/fhg/ ~ For Honor General



>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>Story mode collectibles:

Last thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


first for smug

Dumb anime poster.

>tfw paid $60 for a literally unplayable game

This is my only day off and I can't play. Fuck you.

>>buff pk
Silly user, nobody likes muscle girls.

Goat girl thread is superior

Peaceshitters get cucked

NTH FOR MUH STATISTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where my knight bros at?




>servers are still down

How would you make the 'events' that are supposedly meant to trigger when a stronghold is besieged?

I'd say a larger Dominion game but with a focus on moving from one objective to the next with a focus on helping your troops push, upgrading them, protecting them, rather than running from A to C to B, etc. At the end you need to kill the enemy Commander, which is essentially a boss Vanguard, after which the enemy team is broken and you can kill them to claim victory. They can do the same.

To make it stand out more against Dominion, aside from the size and emphasis on troop pushes, there would be fortifications. The Defenders would have better fortifications, but less troops. The Attackers worse fortifications, but more troops. At some point in the battle you have to bring up a battering ram and break through the fortifications to get through to the Commander to kill him.


Anyone got any sick weeb or cool knight emblem tutorials?

I want to represent the best of both words

R8 on crest?

For Gondor.

dead game

I like plain

>These servers
>Right after the Knights managed to push towards the Viking Capital.

>57% -> 56% Positive on Steam


>nat goes green

Pls stay green


Any tips for teching GB? I can never seem to get the timing right.

Just another day on Red NAT general.

New Class
Knights: Court Mage
Vikings: Rune Priest
Samurai: Weeb Magician


Well I'll be, the servers are coming back to life.

Dear god I want to fuck Valkyrie

I want to yank on her braid as I breed her.

>want to save up for emotes and executions
>keep spending all the steel I have on boxes to get cool looking gear

Is anyone else goal oriented? I feel like im going to loose the will to play once i get my gold material for Lawbringer.

Going to play Warden next, i played him exclusively in the betas/alpha.

Maybe if they buffed Lawbringer i'd play him in duels/brawls and have more fun.


Hey mods, if someone shows off their emblems and one or more of them is nazi related. Ban them because they are clearly underaged and shouldn't be on Veeky Forums.

right now I'm spending all my steel to get the red face kensei helmet, every time I get 500 it goes into the investment

do i start opening premiums at prestige 3 or prestige 2

PATCH WHEN????????

>He can't read Korean

Is thee a point in feinting against people who don;t parry?

Feint into guardbreak

3rd rep

Best Kensei mask for sure but I wish you could pattern his masks

Anyone else still not getting loot after matches? Been getting the error almost all day because of shitty servers.

As soon as I get that brass metal we're in business.

I fucking hate the forest map in brawl. Every single other fucking map in the game i have a nice smooth 60 frames but on that fucking map i only have 20. And it doesnt change. Fucking goddamn it.

Reposting from last thread.
Can you dodge LB shoves on reaction or is it a thing you have to predict like warlord's headbutt? I'm talking for classes who have an average dash not some assassin tier cancer.

That's Apollyon's job user.

Trying so hard to hit rep 6 for that sweet silver armor, gonna take a while

yfw ubi is going to make teching gb easier because faggots at reddit (probably most of you then) complained about it being to difficult?

rip for honor

Yeah same. I think it has to do with one of the weather effects, because it isn't always like that.

ps how the fuck do you open up defensive players as berserker, all his shit is so telegraphed and slow.

>Get used to fast little shit flailing their lights in every direction to the point I can parry all of them easily
>Heavies heavy fuck me up bad in contrast

Lawbringer up heavy is hell in particular, and I know there's no one to blame but myself but fuck man it's frustrating.

and I JUST mastered my gb technique with lb

life is pain

*throws shuriken at u*

Deflects for guaranteed guard break. Feints into lights.

I'm still terrible at duels.

Bad bait but they're making it make more sense like it used to be you niglord. Right now it feels dumb on the timing when it used to be like an actual tech out of a throw.

You mean Omnyoji?

I just saw pissed joses review of the game. elimination doesnt account for gear score? What was he even talking about?

The only GB fix I wish there would be would be one, that reverts to both being tossed back if two start guard breaks nearly at the same time. Or two whiffs. That's how it works in most actual fighting games.

>teching gb
Stop using those two words in the same sentence.

*dodges to the right and taunts*

Why is the default helm so good? Every other helm is flawed to some extent. The heroic one based off the default helm has that stupid O face instead of making the opening reach the bottom. I'm using dain for that sweet featureless faceplate look.

I don't moonspeak, but whatever a Japanese wizard is.

RIP my Lawbringer spamming side heavies.
RIP Spin2Win

*Hurls my long hard axe at you*

lots of feints, lots of dodge cancelling light attacks

just slam every button on your keyboard and play like someone having a epileptic fit

Havel is that you?

Havel plume when?

helmet look like a pebis lmoa


haha praise the sub hehexd git gud bet u couldn get past asylum demon hehh dark souls 2 haredcore 4 u XXx_knight_solaire_xxX: prais te sunb xDD
git gud drk soul 2 hard 4 u haheaeh git gud
dak souls
u don lik it ur probly jus bas hahah prais sun hehexd lik my referenc 4 honor is like dark osul ahhea i lov hardc0r game XD

>Tfw no friends to play on the pc with

man fuck my life

the realistic ornament is the closest you're gonna get

>tfw nobody likes casual and not obnoxious-lipsmackin-sneezing-momscreaming-nopushtotalk voip

We're all your friends here.

so the tech not listed in kensei moveset

> backwards movement and attack starts chain without advancing foward

>chain finisher side attacks have super armor in them

anything else?

>working for snow niggers
you're no knight

Picked up the game recently and I'm having a good deal of fun. After I got the basics down, I went through all of the classes and found that I liked Raider, Shugoki, and Berserker, but I'm really feelin that double-axe motherfucker.

What are some things I should learn about to not get fucked up as hard? I did go through the advanced tutorial as well, but there's probably some more tech under what's shown in the game.

>easily master CGB
>cant parry for shit though
Please just let me have this

So I have 6 Scavenge boxes. Should I just save them for Rep 3?

>uses 95% of your stamina for 1 bar of damage

Applies to 'high level' play only though

>They didn't rebind guard break to F

Goddamn it feels so much better this way, dunno if it's just me but middle mouse has always been a really weird button for me to remember to hit in the heat of games.


Unless I'm crazy, there's something you can do to make him spin at the end of his side dash light attacks that give it super armor at the end.


Anyway to rebind xbox controllers on pc? really wanna rebind guardbreak to l1 to be way more consistent at gb cancels, im only able to consistently do it about 2/3 of the time, would be much easier with l1.

If you do a top heavy immediately after a dodge attack, he does a cool jump spin and it comes out as fast as a top light. As for the timing for it, pretty sure you have to press the buttons for the top-heavy before the dodge light attack has even landed. I can do it somewhat consistently.

>people who run away at the beginning of elimination to take buff

Autism but I do agree that the Dark Souls community is pretty cancer their memes are shit and the game isn't even very hard yet they meme and posture about it as if it invented hardcore gaming.

Outside of visuals and atmosphere the games ain't that special.

posted this last thread but it probably died. can someone help me create an emblem like pic related?

>people who play elim when its not an order
>the strug of having to shit on 4 shitters cause your team is shit when you do have to play it
luckily retards in this cant work together and just mash r1 feeding you revnge to then toss the fags off a ledge.

Why you didn't add me then?

>no friends

We have a whole list in the OP you can add

pre-order ninja icon has ninja star in middle and flames on left/right. Can put skull in middle to cover ninja star. After that goodluck.

>Vikangs & weebos on suicide watch

it doesnt seem to work on one side

>start of round
>im against a noobushi
>immediately tries to run around and catch me off guard when I chase


On Ps4 i cant invite any friends dispite them being online
Anyone else having the problem?


>suicide watch
>barely a lead
