$300 special
>dodge piece of shit
>3.5l making 245HP
>R/T package has decent suspension
>Needs a trans, but current registration
>Month goes by, put a trans in it
>Drive it around a bit
>8 months go by, sitting around
>put a new rocker assem in it because it was bad
>register it
>sit for 3 months because lol California smog
>finally put finishing touches on it, just need smog
>still probably a weeks worth of headache praying I can get it to clear pre-checks without it fucking up.

Yeah I've pretty much lost motivation. I guess shitbox racing isn't for me. I could trailer it and probably get through a few trackdays before it explodes, but I dont have a trailer that can accommodate such a low vehicle.

I swear to god I just looked around for a shoebox on Craigslist for this very reason. Same price and everything. What are you going to do with that dodge then?

probably get it fully legal and try to sell it, or race it to the ground and try to get something out of it.

The head gaskets don't look too good, so I doubt id get much for it rreally, maybe a grand