Not like it matters since Yoshi will never do an overall that big.
Isaac Howard
Has any group confirmed for subbing the FF14 j-drama?
Jackson Reyes
This is an important question that needs to be answered.
Leo Hall
I'm going to marry an elvaan~!
Andrew Wilson
Adrian Reyes
Gyus whtf is uap with all the ffix posting seirously
Cooper Reyes
The "support" DPS of this game is more useful than some support role that can't even attack.
Christian Thompson
same question but on leviathan
Oliver Robinson
>we could have had this glorious creature but instead we got weeburai
Logan Reed
Can the small adds in a12s be stunned
Luke Robinson
Why did you post a picture of a generic elf, then?
Ryder Sanchez
Diito. Ragnarok Online was my jam back in that era of MMOs
Luis Lewis
I'd sooner a non attacking support that gave good shit like bard did than a half assed ranger with a few songs that barely get played anyway because dps loss.
Adam Nguyen
>support role gets added to ffxiv >all the bad players flock to it because their contributions will be harder to quantify >they never use any of their supporting abilities and do nearly zero damage
Liam Fisher
>it ends up being a healer here i'd rather not have it here ever
Michael Mitchell
Michael Turner
>foe >dps loss
Eli Clark
add me
Thomas Green
A legitimate Bard like in XI would be fantastic, but then they have to balance buffs which they are not at all prepared or competent enough to manage. They can't even balance most debuffs in this fucking game, so bosses just resist 90% of them.
Evan Johnson
>FFXI had good open world adventure >It's non-existent here
Eli Cook
>kick them >problem solved
Are you the kind of person who keeps around a 300 dps primal ex?
Kayden Robinson
Have any of you played any other themepark other than WoW in your life? LotRO and Rift both had support classes that were unique and not "braindead." Then again, YoshiP hasn't either and can't even add unique healers and tanks that WoW has.
Ian Sanchez
what race are you
Aiden Lee
I feel so bad for the team working on the overworld in XIV, people just sit in their FC houses and use DF to do most everything. Most of the areas are just dead zones, I hope they didn't put much effort into them because it's just being squandered by the poor design choices.
Carter Smith
>kick them Can't do that because then you get banned for abusing the dismiss party member feature.
Xavier Miller
that's not the DF's fault but the fact that they didn't put anything interesting for non gatherers in the overworld to begin with
Eli Davis
FATEs needed to be made useful and interesting. FATEs could have been the content that put people into the overworld.
No. You wouldn't. You don't get banned for kicking people.
Noah Robinson
The open world zones doesn't have any effort put into it anyway after ARR
Parker Roberts
DF by itself isn't really offensive to me but the fact that you can only enter various dungeons and raids through a menu is insanely gay
Ethan Bell
The ironic part is HW zones are big and empty because, according to Yoshi, they wanted a lot of empty space to add things to the zones. lol
Charles Watson
there's plenty of entrances to them in the world but it's just a convenience thing
Charles Watson
They need to bring back 1.0 style content for open zones, adjust it and make it relevant again.
Josiah Jackson
No, if you click on them it just opens the menu.
Thomas Reyes
I mean, if you want to walk up to the dungeon you're free to do that. Every dungeon has an interactive location to queue up for it. There's just no reason to use it.
That wouldn't work.
Cameron Rodriguez
You actually had to go to the dungeons in 1.0. Should have been able to bring in an on server party to the dungeons for extra benefits instead of just mindlessly joining up through menus and playing with people from servers you don't know. There is very little community to be had in this game.
Angel Green
That's because most of the maps are just empty landmasses with non-threatening enemies. The only reasons to go there are being a Disciple of the Land, or going to a Beast Tribe area. Even without Duty Finder, areas like Southern Thanalan would only have people going there for the beast tribe quests and then they'd leave. The only thing DF changed is that we no longer have everyone sitting outside the raid entrance
Ethan Sullivan
All that would do is punish players on small servers. There's a reason why the idea of separate servers/shards is a dead concept in most modern MMOs.
Eli Powell
>two shit games had bad classes
huh how about that
Hunter Campbell
For the past years of patches the only zones they added new shit to was Western La Noscea that wasn't even a HW zone, and beast tribes. All of those didn't use much space in the first place so those zones were unnecessarily big.
Blake Thomas
Explain how they're shit, user. I'll wait.
Isaac Stewart
post your characters you bakas, its not like I want to draw your stupid characters or anything! I-I'm just doing this to get better okay!
Daniel Williams
I would want nothing more than open world leveling that isn't dumbass FATEs, but yoshi made his line in the sand with 2.0, and that probably is never happening.
Devs need to realize there should be a limit to how convenient you make things, because the game is convenient to the point where you are a part of this huge world, but it's a fucking barren ghost town because you just enter everything through instances anyway.
Dylan Foster
post your midlander i'll consider them if they are a fresh pump
John Sanders
Go away attention whore
Ryder Martinez
>Wants characters >Wont draw males
sasuga /xivg/
Benjamin Bailey
I mean I've already submitted my request and still haven't gotten a response...
Blake Scott
Adrian Thompson
Josiah Martinez
but all you draw is girls and I do not play a girl
Liam Cooper
Joshua Cox
Cooper Reyes
okay naka
Hudson Morris
yeah you're actually right I do want attention that's the point of drawing art for some people. nothing wrong with it.
Dominic Watson
Angel Brooks
The only leveling part of 1.0 open world content were most leves and behests, everything else concerned obtaining gear, seals, the relic etc. I want something like Hamlet Defense back, even though the 2nd part is instanced (by no means of a DF)
Josiah Ortiz
So this is your fetish?
Camden Johnson
Why do you make posts like this?
Jeremiah Jenkins
Jaxson Thomas
Remember, according to xivg, it is perfectly okay to be a furry!
Easton Hernandez
Tell me what's wrong with being a furry.
Parker Edwards
Elijah Cooper
Jaxon Ortiz
wtf those are my pets u gross fool
John Richardson
Don't reply to me ever again
Grayson Mitchell
I am not reading all of that
Anthony Morales
Draw my sneering asshole lizard plz.
Hudson Reed
fwha change stinky >w
Nathan Edwards
shirou vjera
Robert Cooper
>abe having another meltdown
Can we change the channel already?
Isaac Ramirez
That's a lot of f@c@
Thomas Lopez
*raises paw* You tell 'em, pup!
Benjamin Campbell
Not them but I'll draw males, only males Doesn't mean i'm taking requests
Jason Morris
Caleb Nguyen
why would someone post logs like this if the person was their heart?
Christopher Peterson
that's a mighty fine lizard
Camden James
my favorite part is where the conversation was screencapped over ~6 hours eorzean time
Sebastian Collins
Asher Richardson
do you happen to have that funny one that gets smaller every time it is posted?
>mfw I've met super attractive guys on Balmeme this guy doesn't even come close
Nathan Young
>the same shitposter has been shitposting the same IRL pics of the same ebins for over a year and obsessively posting about them This is the face of Veeky Forums.
Thomas Rivera
mew mew
Daniel Cook
Abe and Rheia are nothing without their linkshells rushing to defend them at a moment's notice.
Aiden Hall
But they both are because you post about them every day. You literally give them their power. How does it feel?