This is me when a Capitalist says we need need currency in order to be free

This is me when a Capitalist says we need need currency in order to be free

I love it man, blog the whole story and send me the link so I can read it later

Here's something for you to read -
What if we completely tear down this Capitalist system and replace it with a reward based system that we could enter in the case we are productive to society?-We could do this by having our basic human rights (redefining "Human rights" to include a house/car, Food/Water and even certain technological advancements) aside from a reward system (In the form of a free market).
The government (Even limited) would need to seize the means of production in order to spread technology equally through those means of production but also to those outside of the reward system. The reward system (That the government would pay out) would be jobs that were actually productive (After the technology we suppress today takes the unproductive jobs), but also -
Say you were good at creating Art work or a music producer, you could open an art gallery or music studio under the reward system being everyone outside of the reward system thought you were good at what you do and gain rewards through the system based on the opinion of those not in the reward system, but also through those who are in the reward system and wish to have the art work, they could use their rewards as exchange..

The scariest part of a new system is transitioning from the old.

I'm closer to putting all welfare neets into a gas chamber than you are to giving all the worthless cunts in the world free shit by calling it "human rights".

Your worth to society is exactly what your labor and capital produces. Minimum wage is garbage, because your job flipping burgers at McCuckolds simply isnt worth that much to society.

Giving birth to children you cant support should result in capital punishment rather than child support. Get fucked communist scum.


commie pls go. sanders lost

Sure, cause we certainly don't suppress technology in the name of Capitalism which causes us to work these unproductive jobs or anything...

All the Alt-right butthurt is welcomed

There is only one cure for people that think this way: a bullet right in their temple

So you would preffer to trade product s/servicea for products/services?

Go start a tribe you no currency cuck

Do you even "Free market" ? Lol

>Faggot who thinks currency should be a necessity

that image is amazing. Thank you user.

... why shouldn't it be? it's a good standardized value so we don't have to carry around oranges and shit to trade

>The reward system (That the government would pay out) would be jobs that were actually productive
I'm sure everyone will agree on what those jobs are.

>government should just give everyone everything they want so everyone is equal

Why are marxists so stupid

What is productive to you after technology takes 95% of the jobs? We have a lot of areas to consider here, space/health/science
>Typical Captialist who doesn't know what productive means

10 years too soon. Post this once all the driving jobs are gone, and see the NEETs lick your butt

I'm sure you didn't read the paragraph under the picture,
lurk moar before posting

>What is productive to you after technology takes 95% of the jobs?

Let's cross that bridge when we get there.

People were saying robots will do all the jobs humans don't want to do in the year 2000, as well.

The problem is, the bridge (Technology) is being torn down (Suppressed) in in order for the system (Capitalism) to survive.

This one?
This is literally the most retarded post currently on this entire site.

It's so factually incorrect and disconnected from reality that telling you to kyd is the best rebuttal.

All-right guys, we have our first butthurt Capitalist.
Make sure you notice him!

Election is over kid, Bernout lost.

You're going to have to get a job.

No one is going to pay you to shitpost.

Enjoy your poverty

>No job
Because you have total legitimacy towards assuming those things..Lol

>people unironically believe this kind of stuff in 2016

>Capitalism is supressing technology
Is that why manufacturing is becoming more automated? Your posts really fire up the old neurons

Your self worth should be defined by how you define it. That's why it's called "self worth" and not "societal worth". The image attempts to sound deep when really it's just a statement of fact.

Yeah, you didn't address what I posted at all.
>Typical idiot, mocks posts while not responding to the argument

people who whine about capitalism remind me of that feminist article where they claimed air conditioning was sexist.

also i don't get why people think politicians would do better things with the same money that they would take from people who earned it.

So when everyone bitches about minimum wage, they start putting in automated cashier machines, everyone bitches about technology taking their jobs - that isn't suppression through Capitalism? This is only a type of an example, here's a better one, Nikolai Tesla.

Let's take away your currency in a Capitalist society and we'll see where you defining your own self worth gets you, k? ;)

Nobody said anything about taking what others have earned

>muh basic income
>Cried the nu male NEET socialist
>as he spent his entire day blogging in his parents basement as they worked
>never has he worked or filed a tax return in his life

wouldn't it be inherently a really good thing if only cashiers and drivers were complaining about jobs in the country?

Lol!!! The irony!

Sure, sadly i was only giving examples..More are affected by the suppression of technology than just cashiers and drivers

and it's negligible relative to the improvements by technology. not sure what you're arguing for, it's common sense that people make selfish decisions, sometimes at a cost to others.

>Nikola Tesla and automated cash registers, dang i know everything about capitalism!
Automation is slow as shit and isn't displacing anyone like sending manufacturing to the east 30 years ago.

>Assumes he knows everything about technology and automation

>x is bad

>Nobody said anything about taking what others have earned
Oh, not at all.
You just want to fuck over (steal from) the people you and your buddies will determine to be "unproductive".
That's not the same thing at all, is it?
Wow, not only are you a redistributionist jackass, you're a dishonest one too.

>Obviously assumes the worst of every situation
>Probably afraid reptilians "Gone take ma baby"

I notice you didn't deny it, you shitheel.


You should probably take your batshit craziness somewhere else.
Take your Bernie Sanders stickers with you too, no one wants that shit here.

To answer your question honestly, we will have to transition the currency into the free market stated in my previous paragraphs..In the free market (separate from your human rights), those who are productive will also be given the chance to use their rewards (Currency) as exchange.

Basically, those who have currency now can use that currency but after it's gone-if they aren't productive, they will end up with nothing left after they use it.

Guy's not a marxist, simply an idiot.

OP, money is crystallized labor power. It's an efficient system of exchange.

The advancement of technology will create political change.

Your ideas are Utopian and facile.

Do you agree with the necessity of competition for innovation?

>those who are productive
You keep saying this while ignoring the uncomfortable fact that someone will have to make this incredibly important distinction, and those on the wrong end of it will be disenfranchised at best, utterly ruined at worst.
The amount of power inherent in such a position or positions cannot be understated, yet I never hear any concrete plans regarding how this will be addressed.

Yes, you would have competition within the "Free market"
I understand Capitalism as a system of exchange and i also understand that it has gotten us to where we are today, but with the furthering of technology-the system will need a "Makeover"
The only idiots i see here are the people who can't see past the system they were born into

Was the Constitution not implemented to limit the government to some degree? I hate to tell you this, but there's an uncomfortable fact that any system can be taken advantage of..

>I understand Capitalism as a system of exchange

Please just leave, read, and never come back. Capitalism is a system of production.

Oh, please, everyone knows Capitalism is based on the private ownership of the means of production.
Come back when you actually have something credible enough to "Bash" my ideology

>limit the government to some degree
How exactly will this be accomplished when you have a virtual "Ministry of Worthiness" determining who is valuable to society and who isn't?
That's some Orwellian shit right there.

>Ministry of Worthiness
>Also assumes the worst of every situation
>Probably afraid reptilians "Gone take ma baby"

Call it whatever you like.
Who is going to determine how productive the various members of society are?
And how will the person or people who make these incredibly important decisions be chosen?

It's a pretty simple question.

How are ELECTED officials chosen today? It is simple, not much changes. The productivity of a person will be determined by the people (In the sense of creating things people like) but also Nasa, for example, will still exist furthering advancements in space as a government job..

>not much changes
But that's not true.
You're suggesting that someone's productivity be determined by "the people".That is not the case today. Countless numbers of jobs have subjective value, something you would allow a select group to determine instead. Or do you seriously believe mob rule should determine the value of everyone's vocation?

I'm just talking about simple supply and demand.

>I'm just talking about simple supply and demand.

That's not what this sounds like:
>The productivity of a person will be determined by the people

This sounds like the notion that, regardless of ones ability to generate income for themselves or provide a service others will pay for, these factors should be disregarded in favor of a judgment from "the people" regarding compensation.
I imagine most people here would regard such a system as shitty.

You're an idiot.
And you forgot to add "(In the sense of creating things people like)"

>You're an idiot
Great comeback.
You're the one who said it:
>The productivity of a person will be determined by the people

Thanks for confirming my estimation of your intelligence. Go jerk yourself off underneath your posters of Bernie and Marx.

I shouldn't have to explain to you how "Supply and demand" relates to a "Free market"

You are either legit retarded or just an excellent troll that doesn't believe anything you are typing.

That image literally defies fundamental human psychology.

Self worth and self esteem are solely based upon social interactions. A person can choose to coach themselves into a favorable view, but other people will continue to reinforce a particular amount of value.

> M.S. in Psychology


Maybe "Self worth" isn't the term i was looking for..

You should have to explain why you keep ducking the most fundamental questions pertaining to your utopia.
It's ok, we already know.
Like a politician, you're simply unable to answer anything that might cast your ideas in an unfavorable light.

You're just a coward. Might as well own it.


I'm a NEET and I still think he's retarded.
Making a system like that isn't something simple that will happen over night and the transition will take a very long time - with the chance of being stuck in a shit communist society if it fails.

I actually hope you're trolling me at this point

Get back to your Uber job and unproductive busy work, peasant.

He either doesn't get it, or does and is unwilling to admit it.
>Hey guys, I found a job willing to pay me $75 an hour
>Sorry, "the people" have determined that job is "unproductive", and thus only worth $20 an hour

What a shit society indeed

>Government required to buy art because the value determined by congress is lower than what the open market will pay

This is some great bait, man. I'm genuinely angry.

Kill yourself you faggot commie cunt.

Why would congress determine the value of art? What a stupid sentiment
In a free market the people determine the price of goods.

*Has an idea which implements a free market*
>You commie scum

This deserves to be posted

When the government mandates much a job is worth , then they also have to set the price of goods and services, otherwise the entire system falls apart

Oh god, I'm still laughing.

Because they're the elected representatives of "the people". Remember, the people who have to determine which artists are productive, and thus worthy of high price values?
Lol. Great system.

Not at all, they determine the value of the productivity through government jobs, not goods.
>Will likely assume other bullshit in attempt to "Bash" my ideology

>Government sets government workers pay at 50% higher than the equivalent private sector job
>Commies actually believe this will have no impact on prices

Why does every socialist belief require that you pretend basic economics are wrong.

>Will likely assume other bullshit
I'll likely assume you're talking out of your ass, because that's what you've been doing this whole thread.

>Why does every socialist belief require that you pretend basic economics are wrong.
Because that horse shit wouldn't work, otherwise.

He's not even describing a socialist economy, just a hodge podge of confused feel good pablum.

>inb4 what's the difference

Why do we need 'productivity' to be determined by an elected official when supply and demand already does so more accurately and incorruptably ?

>Why do we need 'productivity' to be determined by an elected official
Because unless you do it that way, you can't punish your enemies effectively. Calling them "unproductive" is meaningless unless you can use the force of law to deprive them of their income.

You guys are fucking wrong Capitalism is the best system we ever had. It took black people out of Africa and put them into work in the fields. It made Native Americans live close together on reservations, it made people pump out 10 kids a piece for hard labour

>says the fintecher who gets paid to scrub bankrupcy sheets, liquidate physical capital, and leverage on poorfags
wow! and he can shit post 2 das kewl

>come back to me when you provide value

>defund all collectivist projects
>claims his productivity should be rewarded by others' capital
You realise why hating the people you profiteer off is both insane and hypocritical, right?

Money is to make things way either. Instead of spending 20 minutes negotiating for a price of a loaf of bread, i just swipe my credit card and i'm done. In and out in 2 minutes

And all you guys wanting a basic income, you are literally advocating for slavery.
What if the gvt threatens to cut off your allowance unless you do X for them and you have no other means of getting money? You'll become slaves to the government

*Way easier lol

The caption is "wrong" but his lips form "true".

You're a dipshit dude
any government can be taken advantage of
What makes me laugh is the fact Capitalists have to work for simple necessities and they defend it. Those in power found a way for you to willingly pay for you necessities here on earth.

Remember that the United states of America will become Communistic in the next 10 years. The modern youth will not grow out of their leftist phase because of their huge amount of debt, low quality jobs with little opportunity and the College scam.

Thank god I'm not an Americuck

Did you mean that sarcastically? Because you can bet your ass that we ADVANCE technology in the name of Capitalism all the damn time.. Or do you think that the nigga in the pic related was driven by the desire for the greater collective good?

No, he wanted to get rich, and maybe he was kind of an ass about it, but he also deserved to get rich

Tell your dad to buy me a new car.

The government won't be taken advantage of by plebs who dont have money and cant do crap

>tear down this Capitalist system
The biggest lie of them all. If you think we have a capitalist economic system you have some serious definition problems. We lost capitalism the day we allowed the banksters to form the Federal Reserve Monopoly.

In that sense the only true capitalists today are the FED. Somehow that gives everyone the impression they too are capitalists, when in reality they are just the Feds bitch(slave).