League of Legends - /lolg/

Rumble edition

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First for ARURF is cancerous as fuck


2 maps, 6 hours

Iem is fucking trash

posting early in the thread for goat of many heals

I wanna cuddle and love futa Jinx



defend this!

also holy fuck im so tired of seeing the same 10-15 champions every game

the tank and dive fighter update cant come soon enough. If we had actual viable melee carries these games would be so much more exciting.

I wanna sniff between femRumble's thighs!

xth for Syndra

fluffy tails!

fucking thank you


xth for cuddly foxes

how does this look


reminder not to bully your support and help her ward!

>walk into mid lane
>see this



: (

Lay on my back and jerk off

i want to look EXACTLY like janna

>67 total

fantastic representation of the playerbase as a whole right there

why did mithy not blocked that lol

shut the fuck up, dumbass. you know urf is better. off yourself

>Sona every game

No I'm pretty sure it isn't. Why are you so mad? Take your meds.

>another break
This shit can't be real

idiots frustrate me. i understand, you probably cant help being retarded.

What do I build on Kayle after Runaans? Typically I go Nashor's, Rageblade, then Runaans. I've been going Wit's End then GA or Gunblade then GA. What are some good items for the 5th and 6th slot? Or maybe Rylay's and Rabadoobles? Also, zerkers or cdr boots?
Also, does anybody play Nidalee anymore or is she just too bad?

comfy bfs~

whenever i see a lux supp they never get support items
>dorans ring starting item

the profit

Tricks pathing on ivern is so atrociously bad.
Everyone knows Ivern will steal your buff on the opposite side of where you start. The correct move for him was to walk to his own redside after ganking mid, to deny the Rox jungler his redside. His blueside was secured anyway.

>tfw no cute gf to dress up as janna for me

tell me summoner....

what is the price of ones soul?

Is this tournament just a way to get people to buy Ryzen?

Every pause, tech error, i play an aram

Haven't really missed much desu

Hey man you need to take a chill pill lol

gross, user

the things i'd do to make the makeup run in streams

you should have 5 scaling cdr blues

sheen after nashors, get zerkers, then rageblade, then lich bane, then situational items

>lol whoa dude, calm down! xD
okay, lmao. we're done here

You're still angry for no reason bro lol

I side with this guy
That meme is for obnoxious faggots and you should kys

Trick is definitely in the bottom 2 for junglers at this tournament

If the opponent team has tanks, is third item LW the best purchase on adc or second attack speed item? I tried double AS on jinx and the fed garen was pretty much invincible

I think G2 support is kinda trash

sheen immediately after nashors? it's better to do that than rushing rageblade?

He's definitely past it

usually you get a LW and then finish other items depending on the situation.

Against heavy regen comps I sometimes rush a executioners before even finishing my second item.

>international "esports"

It's a very easy game of spot the salty burgers in this thread today

>tfw you build full tank and lethality jhin does half your health with curtain call
Lethality ... so balanced

>europoor envy
lol, just stop. it's not even funny as a joke anymore.

IEM is such a joke of a competition.

Riot should really tell ESL to fuck off and let OGN produce a major in their stead.

Every year it's the same shit, that's why teams straight up tell ESL they're not going or in the case of Regi last year, tell ESL he wants money in return for having his players attend their shitfest of a tournament.

It's absolutely appalling how every single year IEM manages to be a complete and utter waste of time for both the fans and the orgs. IEM shouldn't be considered a major anymore and should be demoted to something that only the lesser regions attend as a way to get them accustomed to playing internationally/get their brands out there.

that's not lethality, that's just jhin

he also did that before lethality even though riot said "muh arpen scales bad in lategame!!"

so called """""professional""""" players don't even know when not to waste their summoners

From my experience you're more likely to get autofilled to ADC than you are support in Diamond 1

Based Mickey putting these european dogs in their place

>when you are literally living the meme dream
>when you meme your way out of bronze
>when you meme your way out of silver
>when you meme your way out of gold
>when you meme your way out of plat
>when you meme your way out of diamond
Im livin the dream bois

Problem with lethality is that he does that damage early game too.
I'm complaining that there's no tradeoff, you just do damage.

>When your top lane Kennen goes on hit instead of AP.

No, it's lethality.

You can do the same on Draven, MF, Quinn, or any other lethality abusing AD.

The stat itself is hilariously broken and much more effective than armor pen ever was.

I haven't played in a while

Am I just retarded or does it seem like people don't build Rabadons as much as they used to, and if so why not?

I approve this

The only time I got autofilled (I got my secondary role Jungle rather than Support two games in a row, so I no longer had autofill protection...) I got autofilled to bottom.

Instant dodge.

Also my adcs say they're autofilled in like 40% of champion selects

Maokai is such a dumb fucking champ....

do more damage*

List of International events NA have passed Semi-Finals in:

Mickey is the midlane rush, brainless soloq mechanics monkeys

it gives you the last bit of cdr and a little mana so you can sit in lane forever farming till rageblade, sheen lets you take 7 extra attack speed runes that would normally be scaling cdr which leave you with wasted stats

finishing lich bane after rageblade gives you additional burst and opens up rabadons as a much better item option

thats just my build tho, the standard kayle build is 9 scaling cdr blues, a scaling cdr quint and nashors, zerkers, rageblade, hurricane, rylais, GA

A broken clock is still right twice a day

MSI last year

It's just way too expensive for its current stats.

It's a luxury buy at this point and it's more practical for you to build ludens/zhonyas.

we get it. you're frustrated that you're the literal worst region. but envy is super easy to read through smug anime girls, and passive aggressiveness.

>wake up
>still alive

already hate this day

hope you have a good one though lolg

Name another add who takes more skill than Draven

do you play her mid or top?



mf, ashe although they did lower her skillceiling with the removal of q reset

one day user one day...

>mf is hard
>ashe is hard

Anyone wish LoL had an onryo champion already? Scary as fuck female ghost that was betrayed by a man in real life and now seeks vengeance on the living.

Lmao sick baron call with the enemy jungler still up g2

how do i play elise supp?

like senna?

both, I personally like slow ramping fast harder hits since it lets me engage with my burst over weak but faster dps

literally kalista

does kalista count?


>NA > EU

Has never been true, at any time, ever.

How many times have we won Worlds compared to you? Why have we won more International events than you?

Watch lehends youtube footage

He actually whipped it out in challengers korea recently

This is a nice reminder of why Riot didn't want Azir in the meta anymore

Now if only they'd give Maokai the same treatment, fuck tree.

k ty
she seems like she would fit right in seeing how the main support meta is to shit out more damage than your ADC


stay salty, lil eurobab cuck


Why are IEM allowed to run garbage tournaments?

b t f o


>Mickey ults everyone out of the pit

