What does Veeky Forums think about the Crash Course History series?
Also, any other good YT series @ history?
What does Veeky Forums think about the Crash Course History series?
Also, any other good YT series @ history?
Completely anti western and anti christian.
apologetic of "the golden era of progress and enlightment of islam"
It has some interesting facts in between the agenda tho
>Make map to advertise your series.
>Include well known historical Empires and cultures
>Dont have it be geographically accurate
>Dont even have related ideas near each other (China and Silk Road at opposite ends for example)
What was the thinking behind this?
>Completely anti western and anti christian
He has his biases, but he isn't an extremist.
Comfy to half-assedly listen to his vids while playing CKII/EUIV.
>Flying spaghetti monster
Wtf. Is this suppose to be for 5 year olds or what? Fucking discarded.
This mad
It's History would have been your answer for a channel that doesn't have that strong of bias, but it ran out of cash in 2015 and they haven't made new videos in about a year.
It's was ran by the same production group that make The Great War channel. I wish they had the money to keep both going because I've yet to see an alternative to John and Henry Cuck.
It is horrible pop history and incredibly biased.
There simply isn't any good alternative to actually reading a history book
the only thing that comes close is the In Our Time series by BBC radio but Melvyn Brag is a bit hard to deal with
>It's History
Thanks for the tip, based user. Looks great.
Found the /pol/fag
>he'z le mad xDDD
>hez frum teh /bol/ xDDD
>really godheem xDDD
>Completely anti western and anti christian
It's not though.
can a mod please ban op for making this
this. when you fill the gaps with theoretical or vague wishy washy nonsense that's literally the definition of bias>> you. if you think he's not biased you need to get your head checked
I don't watch his videos, I'd like to hear arguments as to if he is or isn't biased.
>if you think he's not biased
I had just stated in that post that he is biased, user.
you said he has his biases but he isn't extremist. his biases are extreme enough that I think he can be easily placed into a political camp. If you can guess how he, or the writers for the program vote, that's pretty extreme, dude
He wears his opinions on his sleeve and a lot of his commentary is cringeworthy (one of the "characters" on his show is his younger self that he constantly berates). I could completely understand why someone would hate it. He's also an author of several (semi-popular) novels which have a dedicated hatebase.
But in terms of being "completely anti-Western and anti-Christian", not even close. He just has plenty of criticisms. But he also disputes myths like the dark ages meme, and makes a point of praising a lot of aspects of western civilization. However, he gives some attention to non-western civilization, which frankly I think is justified. I do think he didn't go in-depth enough on Islam though. But it is called "crash course".
As far as bias is concerned, everything is biased to some extent. It's just a matter of recognizing those biases and getting multiple perspectives. The people ITT calling him biased are sure as shit not neutral observers of the utmost purity, they also have their own agendas. As do I.
>'murrican voting affiliations
top kek
Anyhow, he isn't a blatant SJW nor is he 'anti-west'. The fact that he has his biases and that he presents topics such as the crusaders in a more nuanced manner doesn't turn him into an obnoxious leftist propagandist.
>Roman Empire
>Fall of the Roman Empire
>"Rome" 1st to 6th century
>"Constantinople" 6th to 15th century
what did he mean by this
>As do I.
What's your agenda?
I've watched the whole series, and while I didn't agree with everything he said (or the way he said it), I did agree with a significant portion of it. I don't regret watching it, it was a nice way to waste some time.
Yeah, I'm sure black lives matter would also say it's presenting a "nuanced" view of race relations as they shoot cops in the head.
fuck off
>comparing crash course with black lives matter
>this nonsensical generalization
Not him but you don't know the first thing about nuance.
le wise alt right face
that's literally what BLM says though. your talking points are worthless, and centrists refuse to let you far leftists ride roughshod over the rest of us as if your extreme opinions are somehow neutral
BLM was "totally not extremist we promise" and had "sensible demands" for months until they shot a bunch of cops in the head and had to be disavowed by the democrats.
I hate the way he speaks.
your comparison made no sense you double nigger, go circlejerk about that shite on a youtube comment section or some other shitty splinter chan
>But he also disputes myths like the dark ages meme
No he doesn't he completely shits all over European medieval history, going as far to compare Cologne cathedral to a mosque and to him that proves Europeans were stupid because Cologne cathedral took nearly thousand years to complete and the mosque a few years . Even the animations show knights hitting themselves in the head indicating the obvious disdain John Green has towards anything between the fall of Rome and the renaissance. The only positive thing Green has to say about the Medical ages was a slightly longer live expectancy among peasants.
Nobody is talking about BLM except you, dude. Not anyone ITT, and sure as shit not Crash Course History.
Disappointed you didn't tell him to go back to /pol/. Everything a Veeky Forumstorian disagrees with must originate from /pol/
Biggest criticism is his viewing everything through a modern moral lens and passing judgment through that measure. Hindsight is 20/20 and applying an alien moral schema as a measure of someone's behavior misses extremely important dimensions to the lives of the people you study. That said it mostly comes off as exactly the title implies, a really brief and shallow skimming of chunks of history typically encountered by high school students.
I already told him to go reddit, /pol/ and reddit might as well be the same thing nowadays
fucking Joot just had to nuke it and now we have these autists flocking there after the stormfags left
or maybe it's just the election
Grade-A fucking plebe. Straight up trash.
Europe From Its Origins best video series
despise john green, but crash course was good and it was nice to learn about other countries during these times instead of hearing about europe again like everyone else talks about.
the pic in op annoys me
I just think his vids are just gay and annoying
absolute shit.
get fucking stoned and watch horrible histories, get ur nieces and nephews and shit onto it to
crash course is whatever i have better things to do but you probably dont, its not bad