Why did the Entente punished Hungary so harshly ?
Why did the Entente punished Hungary so harshly ?
Because the rest of the A-H empire was ripshit pissed at them for being massive cunts to all the other minorities.
Not far enough desu
Because it was a belligerent in WW1 and had minorities. Also, the final borders were more decided by the local powers and recognized by the Allies.
>Oh boy Austria is dying! Finaly the time for Gróss Magyarium has come!
It didn't, it simply reflected the reality of the situation at the time. A-H had collapsed and those new states existed, the treaty simply recognised these new realities.
It's obvious (((their))) primary goal was to keep Hungary and its neighbouring states constantly bickering for the next couple hundreds of years to come with this """"treaty"""".
Versailles/Trianon was pure fucking judaical evil and anyone even remotely attempting to defend it should off himself immediately
Hungary is older than Austria.
Their borders were always that way.
Because it lost, and those areas were majority non-Hungarian.
Many were, but those red blotches in OP's map were Hungarian majority or plurality, and a lot of them bordered the post-Trianon Hungarian state.
Then again they lost.
For the same reason the US supported decolonization, helping minorities the other side of the world distract everyone from your own internal struggle
Függetlenségi :DDDD
>It's obvious (((their))) primary goal was to keep Hungary and its neighbouring states constantly bickering for the next couple hundreds of years to come with this """"treaty"""".
Good thing that Stalin sorted it out with mass deportations.
>Their borders were always that way.
It didn't happen at the same extent that it did in Poland.
A large number of Hungarians still remained in many countries. In Poland, Germans and Ukrainians were almost completely removed.
In Romania during 1952-1968, there was even a Hungarian Autonomous region.
You're seriously implying that conflicts wouldn't have been even worse if Trianon hadn't happened.
If Hungary kept most of its land it would have devolved into endless separatist conflicts, which would have lead to war with the neighbors anyway.
Huge loss of life and even more loss of territory.
The consequences would have been far worse for Hungary without the Allied supervised breakup.
Look at what the neighbors were planning initially and you will see that Trianon was a blessing in disguise for the Hungarian people.
And they lost the subsequent wars. The one with Romania was especially terrible and whatever territorial concessions Romania didn't get they more than made up in war reparations. Look that shit up it's fucking funny. They even took the typewriters from government buildings in Budapest forcing the provisional government to resort to the old bell and yell method of announcement.
For majority of its time Hungary had stable borders
>When the Romanian troops finally departed Hungary at the beginning of 1920, they took extensive booty,[42] including food, ore, means of transportation, and factory equipment. The Hungarians had to cede all war materials, excepting those weapons necessary for the troops under Horthy's command. Furthermore, they had to hand over to the Romanians their entire armament industry, 50% of the rolling stock of the Hungarian railroad (i.e., 800 locomotives and 19,000 cars), 30% of the livestock, 30% of all agricultural tools, and 35,000 wagons of cereals and fodder. Also, all the goods identified as booty taken from Romania after the Peace of Bucharest in 1918 were confiscated. Hungary had to pay as well for the expenditures of the occupation troops.[43]
Holy fuck they lost hard
That's because pannonia is the only bit of steppe inside Europe, so it's always had a culture apart from those of it's neighbours.
>there are people defending the breakup of rightful Hungarian lands
>Being ruled by an Admiral in a landlocked nation
Truly the Bolivians of Europe
>stable borders
In the Middle Ages the borders fluctuated wildly, as was the case with every European state.
You had wars with the Slavs, Germans and Vlachs for the border regions.
Mongolian, Kuman and Petcheneg invasions. The kingdom was part of various unions with Poland, Lithuania and Bohemia. Then came the rule of Matthias Corvin with great expansion.
1526-1699 Ottoman and Habsburg rule,
1699-1867/68, complete Habsburg rule
Transylvania, Croatia, Slavonia, Banat weren't part of Hungary, but separate principalities.
A lot of Austro-Hungarians population was either bi- (some even tri-)lingual speaking either or both German and Hungarian and there was in fact a strong magyarization going on.
Because AH was a prison of nations.
Specially Hungary that oppressed slovak,serbian,croatian,romanian,ukrainian people.
Only germans and hungarians(at first it was only germans)had rights and were represented.
Everybody else were legally serfs upon their own land,forced to fight in wars that were not theirs.
The destruction of Hungary and Austria was the equivalent of destroying Nazi Germany.
>Versailles/Trianon was pure fucking judaical evil
Go back to stormfront,antisemitic shit.
The forced colonization,magyarizaton/germanization and ethnic cleansing policies coupled with keeping the non-hungarian pop poor was evil.
KoH was an apartheid state ,except they didn't have the technology to wipe out the native populations.
Hungarians are allogeneic to Eastern Europe,the treaties yet allowed them to keep the panonian plains.
I don't think inbred racists like you that vote Jobbik should have opinions.
wow you are a giant faggot if you are serious
>posts Arrow-Cross, the literal Hungarian Nazifuckers
>not Horthy
shoo shoo Little NSDAP
shoo shoo
Shoo shoo little commie shoo shoo
0/10 kys
>Spend the history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire being massive, whiney cunts playing whack-a-mole with non-Hungarian minorities.
>Cry like a babby when minorities get back at them.
You disgust me.
Versailles wasn't nearly harsh enough.
It was basically a basket of nations that did not want to be ruled by alien speaking Magyars, honestly it was a positive thing.
Most Hungarians should live in their own ethnostate rather than constantly dreaming of a multinational Hungary where Hungarians are not the vast majority.
This is what was more or less accomplished with Trianon, as a Slovak with maybe Magyar ancestry I would prefer we focus on Islam than borders.
>muh magyarization
citation needed.
This is how the KuK should have been divvied up with population transfers, of course
> either bi- (some even tri-)lingual
Can confirm, my Austro-Hungarian family were German/Slovene/Italian speakers