ITT: Post shocking war photos/paintings or stories & facts
Preferably WW2 or earlier
ITT: Post shocking war photos/paintings or stories & facts
Preferably WW2 or earlier
>The British officer John Masters recorded in his autobiography that Afghan women in the North-West Frontier Province of British India during the Second Anglo-Afghan War would castrate non-Muslim soldiers who were captured, like British and Sikhs. They also used an execution method involving urine; Pathan women urinated into prisoner's mouths. Captured British soldiers were spread out and fastened with restraints to the ground, then a stick, or a piece of wood was used to keep their mouth open to prevent swallowing. Pathan women then squatted and urinated directly into the mouth of the man until he drowned in the urine, taking turns one at a time.
This painting, depicting Verdun, is titled "Hell"
According to testimonies, the thick smoke, the fire, the constant artillery barrages and toxic gas gave the battlefield an almost alien-like quality
In addition, the constant bombing had turned the dense forests into a barren, dead wasteland
It's probably the closest real-life example we have to the Christian Hell
The body count and destruction was so high in some areas, it would take decades before it was properly cleaned up
truly christians back then
Nobody cared who he was until he put on the face
Truly shocking
This girl grew up in a concentration camp
The photo is after she was asked to draw "Home"
Why the ugly jew face?
My god! Hillary was right when she said that women are the primary victims of war!
Fury had a great scene like this
Best war movie in recent times, IMO
trash movie, waiting for Mel's
Sometimes I wonder
Were people just tougher back then?
I'm reading about how WW1 soldiers used to joke around, and SMILE in the face of certain death
I know virtues like honor and nationalism are not as big today, but are we just weaker?
I would probably crack after a week in a shithole like Verdun, amazing how much these people endured
art after this
is this bait?
It was a great film, but they were forced to redo the ending because it was considered too dark
In the original script the german platoon was supposed to be a reserve-section, full of literal children and untrained soldiers
That's why they managed to kill so many
But the studio considered it too dark, so we got the nonsense ending instead
Still a good movie, though
-otto dix, ww1 vet
People adapt surprisingly readily to the conditions around them.
dix again
That is from the WW1.
But is shocking in the same way.
/k/ has so many of these "justgirlythings." It really makes you redpill...
Your kind is not wanted here.
>He mentions /k/
>GET BACK TO /pol/
>huuuur duuuur muh /pol/ boogeyman!!!
>being this dense
Truly a /pol/tard.
>gets triggered at the mention of /pol/.
Back to your containment board.
>le term only /pol/tard use when they are triggered
Like clockwork, tea bee ache.
That's hot
...ffs, anti-/pol/ are as pathetic as /pol/ies
...maybe even more pathetic
>implying it's as pathetic as the people who defend /pol/
>implying anyone but /pol/-tards defend /pol/
You can stop anytime, /pol/ack. You are really doing nothing but expressing your frustration.
/pol/ is like the America of Veeky Forums, the butt of all the jokes, everyone hates them but themselves and they see themselves as above everyone else, while they continually drag the bar down with them as they sink deeper into degeneracy.
There is literally nothing sadder than a /pol/ poster. You all know it too, look you all jump at the first chance to defend yourselves.
You look kinda frustrated too
Also, I'm an /int/fag
Only shitskins hate America.
Why would a civilized person from a first world country hate America and Americans?
Truly a /po/tard. Again, stop at any time. Why would anyone BUT a newfag defend the cancer that is /pol/? Did you know what this place was like before it? Lel.
>I-i-i-i-i-i'm n-n-n-n-ot /pol/
>i-i-i-i s-s-swear!!
>y-y-y-you p-p-p-ost b-b-b-bb-ack
>y-y-y-your m-m-m-m-mad!
I didn't start the "u mad lol" shit, tho, kid.
Imagine a thread that doesn't get derailed
East Prussia, now Kalininingrad Oblast was a scene of mostly forgotten genocide at after WW2. To quote Wikipedia:
About 120,000 survivors remained in the ruins of the devastated city. These survivors, mainly women, children and the elderly, plus a few others who had returned immediately after the fighting ended, were held as slave labourers until 1949. The vast majority of the German civilians left in Königsberg after 1945, died from disease or deliberate starvation, or in revenge-driven ethnic cleansing. The remaining 20,000 German residents were expelled in 1949–50.
In general the subject of post-war Germany is an interesting one. When I was at school, I always wondered how post-war Germany was so much smaller than pre-war, a subject that is just conveniently ignored by many. The fact is that there was genocide and forced moving going on at a ridiculous scale.
You're shitting up this board with your faggotry
A thread with no anti/pol/ beta fags who see /pol/ everywhere? Keep dreaming lmao
Where did I say you started it, you got triggered. You are literally mad.
Feel free to fuck off to your containment board.
>implying I am wrong.
Imagine an original thread, which doesn't get posted here daily, which doesn't get flooded with the same old pictures time in time out.
Just imagine.
Old /pol/ hated America because it's controlled by Jews.
New /pol/ worships Trump and #MAGA due to all of the actual, unironic /r/edditors that have flocked to Veeky Forums thanks to /pol/ shilling for Trump.
>you mad! You triggered! GO BACK TO YOUR CONTAINMENT BOARD FASCIIIIIIIIST!!!! BAKA !1!1!1!1 >< >< >
lol u trigered
>Imagine an original thread, which doesn't get posted here daily, which doesn't get flooded with the same old pictures time in time out.
But this thread is pretty original familium
Too bad it got derailed because you couldn't ignore one /pol/ post
Yea, they're easily..."triggered"
Kinda embarrassing tbqhwymgoc
oh fucking get off it
There's honestly no actual /pol/ content on this board, only gay cunts like y'all who "" at any opportunity and throw around accusations of being from there like /pol/ does with Jews.
You people ruin board quality, just fucking stop posting this shit
Your kind is not wanted here either.
>a week
I don't even know if I'd last a day
But then again, as the other user said, humans have remarkable adaptability.
Also humor has been a way to deal with stressful situations since forever, soldiers still do it today.
just stop, dude
you sound like you need to take a break from Veeky Forums or something
>on 4chinz
Dude, get the fuck out
Arab roach detected
Damn, you are easy to predict.
t. T*rkish NATO puppet
Le genius mastermind, 5d chess, ja you triggered my trap card!
Welp. This thread went to shit. Thanks a lot fags.
If you aren't /pol/, you ain't much at all.
I think the same thing. Don't want to sound like a /pol/ack but this degenerate culture of SJW's and micro-aggressions and safe spaces have taught people that if something doesn't go your way you can throw a tantrum and you'll get what you want. No inner strength or discipline, just this weak culture of fetishizing victimisation and dependency. They say bad times create strong people who create good times which create weak people.
You sound like a nazi. Lemme guess, straight white male?
Listening to Dan Carlin earlier, he was talking about the details of sacking conquered cities and brought up the sack of Berlin in passing, which has piqued my curiosity.
German citizens-specifically of Germany, not the region-have had a hard time of it overall, it seems.
>tfw /int/
we're not much better though
Int is cool too, always have a jolly good time there as a pure blood polack
>During prior months in the Italian autumn of 1943, two officers in the Hermann Göring Panzer Division, Captain Maximilian Becker and Lieutenant Colonel Julius Schlegel, proposed the removal of Monte Cassino's treasures to the Vatican and Vatican-owned Castel Sant'Angelo ahead of the approaching front. The officers convinced church authorities and their own senior commanders to use the division’s trucks and fuel for the undertaking. They had to find the materials necessary for crates and boxes, find carpenters among their troops, recruit local labourers paid in rations and then manage the "massive job of evacuation centered on the library and archive," a treasure "literally without price." The richness of the abbey’s archives, library and gallery included "800 papal documents, 20,500 volumes in the Old Library, 60,000 in the New Library, 500 incunabula, 200 manuscripts on parchment, 100,000 prints and separate collections." The first trucks, carrying paintings by Italian old masters, were ready to go less than a week from the day Becker and Schlegel independently first came to Monte Cassino. Each vehicle carried monks to Rome as escorts; in more than 100 truckloads the convoys saved the abbey’s monastic community. The task was completed in the first days of November 1943. "In three weeks, in the middle of a losing war, in another country, it was quite a feat." After a mass in the basilica, Abbot Gregorio Diamare formally presented signed parchment scrolls in Latin to General Paul Conrath, to tribuno militum Julio Schlegel and Maximiliano Becker medecinae doctori "for rescuing the monks and treasures of the Abbey of Monte Cassino." After the war Schlegel spent seven months in an Allied prison as a suspected looter but was freed after favourable testimony from the Monte Cassino monks.
>On 15 February 1944 the abbey was almost completely destroyed in a series of heavy American-led air raids. The Commander-in-Chief Allied Armies in Italy, General Sir Harold Alexander of the British army ordered the bombing. The bombing was conducted because many reports from the British commanders of the Indian troops on the ground suggested that Germans were occupying the monastery, and it was considered a key observational post by all those who were fighting in the field. However, during the bombing no Germans were present in the abbey. Subsequent investigations have since confirmed that the only people killed in the monastery by the bombing were 230 Italian civilians seeking refuge there. Only after the bombing were the ruins of the monastery occupied by German Fallschirmjäger (paratroopers) of the 1st Parachute Division, because the ruins provided excellent defensive cover, heavily aiding them in their defense
The Eternal Anglo confirmed worst decision makers of the allies.
The white thing is largely a joke though, except for a few autists.
/int/ is too eclectic to judge as a whole because every general ranges wildly in quality.
You get the total shit end with /lat/ and whatever meme conglomerate Finland and Australia has created in the last five minutes to average shit like /cum/ to decent generals like /fr/.
Outside of the generals, I view the board as the last and greatest incarnation of old /b/, with the power of discussing literally anything from a global perspective simply by putting 1. Your cunt before whatever you want to talk about,and then suddenly you're learning about how different the vidya situation is between Brazil and Poland.
> Anglo confirmed worst decision makers of the allies
As opposed to Italy in WW2?
Nope Eurasian: white French Roman catholic father, asian singaporean muslim mother.
Im roman catholic myself, im 22 years old, come from middle working class background, lived most of my life in government housing f, describe my political stance as centre-left. I believe that you got to pay a bit more in taxes if you want quality services, i believe the capitalism is the best system we have but the market needs regulation to prevent predatory capitalism, im at university studying law degree. So you're wrong.
I just hate the toxic, regressive and frankly suffocating elements of the left and this sjw culture, which is full of micro-aggressions and self-flagellation. I dont care about colour of the skin, its all just melanin to me, I care about your values. I also think the fact that anyone who raises genuine & legitimate concerns about immigration or islam is instantly branded a racist, is what is pushing people to the right and why right wing movements like Marie la pen, gert wilders, Nigel Farage and trump are so popular right now.
I spoke to a Canadian vet of the Battle of Ortona a few years back. With tears in his eyes he described how an MG-42 nest ambushed his squad. They were pinned down, no casualties to report, but he got so irrationally mad that he stood up and lobbed a grenade up into the nest. The grenade went off, the nest went quiet.
His squad stood up to advance when the MG-42 started firing again, wildly, no percision like usual. He looked up and saw evveryone was dead but this German teenager, screaming in pain, his eyeballs hanging out of his sockets. He shot the kid out of mercy.
He said it still haunted his dreams 60 years on.
Allies, not everyone.
I like you, fellow centrist. It's a hard lot for us when both screaming radical mobs instantly accuse you of being their polar opposite as soon as you show dissent.
Otto Dix's art has always had a powerful effect on me. I can't imagine what horrors that man must have felt.
This. Post more WWI PTSD art.
>I'm reading about how WW1 soldiers used to joke around, and SMILE in the face of certain death
It's not just WWI soldiers, it's combat in general. You see it everywhere in writing. It always was and likely always will be. After a while, you just feel more "at home" while deployed and in combat or near combat situations than you ever will at home.
Thanks man, I find it weird how there isn't really a viable mainstream centrist party as i assume there a lot more centrist out there. Everyone these days seems so keen to deal in absolutes and push people into a group. When did being able to agree with some things on both sides of the political spectrum become such a radical idea.
Ernst Junger is fucking terrifying by how brutalized he became. He may not have been one of them, but the inhumanity of 14-18 leaves little wonder why the National Socialists came to be so sociopathic.
Appealing to the vocal minority is easy since they very clearly tell you what they want, whereas people in the middle are a bit more muddy, as some might be okay with guns and gays while others don't want either. Modern American politics (je suppose que tu es en France) function on appealing to the radicals and then doing whatever the fuck you want once in office, so it doesn't matter anyways.
We've benefited from the world they created. Our lives are a lot less dangerous thanks to technology and the media's revulsion to war, from WW1 on has created major political pressures to minimize conflicts. We are weaker in a lot of ways even on the home front for example. These people went home and then soldiered through the depression. Our idea of financial collapse is a bunch of idiots getting evicted from houses they couldn't afford.
Hard times make strong people who make good times which makes weak people who then make hard times.
why do Europeans constantly feel the need to talk about america? Is it because of their massive inferiority complex?
Rudolf Hess was the Deputy Fuhrer and was #2 in the Nazi party until he decided one day that he alone could force the British to surrender by single handedly flying a fighter plane across the channel, jumping out of it, and convincing the Duke of Hamilton to mediate peace after getting rid of the Churchill government. He did it and got caught by the British who just were like "wtf" and stuck him in a prison camp until the end of the war.
They're jealous. Like a leather skinned former milf noticing all of th attention her hot stacy daughter is getting from alpha chads. No cares Europe. Your time is done.
inb4 amerilard, I'm Canadian. We're jealous too but like an unsuccessful brother might be
I think there are theories that Hitler actually sent him in an effort to broker a peace deal but, presumably due to the allies' demand of unconditional surrender (among other factors?), this was refused and then the Nazis obviously had to save face and concoct the story that we know now.
Could be also that he went to try and broker a peace deal while selling Hitler out and upon failing, the Nazi face saving happened. Then again I think had either of those things happened, the Brits would have made that public as a propaganda move.
Why does the water mark say WWII when the pic is from WWI?