>this "girl's first car" for $3,000 in the US is faster than 96.71% of european auto "enthusiasts" cars on Veeky Forums
explain this
>this "girl's first car" for $3,000 in the US is faster than 96.71% of european auto "enthusiasts" cars on Veeky Forums
explain this
also 10x more reliable and cheaper
yuros mad
How can that be because european auto "enthusiasts" on Veeky Forums have no cars
its sad because any time someone on Veeky Forums say they are a busrider they are in europe or asia
no one in the US besides blacks ride public transportation
>mfw it's illegal to drive a car from 1997 or older in any major city of my country
>mfw europoor
stop, holy shit you're breaking my insides
That may be true, but i can still out-drive your 500hp moose tangs in my 50hp sierra, because i'm just that good :^)
that is true oppression
>my twingo 133 rs is considered pretty damn fast
Also, more and more cities here are banning cars pre-2001 because muh dirty old technology. It even says in a FAQ
>Can I just install a retrofit particulate filter
>No, the car must have a particulate filter installed from factory.
In a land where a mustang gt is 120k, this is pure thievery and has nothing to do with muhhh environment
That's fucking crazy.
What do you do if you want to drive a 80s or 90s MB or BMW or something? Does Europe have classic cars?
>Also, more and more cities here are banning cars pre-2001 because muh dirty old technology
I think this is a step in the right direction
Not sure if that is sarcasm, but a lot of 90s American cars are too much bang for your buck to literally support banning them.
Lmao, the average age of cars in my country is 17 y/o. Most cars just rust away. It used to be that so-called oldtimers (>25 y/o) were pretty much exempt from road taxes and shit, but da gubment started losing money and now oldtimers are >40 y/o.
There are old cars, sure. The father of my gf owns a mercedes 230SL but keeping it intact is a pain. I know some french people who own really old french cars but generally I more often see 911's than old cars.
Let's say you'd be stubborn and will still drive an old MB or so in those cities, there are camera's that scan the plates. If your plates are coupled to a car that isn't allowed to be there, you'll get an automatic fine sent to your home, 239 eurobucks.
There are also annual inspections where an amount of rust that would be acceptable to drive around with is grounds for a fail.
Yurop is Orwellian mayne
Also, weedcity (Amsterdam) will be banning 2smoke mopeds older than 2012 and slowstroke mopeds older than 2008, starting in 2019. 21% sales tax and a emission-based luxury tax does that for you.
Sure I can see why you'd say that, but not allowing modified cars to be used it dumb. It's just a way to force people to buy newer cars or use public transport.
Public transport is shit, even here. I have a parttime job and study medicine. If I use my car to get to my job, it's around 40 mins. Public transport is 2 hours. For fucking 44 km
I dont think i will ever complain about getting a smog. Actually, yes i will because im a spoiled califag. Emissions regulations after the car is more than 20 years old is bullshit and shouldnt be required at that point. Every Californian law is cancer, tho. I need to leave this shithole state.
Fact of the matter is.
HP doesnt help you commute better.
You wont get to work faster in a 1000hp car vs a 100hp car.
Which county do you live if I may ask? I have relatives living in san bernardino county or however that taco name is spelled. They actually want me and my gf to migrate there. Arizona seems nice too
>the only purpose of cars is soulless commuting to work
For 99% of people.
You are the minority and likely a minor too.
Its sad because any time a bus rider pretends they aren't a bus rider they are 100% of the time American
Enjoy your 1.3L cuckbox
>this "girl's first car" for $3,000 in the US is faster than 96.71% of european auto "enthusiasts" cars on Veeky Forums
And such, this is life in Yuropooria
Enjoy your nocar
>not even European btw
Lmao at your life
I doubt it
I have an 04 with 160k on it, first car I bought used. 3k, 40k starting miles. Had it for a decade. It's reliable, fast enough, and comfy for tall man.
if you move anywhere go to orange county.
>tfw my home town doesn't even have public transportation
On the other hand, it is horribly ugly.
Nice fake ass hood scoops for this "girls first car"
Holy fuck. Even a "small" Harley puts out twice that. Fuck. We had cars in the 1920's putting out more power. I guess that's what living on a tiny island filled with inbreeds does.
>an office only has the purpose of being a soulless place of work
Exactly the same concept, to be desu.
Live a little, you disgusting plebeian.
Haha, good old aspi burgers and their facination with a straight line.
Dont need 999hp when all the fun in driving is 100% the corner.
meant to hit up this faggot with that post
>tfw you can still have fun with your powerless tin can manual fiat because downhills and corners exist
Probably because we don't have powerful cars on the used market, except some worn down amg/ rs/ m models that will be a write off as soon as something minor breaks. And double/triple/quadruple the costs for gas/ Tax isn't helping either.
Not really, with my previous european shitbox even a slight incline was pure cancer to drive on, german cars wirh basic engines are preety much the same only more uncomftortable, i bought first gen lincoln navigator and its amazin in every single posible way, looks 10 timesbetter than it already does becouse it is suronded with yurop shitboxes . American cars are great if you want something worth between 30k-100k. If you want cheap shitbox better buy european or japanese and if you want something really luxourious above 100k european cars are better but no one produces better cars in the price range I wrote before
>tfw euro
>tfw spend engine swap money on handling mods
>tfw btfo all american cars
straight lines aren't a thing here.
>1st gen neon teleport behind you
>You suddenly teleport behind him
It will soon change. The EU will fall
hahahaha its true
opel omegas cost like a thousand euros
There is zero argument for HP here
Holy shit lol tfw no freedom at all. Garbo life is garbo, the guberment literally directs exactly how you can live your life.
>>this "girl's first car" for $3,000 in the US is faster than 96.71% of european auto "enthusiasts" cars
eurocucks have no place on this board and should be removed
But they don't come with the only part that made the commodore the Commodore, the veeate.
eurocucks are the only ones who dont give 2 fucks about 0-100 times because they have corners.
They also drive manual which was the one thing agreed as the best gearbox pre busrider Veeky Forums.
All benchacers talk about are 0-60 times and europe uses metric. Benchracers also sprout shit like "muh automatic muh best gearbox because 0.1ms faster than manual lmao btfo"
benchracers also post corvettes because they´re faster than GTR.
According to evidence americans are busriders and benchracers.
The very island that produced America at her best. Then you fucked up.
>live of Anglo power culture law and inventions
>use up other Europeans who came later
>kill Europeans twice for (((interests)))
>give niggers rights to rob and kill you
>decline to 60% White if that
>muh murica (((superiority)))
>100hp car can't even make it up a hill in the rain
The good parts of America weren't from Cuckland.
>transmissions dont exist
I think he's memeing
I doubt there were 50hp sierras made (diesels maybe)
still, the 3.0 V6 would beat the car in OP
unless it has that FWD V8 deal
The fuck it would, we had the Omega with the 3.0, it was called the Catera and it was shit on by those Grand Prix GTPs
is the GTP the v8 model?
was the catera avaliable with a manual?
it wouldn't, it's a pseudo luxury car with an anemic engine not built for performance. also it's heavy and handles like a boat
The 1.3 pinto had 59hp
and there was a 2.3 n/a diesel with 66hp
The GTP was the 3.8 pushrod V6 supercharged, the GXP was the one with the V8
The Catera could be had with a manual IIRC, but it still performed worse than the GTP and it was literally a fully optioned Omega
let them rationalize the situation fellow murican
yuropoors BTFO
that Pontiac is not exactly featherweight either
why the fuck do you have that?
can't you swap something semi-decent in it, you madman?
Faster than an Omega
That looks like a dream to wrench on
That's the point you dipshit
Now imagine being a yurocuck and being unable to own something that's even remotely as fast as that GTP
The fact of the matter is that we had an Omega with a 3.2 V6 that made 13 more hp than the American 3 liter.
hory shet, I've never had so many (you)s on 4chin
Good thread, OP
And would have still gotten stomped by the GTP
It's refreshing to see someone on here so happy about being a faggot
+1 upvote
>Ameriburgers bragging about a gtp
>Ameriburgers belive a gtp is faster than anything but other shitboxes
>Yuropoor gets literally BTFO
>backpedals faster than a nigger from child support
>Ameriburger who could only afford a gtp calling anyone poor
>Ameriburger that has a gtp belives he BTFO'd anyone but himself
Maybe if you didnt have to pay 100k for a sprained nkle you could afford something better than a GM shitbox
>tfw I also have 60hp
you see Veeky Forums, I don't have to look on the other side of the world to find cars faster than me.
They are all around me
Except I don't own a GTP, I just know how much faster it is compared to shitty yuropoor """vehicles""""
>Ameribetic is literally too poor to even afford a gtp
lmao, what happened, school debt, kicked out of your last job because manual got hired?
>tfw 2600lb 350hp k24 dc5 daily
>Ast 5300's and stiff sway bars
>Handles like a fucking god and pulls on stock sti's
Best of both worlds desu couldn't ask for anything better.
Forgot my image
Nice projection NEET, enjoying the bus's wifi?
Lmao, look how triggered the americuck got, so sad
Let me guess, your shitty, crumbling american infrastructure doesnt have buses with wifi either
So fucking 3rd world
Mine keeps a single trolley around. It's more like "hey let's take a ride and harken back to the old days" rather then "fuck I need to get somewhere." The first time I saw public transport that wasn't in the movies was when I moved to salt lake.
Moved back home because slc kinda sucks.
>missing the point this hard
>being proud of riding the bus
These are the Europeans of Veeky Forums
>He somehow belives anywhere in my post I implied I ride the bus
American education everybody,top kek!
Of mybe he is projecting lol
>Amerifat ragequitted
Jesus Christ, user.
You must be kidding.
He's not.
it's just a socialist gov helping the poor
Eurocucks only give a fuck about gay ass Lemans and F1 and America of course.
We have corners too (what is pikes peak) the only difference is were smart enough to navigate them with big ass vehicles.
Might be Germany because of their emission laws.
hurrrrr frustration hurrr memes
failures at life is what you are.
>they're actually functional
>europoors are the ones posting the laughing girls pics
Really activates your almonds
one more reason to just range ban all yurocucks, all they do is shit up the board