League of legends general /lolg/

Pool Party waifu edition

i want to be best friends with pool party MD!

>Vi's armour shred and AS steroid iis on her W
>Vi reduces her opponent's armour AFTER she uses her combo, which does physical %hp damage and is triggered by multiple auto attacks


Doesn't this just give you everything you need AFTER you need it?

what should I draw

gosh darn it phone stop "correcting" me to the wrong stuff!! MF**

>At enemies nexus
>Start talking shit in all chat
>We end up losing

How embarrassing.

such wasted skin potential

How are you supposed to beat a draven/leona lane?

I wanna cuddle 3D Jinx.

Why can't more carries be like Vayne or Yi where they ACTUALLY DO DAMAGE in exchange for blowing up in a second?

draw janna bullying jinx plz I need this

u dont u just pick cait and farm from a safe distance then outscore them hard

Jinx? Twitch?

>Sex machine
>Roommate(no sex)
>Coworker(it will be with you 8 hours per day)

But we didnt have a cait we had vayne taric

I want *insert qt girl here* to *insert act of violence here* me and savour my screams!


Twitch doesn't do that much damage, he just has great utility with his R and Q.

Jinx does a lot of damage though, so does Kog.

fluffy tails

>decide to play adc
>enemy team has kha, rengar and riven

Oh boy, I love losing

> twitch doesn't do that much damage
haha *5 shots your entire team*

Triforce Randuin's, nigger.

>Sex machine
>Roommate(no sex)
>Coworker(it will be with you 8 hours per day)

oh lol then you die over and over or farm under tower and be permanently shoved in

me. im working on a riven torture short story right now actually

touch fluffy tail

>buy useless items for an ADC


so how do you play the illaoi vs swain match up i got really close to killing him but i feel like i was just baiting myself
>Twitch doesn't do that much damage
if you say so

>get oneshot

It's meant to help her sustained damage, not to help her burst the shit out of you even more.

>decide to play adc
>enemy team has kha, rengar and riven
>win because I know how to play my champs

Really makes me think

>Roommate(no sex)

>wanting to have focking spiders all over your house

you're retarded

Stay mad, sonafags.

Also, post some breastfu pics

just buy a wooden plank at home depot

He has two steroids, an attack speed buff from his Q and 40 AD from his ultimate. Every bolt scales down 20% per enemy hit. How is this a lot of damage? It's like the same damage as any other crit based ADC.

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

>actually lose because you cant survive a single fight without being instantly deleted

Thats what actually happens. Don't larp like you're some challenger god faggot


I come bearing a gift

too bad veigar fucks her daily

I hope you guys are ready for the BotRK meta once 7.5 hits

>karma/lb/irelia being that big
>elise/kayle/ VI being that low
>mf being bigger than mf

how delusional can mffags get

He does it to your entire team at the same time. That's how.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Kog being cute!

>game freezes as soon as I get into champ select, takes around 25 seconds to actually load champ select
nice job riot, freed yourself frmo AIR to deliver a shit client anyway

>mf being a cup higher than breast waifu

draw something comfy~

>take away attack speed from an on-hit item
yea ok


veigar still fucks her daily

I never make errors version

>shit on talon all laning phase
>gets one kill, completes EoN
>comes true invis from out of screen and oneshots me before I can do anything
Truly balanced.


dead game

>Implying it doesn't make it better to rush as a first item even if you're not Vayne because of the solid amount of AD combined with the lifesteal and the absolutely busted active it has now.

Not to mention it's actually a buff for On-Hit champions because a big issue they'd run into is overcapping on AS.

That plus the new BoS is going to shut down this gay lethality poke meta in botlane hard.

my top lane pool:


how terrible are my champs and how obsolete are they in season 7?

>lulu not island/forest

this shit doesn't make any sense

Lissanon why did you leave come back



>She'll only take one of you?

So Who do I have to kill to get her?

>active does 100 damage
>no more health steal
unless i missed something how is this "LE BUSTED" in any way

post em

>busted active it has now
...how is 100 magic damage better than 10% max hp physical damage plus a heal?

maokai and malphite will be reworked soon, so that's uncertain

gp will never ever get any nerfs, so you're good with that

irelia and jax are shit unless you're werlyb or wickd

renekton is very meta dependent, but otherwise he's really good

>6 (S I X) seconds worth of kiting or stickiness.
>Not extremely powerful

Good luck catching Kalista ever or peeling that Irelia off your ADC's face :^)

Okay which one of your autists posted that waifu chart on Reddit

xth for breast metal waifu


She's ok but you have to know how to play her well to do well


Very few bad matchups, generally safe. Falls off too hard, though.


See Irelia.


He's total bullshit.


He's total bullshit.


He's good but very team-dependant. Has a few bad matchups but shines against squishy mages and melee ads.

Im alright with the list but there are a few things I think are iffy

Id consider Kayle WR shes a standard boros angel, sona would be more UW, LeBlanc should be UB, morg would be BW

move kayle away from the right on the chart, she is asexual

maximum 4

How do u get ar least S on marksmans?
Been playing so many games and only get A+.

cs look around the 300 range of cs

0-7 ranked grind all night.
8-9 eternal sleep

Depends on who your playing, but aslong as you have around 8 Kills and 8 Assists and lower than 4 Deaths with 210+ CS you should get S

1-3 watch youtube
4-6 play runescape
7-9 jerk off
0 play last few hours of urf

Early flat pen was a mistake. Squishy champs literally CANNOT afford to buy armor that early in the game.

Best girl with the best guild, you can only go wrong if you're a strict ass man

before anyone says it

>taking a picture of your screen

the computer is bugged so that if i use the open function it crashes the browser immediately so i had to

>chain vest is 700g and negates 55 points worth of lethality in the earlygame, which cost over 6k gold

Just be underleveled so your enemy's lethality is less efficient :^)


i'm back in gold 4.

am i still bad, lolg?

support main here.

>Morgana not BW
>Kayle not RW
>Diana not U
>Taliyah not W/ RW
>Sona not U
>Lulu not G
>Orianna not colorless
>Leona not RW
>Lissandra not UB/ Esper
>Miss Fortune not W (she's not a pirate, she's the Caitlyn of Bilgewater)
>Annie not R
>Fiora not W
>Nami not U

what are these new botrk changes?


AD 25 -> 45
AS 40% -> 25%
lifesteal 10% -> 15%
on-hit's minimum damage 10 -> 15

Active now does a flat 100 magic damage, and successive auto attacks refresh the duration of the MS bonus.

Play them top against melee champions and hope their jungler is retarded.

Why would I be mad?

Also, what does the color alignment mean?

>Miss Fortune Q now being a crit to encourage people to build IE on her

Why top?

>im a cunt.jpg

I just can't lose.

Nobody plays adcs top so really easy to get s+. The way it works is comparing your chamoion to other players in that role.

Your stats are matched against people in the same lane. So if you go in an offlane, you'll get an S even if you just did average.


Give me 25 minutes. I accidentally clicked accept on the Urf Queue.

Uglyest OP we have had in a while

I got banana party with hextech
Shold i start playing cute healslut?

Lost six games tho.

What the fuck?

I just got warned for reporting a post that was subsequently deleted. Are the mods drunk or something?

Just farm a lot. Clear the jg if you have no minion waves out. Don't die too much and get a decent amount of kills.

Honestly CS impacts your score so much that it's a bit stupid.

Excuse me? I lost my virginity a long time ago to my right hand.

t. Ashefag

only if you wanna duo and erp with me slut