Camo Edition
Previously thread: FAQ
>where do I look up tanks
>how do i find ppl to platoon with
ask in the Veeky Forums channel (though it's almost always dead)
>what about clans?
Clans are a social construct, pissbaby
>what nation has the best tanks?
>what nation should i avoid?
>what is the most aesthetic tank
/wotg/ - World of Tanks General
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Centurion AX a shit.
second for op maus nerf soon :^)
First for snek a shit
3rd for webms
>what nation has the best tanks?
I want one so badly.
I will make that daki stand up on its own.
>tfw ev bought a normal sized one
>recieves a 7 meter long one instead
Somewhere in the world a nip is going to be real mad
At least post a better snek.
Threadly and friendly reminder that the Centurion Action X is the most aesthetic tank in game.
Fuck off frog.
Not a frog, the most aesthetic tank in the game is the Spahpanzer RU 251.
kek at the toilet paper one.
Do Korean schools actually encourage hating the Japanese?
T-25 has the best aesthetics desu senpai
Excuse me just dropping this here.
Where were you when you realised that /wotg/ has shit taste?
The irony of this post is extremely palpable.
wait, fucking shit. Why is there a cancerous pony on that tank? fuck
Where were you when you realised that every top tier medium except for the AMX 30B and E50M use the British L7?
>unironic mommy poster doesn't like the most aesthetic tank in game and has shit tastes
like pottery
part 2 when?
you got nice guns but AINT NO AESTHETICS IN BONGLAND
>Implying anything made by the bongs after 1920 or before 1989 is worth a shit.
>posts a nip LARPing as a slav
Oh I am laffin
was gonna disagree with you but then I realised chally2 was indeed 1989
>using a double negative
lmao you just played yourself kid
>L7 tank gun
>literally the best post war tank gun
>Centurion tank
>literally the most successful post war tank
This is how I know you're a dullard that's just trying to dump pics of his shitty waifu.
Are any console tankers here? Tell me how your Fatherland op is coming along. I need to know that I'm not the only one out there who's about to drink himself to sleep.
I'm at three medals so far. 104 drops from this op and the last medal was 50 drops ago. My buddy netted 3 three medals in 5 drops today. He already got his tank, while I'm at the point where I just load gold and rush towards the flank with the most enemies. Why is this op a fucking lottery. Why couldn't it be like the last ones where actual skill got you the tank.
>actual skill
nigga are you literally too underage for dmx or some shit lmao
>nigga are you literally too underage for dmx or some shit lmao
Can I get an English translation for this?
SU-100 looks good but it got nothing on this beauty.
Judging by your taste in aesthetic, I don't have the crayons needed to explain it to you.
>huge nerd light
>condom around the barrel
>cuckgrid around lights
>nigga are you literally too underage for dmx or some shit lmao
Acquaintance, are you too young to know the musical poet DMX? If not, then why do you not understand what I am saying?
Have I just been BTFO!? The answer is no
I encourage you to post the tank that you find aesthetic.
inb4 amx 30b
I can tell you it is def not that bong shit.
>L7 tank gun
>the best post war tank gun
That's was Rheinmetall 120 mm gun
I'd upvote you if this was reddit nigga
>taste is objective
Sure thing, buddy,
Not him, but.
Howitzers of retardation
>VK.36.01 H
>Tiger 1
>Panther II (Yes some retards still do this)
>Tiger P
>Churchill VII
Why do people even do this? Had to rely on pic related an SU-100 to save the day after I ran out of ammo and died trying to cap. Obviously it didn't happen.
>that 12 head tier upper turret plate
probably the ugliest tier 10 in the game (other than the other british trash piles of course)
>>huge nerd light
It breaks up the smooth lines and curviness of the turret. I think it improves the overall look of the turret.
>>condom around the barrel
>not liking thermal sleeves
It's a practical aesthetic - the best kind of aesthetics.
>>cuckgrid around lights
>wanting to break a lamp when your driver accidently kicks it while getting in
>wanting to break a lamp when your tank goes through debris
>wanting to break a lamp when hot shards of exploding enemies rain down on your tank
I shiggy.
Thanks for the translation.
>his taste in tank aesthetics is so shit he doesn't want to be ridiculed when he posts it
>[The post-war period started] in 1945, and lasted until the early 1970s.
>Rhinemetall 120mm gun in service between 1979 - present
>his tank is so shitty he needs to show his sides to get full gun depression
>needing mods to make his tank look good
>he doesn't like to poke ridges
>he doesn't like practical aesthetics
/wotg/ really needs to step up.
I heard on wot forums that light tank derp guns are being removed,is it true or just speculation?
>his taste in tank aesthetics is so shit he doesn't want to be ridiculed when he posts it
Also when you mass reply like that it makes you look like an autist.
E50 has best aesthetics
This is true.
Why do you yearn for the approval from some random shlubs. It makes you look awfully insecure & pathetic desu.
Even without mods the Leopard 1 still look better than the Centurion AX.
>Also when you mass reply like that it makes you look like an autist.
Sorry I don't have a pass. I don't have the patience to wait 90 seconds between posts.
>flat turret face
>flat front
>massive cupola
>hull MG
The Panzer IV belongs down range, being target practice for 17 pndr. crews.
I don't though. I'm just defending my tankfu.
and I don't mind getting tonnes of (You)s :^)
>no thermal sleeve
>no spotlight
>bug eye range finders
>big box in the bustle rack
>infantry handles
>no headlight protection
>ugly turret mantle
The Leopard 1 is ugly as sin.
Vertical armour anywhere but the sides and rear is retarded.
Also, if you hit the tumors on the sides of teh turret you can cause damage lmao
>german engineering
Choose one.
Heard you talking shit m8.
The Chieftan is the most aesthetic tank in the game and PCfags will NEVER EVER get it
delet this
>play tank
>turn off game
>log on later
>average damage in said tank has gone down without me even playing it
>don't even has A gun mantlet
Good thing cyclops are the best monster girls :)
The lack of mantle makes it all the better.
bong shitter get outta here
>The lack of mantle makes it all the better.
is this one of those choose two things?
It does though.
I do secretly love them all though.
Talk about the Leo, how does it perform in game?
Is it good?
It's bad.
It has taken me a while to come to this point but I think I hate every class that isn't mediums.
I'm looking for something that's not a chore to play and isn't a money pit in terms of repair costs and consumables.
Are the anime heavies in the O-1 line good money makers or nah?
Is the Pz IV H good for this too?
Get the AMX CDC and
Pz IV H is ok and can be fun with the derp.
If you want to be more consistent though I'd pick up the recently puffed Pz III/IV
>when no one wants to do a 6s plat with MAI
>first game of the day
>this happens
Today is looking to be a good day. Unfortunately I got cucked out of a Radley-Walters by an SU-100.
>FV4202 can't even kill artillery
>saturday nite
>no skrims
ded clan.
yukari mod fix where?
wow no bully
I'm not trying to spend any shekels on this game.
I'm trying to make the most WoT monis with no investment of IRL monis.
or just get all the tier 1 tanks and suicide run within the first 30 seconds
ASIA here. Did voice mods broken again in 9.17.1?
looks like it
you are looking for basically any t5-t7 tank that you drive well in.
I currently drive regularly:
Strv 74
Chi Nu Kai
>wanting to listen to shit
You doing well in that tank?
>SirFoch admits his autism by telling a story of how he counts the amount of stairs in his apartment and how the ones on the bottom floor are different.
>he goes up stairs two at a time
How is the tier 1 thing at all efficient?
It always takes at least a minute or two each time to even find a t1 match on US West.
>doesn't do this
you must lead a normie lifestyle
Do it during peak hours. It's been a while since I played low tiers, but if I recall correctly there are no repair costs. Easy 10k.
>Two at a time
Noooo... don't do this
>easy 10k
That's less than one game in my derp Sherman.
Again, how is the t1 method effecient in terms of time spent or FUN/ compared to that?
60% wr in 250 games
It's not supposed to be fun. It's for the desperate.