Very clean EG6 SIR B16A.
It's 2017. Would you still buy it?
Very clean EG6 SIR B16A.
It's 2017. Would you still buy it?
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that depends. do you know whut chu got?
Wow it's beautiful.
Yes, I would buy.
yeah then Id do a few simple mods
God it's been forever since Japanese classics had an EG6 hatch in. I would totally buy the next one that comes up.
if the price was right sure
there are only a few people here that would pay for that exact one.
as its from Japanese classics llc, which is a great business but how many people on this board will pay $10k for a 30yr JDM civic?
not the same car but def similar price.
Id pay 10k for that before I bought something like an E46 or 350Z at a similar price
>paying 10k for a 26 year old stock honda civic with ugly as shit wheels and who knows how many miles on it
I love 90s civic hatches but I wouldnt touch one for $10k.
1. its sold
2. i literally said there are only a few people on this board that would pay that price.
3. who cares about the mileage a civic that clean or a civic in general
4. >bbbut $10k civic
5. clearly theres a market for it if it sold
I like it, but that dealer always charges top dollar and I'm sure this is no exception. For $5-6k, this would be a car worth considering.
Yes, supply and demand. Show me the true demand for this.
There's a market for cucks, don't mean shit famalam
well memed user
>but that dealer always charges top dollar
>Show me the true demand for this.
I tried to buy a car from them once an hour or two after was listed, and someone bought it already. People know they have quality inventory.
Honestly the only things I'd want from it is the interior and the engine. I could turn my USDM hatch into something just like that for way less. The demand is high though and somebody is always willing to pay it. I'd rather buy a Beat since that was never sold here.
>pic related, based JDM interior
with how clean it is I dont care
the only reason I wouldnt buy it is if I didnt have a garage
What are you talking about?
If you could stop speaking in memes for a min that would be great.
Ive almost bought a clean normal USDM civic and have a garage but was afraid of DD'ing it as I didn't want it to get stolen
Not for what they're asking. It would make a great autocross car toy if it were cheaper but there are plenty of cars I would buy for that much before that one.
a pair of boots owned by Ronald Reagan sold for almost $200,000
people buy worn panties from girls
people spend stupid money on stupid thing and there is a market for all kinds of random useless junk
that doesn't make a 26 year old civic for 10k a good deal
shit its not even a type r
virgin unmolested civic with B16 cherry on the top for that era will always be priced above 10k.
I have $11K in the bank. Would love to buy that civic but too bad it's sold
>he'd spend 91% of his bank account to have an old honda that would wind up stolen and parted out before the end of the year.
it looks pretty basic, honestly if I ever get a 90s civic, I plan on gutting it like pic related
wtf is this.
Look at the list of civics and it says Available Now. When you click them it says SOLD
If it wasn't sold, would you really have bought it? It takes a "special" kind of person to pay way above market for anything.
yet it still sold and plenty of civics like it sold, so what?
I never claimed it was a good deal neither did I say I would even buy a $10k 90s civic myself?
you sound really butthurt about what people do with their money. What are you a commie?
I drove for a little bit with my rear interior stripped out and it was awful. Would do for a track car, but it's a daily driver. I just want all those delicious storage compartments, pockets, and fold flat Honda Magic Seats.
>It takes a "special" kind of person to pay way above market for anything.
weird it happens every year at places like Barrett Jackson but we don't see you bitching about that?
>you sound really butthurt about what people do with their money
all i did was laugh that someone paid that much for an old civic, you're the one that got super defensive and felt the need to explain and justify it
yeah i'm the butthurt one lel
sounds like you're actually butthurt someone has the money to piss away $10k on a 30yr old civic and not be poor unlike you. Sad!
shillary supporters btfo
>It's 2017. Would you still buy it?
dat body alone is worth the asking price.
Also It won't be long when we start seeing EGs with K20C1's taken from rektd CTRs
>way above market
There is not "market" value for immaculate versions of rare cars, or even formerly common ones. Clean and stock EG6 Civic SI hatchbacks are currently more rare than any number of "desirable" cars. They are collectible, and will be bought by a collector who wants exactly what they are.
Collectors have money and don't post on Veeky Forums.
>oh shit he's right, i can't let him win, i'll call him a hilary support, that'll show him!
not the idiot you replied to but you underestimate how big Veeky Forums is.
There has to be at LEAST 1 or 2 people that has serious dosh and probably collects cars that may go on some other Veeky Forums board if not this one.
There probably is. Though Veeky Forums is extremely slow compared to most other boards. Threads can last forever with no bumps at all.
i'm sure some Honda channer who bought immaculate Civic will dare not post their cars here cause it's a guaranteed way to get jacked!
Will someone with actual money be in the market for a civic like this though? Like, how much are we talking, liquidable cash?
I meant that people like shitty things, that doesn't make it rational nor good.
An old ass plastic fwd car is simply not worth the price. I'm not saying they're not fun cars but come on...
>tfw you will never find a factory clean type-r because all of them have been riced the fuck out
>Clean 90's Honda
>Has 90's alarm
No, it would just get stolen.
lol what are you talking about? plenty of type-r's that are bone stock. You probably are looking in the wrong place.