/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General

Welcome to Sonic the Hedgehog General. Let's talk about Sonic games as well as the entire franchise including animation and comics. Share art, music, talk about new developments, discuss ROM hacks, speedrunning, and more

/sthg/ #678 - Best Box-art Edition

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a shit


neck yourself



Also, 7th for best girl.


I only figured this out about a week ago, but Amy's the reason I have a yandere fetish

This is my first general.

Hey we all make mistakes, but for future reference, if you put the link of a YT vid in the OP, the embed tag will show up on its own.


Thanks for the tip




No problem! I fucked up my first general way worse too, so

Anyways, to add to the Sonamy that's being posted.

This was cute. It felt just a little hamfisted, because it was evident they were trying to think of a scene for Nicole's development, but otherwise this scene and the scene afterwards (where she thanks Sally) are nice, and appreciated. I like the idea that despite having "mostly" adjusted to being a person, Nicole occasionally struggles with the more logical, mechanical side of herself that was present for a good portion of her existence.


Can a human marry a mobian?

No u fucking furry

When will Miku become SEGA's mascot?


Thank you user

When Sonic stops being popular which is never


Sonic is popular?

A weeabo image board

Never, she's a bully

Surprisingly yes, for over 25 years in fact

Once she becomes recognizable in the west.

Sonic probably deserved that.

why do i think this is cute

She has moderate sized boobs.


What would a teamup between the Eggmans/Robotniks from all the continuities be like?

Request something similar to this pic but says something like: As Honey slams her prey, the blue hedgehog takes this as a strange mating ritual and decides just to go with it.

Very entertaining

Oh hey, someone saved my filename.


And I thank you again for it.


Yay for more background waifu.


Could I hug the computer lady?

Technically yes.


Because it is.

Have some Sticks. plagueofgripes.tumblr.com/image/157719234791

Would you introduce her to wonders of sexual intercourse and self-stimulation?

I haven't been here for a few weeks, since the initial comic hiatus.

Has this place been absolutely dead? Is shitpost-kun gone?

Not really. According to certain anons, many many people are shitposter-kun.

Shitpost-kun is anyone with an opinion you don't like.

Who wouldn't?

If you keep saying this it'll become truer than you already think it is.


Is this an edit or did he actually say it in the Japanese version?

Why are Sonic rabbits so cute?

They just keep adding new fap material to this series... why

That or this is the real translation

Nice try, shitpost-kun. Back at it again with the lame excuses.

No, but thread quality is still not very good.

Nah, this place has been pretty lively (for the right & wrong reasons), & no, shitposter-kun is sadly still here.

>Cream's ears are backwards and Bunnie's aren't

losing my mind here

Aha! I finished Generations! And with that, I guess that my journey through the "main" sonic titles is complete! And I have to say, this is a series with ups, downs, spins, turns and more. It is truly a rollercoaster, but I enjoyed most of the ride.

First of all, I keep replaying S3K and S2, they are fantastic games that still outdo most platformers released in 2 decades (BTFO a lot of Mario games too).

The adventure games have been slowly growing on me, to the point where I enjoy them more than unleashed and colors, heroes too but in a lesser extent. I did love Generations though, especially with those sweet mods.

I think that SEGA is on the right path with Mania, and I hope that P17 is something that proves that the sonic team has finally learned from their past mistakes by giving us a great game.

But I feel like playing more, so I think that I will try the romhacks, since I have heard that sonic has a fantastic community in that regard, and finally give the comics a chance, do you guys have ant recommendatiom on where to start or what to read?

Also, I did like Amy in the adventure games, but I ended up liking Blaze the cat a lot

>Playing SA1
>Remember being 13
>remember making a horrible donut steel
>Exit the game and wish for the sweet embrace of death

they're different kinds of rabbit, cream/vanilla are lop bunnies

What episode was it so I can see for myself?

leak the .tik for mania

Think it's one of the last, or the last one

Glad to hear all that, mate! Now in regards to fan-games, I would totally recommend Sonic: Before & After the Sequel. It was made by Taxman & Stealth (who are doing Mania), which is based around the classic gameplay. There's also the Sonic Utopia demo, Green Hill Paradise Act 2, & Sonic World for your 3D fan-games (all three are available in the OP, IIRC).

And as for the comics, I would definitely recommend the post-reboot comics (issue 252 for the main comic, & issue 55 for the side-story comic, Universe). The game characters have their best characterization in ages (if you liked SA1 Amy, you'll love post-252 Amy, Knuckles is awesome, & even Shadow has had his fun moments), the OCs introduced are great (I personally adore the Egg Bosses, Shard), & even obscure characters like Breezie, Honey etc. get to shine in the new universe.

>do you guys have ant recommendatiom on where to start or what to read?
A few places/ideas

>Read it all
Start from issue one and read it all. It's a big journey that has very great highs and very bad lows. You also get a greater appreciation of the quality of when Ian takes over when you read through the bad and there is a lot of bad. Once you breakthrough it, you get the best the comic can offer.

>Skip the bad
Read from issue 1 and read until you stop enjoying it. After that, skip to 160. That issue is when Ian takes over, starts to clean up the problems and messes, and launches the book into what many considered the "Golden Age" of the book. Read on from there.

The book rebooted at issue 252 and Universe 55 due to legal problems. Everything from Archie original characters to lore to locations before the reboot is mostly gone despite the "connections" to the previous world they establish in the beginning of it. It's the easy mode of reading the book and you miss a lot of good stuff before the reset, but it is the easiest to get into and is mostly consistent in quality.


Meant Razor, sorry. Shard was from the old comics.

For the comics, start at 160 for preboot, and 252 for reboot. Read all of universe, because it's all good

I wish he was in the reboot.

Oh, & while many would recommend skipping to 160 in the preboot comics, you should know that a lot of the characters that were around when Ian took over were introduced & established pre-160, & while the comic became better overall, you still had some bad stuff to go through.

I like this Amy

Pretty cute, & really well done image.

As everyone else said, you can start at the old universe for the comics, or the reboot. The reboot is probably much easier to get into, and if you want a universe more "grounded" with the games, then it's worth looking at. Old universe has some great stories, but is rather inconsistent. Up to you, really, as I love them both, but definitely do yourself a favor and read Sonic Universe. The majority of the rebooted universe adapts Sonic Unleashed (and Sonic The Fighters) aswell, if you enjoyed that plot in any way. If you didn't, the comic will hopefully make it interesting enough to hold your attention.

As far as Romhacks go, I would suggest The S Factor, Sonic Boom (very fun but unfortunately short as hell), Sonic 2 Retro Remix (pretty damn fantastic in my opinion), and my personal favorite, Sonic 3 & Amy. If you haven't already, do try Sonic 3 Complete next time you want to replay S3K. It's basically a more "polished" version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, with lots of customization options too.

Was checking the last episode on youtube and this was the one that appeared.

>that new Sticks pic from PlagueOfGripes

why didn't you post it?

I'm not risking a 3 day vacation. It's not hard to locate anyway.

this is MY first general

Post a picture of all the accepted furries on Veeky Forums.
I wanna know how many sonic grills are in there.

I sincerely hope those are her boyfriend's legs

no, these are the legs of feminism!

>hairier legs than mine



But it's morning!



see ?
Nobody got banned for this

I've been banned for less so I was just cautious. Carry on then.


this is a good thread

why the fuck they need a blanket and a stretching?

Why not?

because one of them is a robot and the second one a holographic AI.