Let's discuss Historical European Martial Arts.
Other urls found in this thread:
Latest Matt Easton video:
Latest Alte Herren video with Daniel Jaquet (not Jacket):
I like mixed weapon sparring.
Latest Skallagrim video:
>Daniel Jaquet
love this guy! youtube.com
If I wanted to learn about dagger fighting, what manual/treatise should I look for?
Bumping for this
Do you seriously have to keep this fucking thread up? have you read the fucking sticky? Generals are not allowed here fuck off.
Fiore has lots of dagger.
Fuck you, /asp/ is a WWE shithole
Fiore has indeed a lot of dagger, it's almost as big as the longsword parts really. Plus there is dagger against sword and other weapons I think. And then of course it complements the wrestling sections that are also here (or the wrestling complement the dagger if you want).
A bit later, Marozzo have a good deal on it, though I've never really looked into it, Hutton thought it was nice...
Alternatively Lignizer has a few dagger plays, but just like always with this guy, it's short. Might be a good start though, wouldn't really know.
Here's a nice verse by Guy Windsor on the Nine Masters of the dagger (Fiore).
this one: bruchius.com
New Matt Easton video is out. It's about 17th century warhammers.
>no hema thread on /asp/
>this hema thread is in this sad state of affairs
Well, shit.
Anyone have any experience with purpleheart armory? How long does it usually take them to process an order?
It's not in much better shape, but it's there.
As for PHA, they've always been good with my stuff. My club does a lot of business with them and it's almost always real smooth.
I'm about to order the Neyman Inigo gloves since other people in my club are getting the Koning and the Sparring Gloves (a few people already have SPES heavies) so we compare them all.
Anything else worth ordering from Neyman, since I'm paying for Europe shipping?
back to /asp/ , fight the wrestling menace my brothers
Fuck off, it is way nicer here, history and humanities rock, spandex loving closett faggots suck.
I hope they close /asp/ for good, honestly.
What time-frame are we talking about here?
My order has been 'processing' for over a week now.
Depending on what you ordered, that doesn't strike me as too long. If you got something engraved, or one of the less common cord wraps then it can take a little while to do. If you're in a big hurry you could always reach out to them and check in on it.
Nah, not in a hurry. I'm just not used to this waiting time for something to ship. Wanted to confirm that this isn't unusual.
Anyhow, thanks.
Holy fuck this is where /hema/ went. I'm so glad I found it even though I hve literally nothing to add right now. Bump nonetheless.
Again, there is a thread on /asp/:
Might be worth trying to keep that one alive, too.
In the dawn of time /hema/ was on tg, generally in the Riddle of Steel threads.
Swiss fag, started training again? Tempted to start going to the local group again, but I can't gear up anytime soon.
The problem with these threads is generally there's not that much to say right now.
Isn't that why hema moved to Veeky Forums? slower board. so it doesn't matter if no one says anything for a day or two.
Still not slow enough that these threads don't need pointlessly and transparently bumped until they're long and empty of content.
So what does the HEMA community think of these three guys, Matt Easton, Skallagrim and Lindybeige? They seem to be the holy trinity of youtube videos about swords, axes, etc.
>Skallagrim and Lindybeige
Not even a factor.
Easton's got some decent stuff, but it's (obviously) all just his opinion; as long as you take it as one perspective, it's fine. His saber work is obviously pretty authoritative, but there's often a lot of speculation in other areas - though to his credit he does usually flag that when it comes up.
The other two aren't reliable for HEMA. The stuff of theirs that I've seen is either pure speculation or just wrong. That said, their other content can be pretty good, so it's mostly just a matter of going to them for the right stuff.
Matt Easton is a good egg
Skallagrim is a weird chubby autist with some novel thoughts about some socio-political topics but is pretty useless when it comes to history or fighting
Lindy is a really charming guy with a lot of really fucking stupid ideas
Are there any Hema practitioners that can actually fight and dont look like a hungry skeleton? No hate, just everyone I've seen on youtube looks like the kind of faggot who collects swords and spends to much time on the xbox.
Axel's probably the best example of not that. Here are a few of the videos that popped up first on a youtube search:
There are, HEMA just tends to attract NEET skeletons and fat neckbeards.
All of the people in the three videos shown really, Ilkka Hartikainen even has conditioning videos and exercises on his channel. Ties Kool is just as athletic as Pettersson really.
Now it should be noted that being buff isn't always such a big advantage, I mean it certainly is necessary to be athletic up to a point, but less so than in unarmed combat.
Longsword tends to attract the more athletic type, but I suppose rapier and sword&buckler doesn't require you to be as buff. Rob Runacres and Kristine Konsmo are pretty good rapier fencers and they have pretty average shape I suppose, for people who are doing a sport at least.
There is quite a good deal of people in the tournament scene that would qualify but that are less well-known partly because most of them are scandinavians.
>Longsword tends to attract the more athletic type, but I suppose rapier and sword&buckler doesn't require you to be as buff.
Longswords are only a bit heavier than single-handed swords but the two-hand grip makes it possible to handle considerably more weight comfortably, after all it is possible to use much bigger and heavier two-handed weapons effectively, i.e. zweihänder and polearms. So longsword is probably lighter for two-hands than most one-handed swords are for one hand.
I mean I guess it could be still be true that longsword tends to attract the more athletic type than single-handed swords. But it would seem unexpected to me, if you think about it logically.
That's why I wrote that it tends to attract the more athletic type, even though there isn't any logical correlation. At this point it doesn't have to do with what the weapons are but what is perceived of them.
I guess it just buys into the stereotypical view that longswords are the manly, knightly weapon for buff men while rapiers are for the effeminate, courtly and civilian people. Of course it's stupid and all, but it kinda checks.
Now just for the three person that were presented, Pettersson does all three weapons (rapier, s&b, longsword), Kool does sabre and longsword (don't know about rapier), Hartikainen does mostly sidesword (even though he started with two-handed swords). So I guess they aren't the best example for the stereotype, but they are good as great all-around fighters.
You did say
>but I suppose rapier and sword&buckler doesn't require you to be as buff.
In the case of sword & buckler I'd say that's simply false. Rapier is a bit more complicated. Excluding late 17th century transitional rapiers, they are not light for one-handed weapons at all. Rapier fencing requiers having the weapon hand extended a lot to threaten with the point, which quite tiring for the hand. On the other hand the point of balance is close to the hilt which makes it functionally lighter in many ways, and thrusts require less power to be effective than cuts. Which is way you see spears used with shields but I've never heard of polearms being used to cut while using a shield simultaneously.
I'd say that of all sidearm sized swords, basket-hilted broad/backswords probably require the most strength. The weight of the hilt is easy to handle, but it also requires the blades to be heavier in order to bring the point of balance forward for effective cuts.
There seems to be this idea that a sword length should be proportional to its wielder's height. I can think of two reasons for this:
1. The shorter you are and longer the weapon, the more horizontally you have to wear it, which makes it more inconvenient to wear.
2. Longer arms can draw a longer sword from the scabbard more easily.
But let's say when in the context of a fight, when swords are already drawn, is there any good reason why a shorter person should have the shorter sword? If anything wouldn't he want to compensate for his inferior reach?
Here's a piece by Keith Farrel (not a big guy by any means) about short fencers. One point is about this precisely.
I don't think your two points are the usually advanced reasons, more that there is a correct relative length for certain styles and that you need appropriate weapons for (usually) your arms length and height. Drawing and wearing the sword doesn't have a lot to do with the whole thing since wearing can be adjusted and drawing isn't that big of an issue.
Overall, if you are small, I'd say it's indeed ridiculous to take a weapon that is two big for yourself. A short weapon will parry better and always handle better or at least easier, even though it can be more demanding in the actual fencing. If you can manoeuver and long weapon, it would actually be a detriment in a fight.
this is now a HAMA (Historical African Martial Arts) thread
Did the Africans write anything down? That is, do we actually have surviving source material, or is this a Chidester type III discipline?
Pretty much the only time this is actually a factor is with upward cuts like the Unterhau. If your swords is too long for your body your more likely to hit it off the ground.
Now this is countered by raising your hands highers and fighting from shoulder height or above like with Montantes but that requires more energy and demands of the body than a tall person fighting the whole time from a low guard.
Overall the idea swords should be a certain height for their users could be taking rare quotes from a source or two too seriously it's not likely that that many people had the luxury of having sword blades made for them. and by and large bought swords off the shelf.
It's a regrettable trend in competitive HEMA to get the longest feder you can get away with simply for the reach advantage especially for tall fencers who have serious reach advantage anyway.
Longsword and two handed weapons are indeed much easier on the body to wield. Longsword tends to draw more athletic types because it's HEMA's biggest competitive scene right now and arguably that demands a higher level of mastery to compete simply because the pools are so big and competitive.
Longsword more than any other leads to grappling in my experience (perhaps it shouldn't in theory but in competition today it seems to) and a good physique becomes a factor there.
Overall being very muscular is very little advantage in fencing itself. Muscular endurance and strength in the bind is fantastic but size is a disadvanage. When I started HEMA I used to always get stabbed in the lats from the front. Something my lankey instructors didn't have to consider.
that was before faggots started to go into HEMA threads.
That said, anyone got any good videos for Lecküchner?