Bring out your memes

bring out your memes

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Does anyone have the Trianon pics?


Nice, thanks. Do you have the one with Wojak?

Nah mate.


what's the joke here?


It's a Taylor Swift lyric

Who is the guy on the right?

I guess I'm supposed to know Taylor Swift lyrics?


Tell me why and how Marxism causes food shortages, user

Why are fascists so horribly egotistic?

when people chant your name and write you letters and follow every command you ever utter, its hard for it to not all go to your ego.


Odd looking picture of him. I've also never seen him beside a black flag with a red star.
Zapata, a mexican Anarchist.

populist capitalism is indistinguishable from fascism, people like Taylor Swift will own us one day and we'll let them

Bravo Bulgaria

at least Hitler could dance


that's cause that's Emiliano Zapata

i have a Hungarian wojak

Begining dump













Avit politicsl ut I'm still posting it


>Avit politicsl ut I'm still posting it
*Abit political but I'm still posting it

I typed too fast

Last pic lads. Hope you enjoyed the dump





>implying any of these didn't get co-opted by nationalism and the nation-state as a unifying and mobilizing force


>not realising all socialism is the secret agenda of cannibalists

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Three Years of Great Chinese Famine referred to by the Communist Party of China as the ... Until the early 1980s, the Chinese government's stance, reflected by the name .... There are widespread oral reports, and some official documentation, of cannibalism being practiced in various forms, as a result of the famine.


Lincoln my loyalty is to Virginia, to the confederacy!

I swear to god, that fucking German did it on purpose.


>after reading.....achievement and evolution
hitler thought the opposite actually. he was embarrassed by german history, himmler would continue to research german history but all there was, was mud huts and villages and barbarians. Hitler saw that rome during the same time was perfecting culture while germans playing with sticks and stones.

byzantine memes are the best


man, I loved Tekken




Man I died twice.










i love spurdo


>tfw I was actually the unironically communist and literally autistic younger brother


I don't get it

c'mon man, grow up

What is Chief Aramaki doing talking about German """philosophy""" ?

Who says capitalism has never been tried though?

>implying any of those had kill counts near those of conmies or were as tyranical as the commies
>fucking pinkertons used as an argument against capitalism
found the assmad bydlo

because breadlines in Moscow


it was 1095
fuck logic
there's a bunch of people in a place where we don't want them
so we have to send a bunch of people to go die there

This is fantastic.

I'm surprised spurdo isn't an Australian creation. It's completely irreverent and insulting to anything depicted in it.

Russia had far more malnutrition after the USSR fell than before

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, made a point to choose his cabinet based on diversity instead of effectiveness. When asked why he did this he replied "Because it's 2016".

Whiggism refers to a belief that history moves along a linear course and that we should do certain things at x time because we're supposed to. IE, it's 2008 so we HAVE to elect a black man to the presidency of the United states. Not because he's the most fit for the job, but rather because as time goes on we continue to move along a predetermined list of things we have to do at that given time.

The joke is that, because it's 1095, the people of Europe should go on a crusade because that's what you're supposed to do in 1095.


it's almost as if the total collapse of government isn't a good thing

So statehood patriotism has blinded you?
