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Other urls found in this thread:

>nerf farming so your game doesnt die
>game dies anyway
looking for dota players

>game is constant teamfights and nonstop action
>its actually fun for once
>people complain that they can't AFK farm or rat for 80 minutes

Dotards are just the worst.


To be a cabalite is to be truly blessed

Congrats on being the league audience they tried to pander to, you might get something out of this garbage game before it flatlines for good rolf

Based pinoybro

>every game my team tries to farm nonstop regardless of the draft
I had a solo carry abaddon jungle for 20 minutes after we took an early racks and the only time he fought with our team was when we lost t4s.

>can't AFK farm or rat
Just yesterday a tournament was won with a rat game and a magina game.

Better they pander to LOLfags and make a fun game than pandering to stock market reporters who only want to see which player has the highest GPM for an hour.

You can still farm though.
Sp is borked though and situational.

>walking at eachother until someone loses a teamfight at 30 minutes is fun
I remember when this general wasn't dead and populated exclusively by brainlets

When did you realize and accept that playing dota isn't supposed to be fun and found inner peace?

Funny thing is only newfags and people who hasnt played the patch complain, my friends kept talking about how stupid 7.00 was until they played it and realized it is still dota except there is more to do. Farming was not really nerfed, you just have more to do and thus need better timing, as an offlaner you can rotate from leeching the lane to taking the rune/farming the jungle. As safelaner support you can pull, take the rune or just harass, if youre a carry you can choose to join an early fight while waiting for the jungle to respawn.

Shrines are causing people to realize how convenient is to communicate.

I can accept that many people honestly dislike the new patch but they're nostalgiafags.

To the Ck last match sorry you got fucked by mm.

Not even carrying 12-4 could do anything. Liked your armlet maelstrom and hotd build. Worked well for ya.

Shrines in the base are unforgivable and LD is just evil.
I don't hate the rest of it too much.

>t. two digit IQ valve apologist

How the fuck is PvE so fun for you.

>Fucking Valve wants me to interact with the other players instead of allowing me to pve, worst online multiplayer game ever.

Goodmorning Dota 2, it's pretty early here, and I can't sleep

>nearly TI7
>Jugg Arcana still isn't out.
Valve are top 5 most garbo companies.

thoughts on OG losing?

shibbolethed gulagians



and this

>DotA dies

>CS:GO is saved (VAC is now unbeatable and BRs can't hack on lan anymore).

>DotA struggling to get viewers and no esports for a month

>CS:GO pulling 250k for non-majors

CS:GO, which was heralded as the backup esport, has become the primary esport.

Didn't see the games but seen the decider was won by Naga cheese so can't be too mad.

Any moron can win with that shit hero.

>thanks bird!
what did ursa mean by this?

>(VAC is now unbeatable and BRs can't hack on lan anymore).
What did they do?

Even as an Ember spammer I won't pretend having broken heroes is good for the game but is not the first time it's happened, people are overreacting because 7.0.


>asked a coder on a csgo cheating website if cheats can be made for dota2
>he said cheats cant be made for dota2 because it is server-sided
Whatever that means, we all know csgo is a client sided game, and till then, csgo will never be free of cheats.

reminder to not bully Windrunner because shell cry!

>open in mobile
>it shows they have a mobile app
>English version has nothing
wow jesus christ is valve even trying?


You misheard.

"Fangs Bared."

It's one of his attack responses.

>Is that a sword? Luxury!
>Is that a horse? Sloth!
>Is that a helmet? Vanity!

Loved the Monty Python quotes.

>Touch me not - I am chaste!

But then why does he say Shit upon them?

What is the best counterpick to AM?

Reminder that you can use salve/urn during borrowed time and it cannot be cancelled by anything

play HoN instead. IT's better

can pl be played offlane? how?
also if you bothered to reply don't reply with ring of repick lul pl bad hero pls thanks

Explain lanes to me. What goes where?

"Set upon them."


Unless he's talking to Slark about his dildo collection... who knows.

Do you like this patch? Whether this patch is good or not doesn't matter

Just delete fucking lone druid. That hero is a fucking mistake of a design. Also move the fucking radiant top lane shrine further south

Also delete techies

More relevant for Blink Dagger which can't be cancelled during it.

>also if you bothered to reply don't reply with ring of repick lul pl bad hero pls thanks
But that is THE standard offlane PL build. Also mid lane PL build. Or safe lane PL build.

He's nodamage agipuck. You get a better offlane PL from just playing Mankey Kong

No I wanna go back


>qt hero
>requires micro skill
>requires map awareness
>requires farming of 5k gold and foregoing early items to come online


>old manlet hero
>braindead right clicker
>fire and forget abilities
>can load up on early game items

Which is the one h0neylans played in the deciding match again?

LD's ult needs rework and that bonus range needs to be replaced.
my idea is putting the bonus range as "battle cry" of ranged form while the meele form is reworked to whatever idea they have.

You can get away with playing anything in the offlane nowadays, PL is a decent offlaner because he's immune to roots and can easily evade stuff with his wex, however he's only good against line-ups that cant deal with the illusions by tanking up so you overwhelm them, that said against such a line-up going pos 1 is better and in any case thanks to Luna, SD and TB even in pubs someone will pick something that can deal with illusions even if ilu heroes are yet to be picked, and even if all the factors arenin your favor PL is currently very weak, wait for the next balance patch a pry the frog buffs him.

>watching vods

Literally every time OG gets deeper into brackets, a team counters the shit out of miracle leaving NoTIs to carry his team for once.
And he fails every single fucking time.

Things that 7.03 should do.

>Nerf Puge
Most picked hero across all mmr.
Give slow the hook down by 20-40ms.

>Nerf Morphling
Not enough item counters if you didn't draft well.
Just add items that do %hp damage, more silences and more stuns.

>Nerf Lone Druid

>Nerf Phantom Assassin
Overplayed at lower skill levels. Give her a stronger skillshot dagger instead of the current target one. Introduce actual skill to EZPA

>Nerf Slark
That fucking purge will never cease to amaze me how well it is timed.
Expect that he uses dark pact immediately before engaging. He engages. You wait. You wait. You realize he didn't use it. You silence/stun/apply buff. Poof! Purged.

>More items!
I would like to see a Blademail upgrade. It's a 2200 midgame item that scales pretty well into mid-late game, but falls off in lategame even though you really don't want to get rid of it.

>Blademail + Vanguard
+10 Intelligence
+10 HP regen
+10 Armor
+20 Attack Damage
+200 Health
Damage Block (Melee)75
Damage Block (Ranged) 55
100% damage RETURN AND BLOCK for 5 seconds.

This will give you a lategame counter to right clickers for even squishy ranged heroes.

>100% damage RETURN AND BLOCK for 5 seconds.

only physical damage and maybe it would be ok

LD is really up there with some of the most disgusting shit this game has seen.
>guys what if sniper was one of the best laners in the game as well as almost impossible to kill

>nerf lone druid
i agree
>More items

He needs a complete fucking rework. Lone Druid has always been a gigantic ball of FREE stats that is utter trash or overpowering with never a middle ground for years. And now the best build is to just use the bear as a 2700 hp scout that can cast ravage.

There is no reason Rabid should have 100% uptime. His talents don't make any sense for the coherence of the hero.

Nerf memeback less memefight

Sounds like Artour.

Even so that is not an argument towards the patch being bad, that is just an unintended consecuense.

Only 9 inches?

desu everything is free on dota for some reason. its your fault for not getting what it needs to be and end up losing.
losing is never fun, brainless days are not coming back.

i conciously knew about it since the beginning, but i think i only truly accepted that within my spirit around the emergence of ggboots tinker

I enjoy playing weird heroes in weird position
>csgo, an abandoned game featuring only male barely-characters and a bomb, already has better porn than Dota 2, the most advanced E-Sport on the planet
get rekt dotards


spirit bear is simply pathetic, stats are too good to pass on
"lul 2.7k hp" doesnt matter if it stays that way for the entire match
rework the fucker into a memepush hero that autoloses at the 25 minute mark, right now hes literally troll warlord from 6.83 but even tankier

I don't understand why this board complains about Slark so much, how do you retards have so much trouble dealing with him?

>rework the fucker into a memepush hero that autoloses at the 25 minute mark, right now hes literally troll warlord from 6.83 but even tankier

Troll and Sniper

I don't draft exclusively to counter a niggerslark. So when i'm in a game full of retards with no silence/stun/root it's basically impossible to hammer a slark.

Are you baiting (you)s? Offlane PL is viable as a concept but the hero is weak and a shit pick regardless of how you play it.

Most dotards come from low mmr countries like Peru, Philippines and Russia. At low mmr people don't know how to deal with Slark.

You need 2 counters to slark in your draft or you lose.
You need 3 counters to Timbersaw in your draft or you just lose.
You need 4 counters to Lone Druid in your draft or you just lose.

>if all 5 of your team exclusively focus slark with disable and damage he can be dealt with!
epic win

you're at the club and these 5 pinoys slap your girlfriend's ass

what do you do?

laugh at them because I don't have a gf and will never have one

Slark LITERALLY has a sub 50% winrate in EVERY bracket

what if they slapped your ass?

They're 3k shits who can't into chain stunning, silences, lane domination, ganking, vision, 5 manning, drafting counters etc. There's plenty of things that can prevent Slark from snowballing but shitters don't take measures to prevent it. Andince he's obnoxious to deal with everyone thinks that he's OP.

>Slark LITERALLY has a sub 50% winrate in EVERY bracket

I'm not arguing about winrates here. Slark has trained the entire playerbase to draft at least 2 counters to him.

Lone Druid, however, is out of control

So uh
Who exactly DOES counter slark?


Silences, AOE, and if played as a position 3, Bloodseeker

>Give him a shitty lane because he's not good at it.
>don't get caught out once his SB is up, sentry relevant places
>he's squishy as fuck with just an SB so magic burst ruins him, especially if it goes through shadow dance
>unpurgeable disables like Axe call fuck him over

dont give him any kill, that simple.
also, core riki is counter to him. in higher mmr, you tend to do contrary of his gameplay. you end the game fast before he sneaks 1 kill on your team bit by bit. by this point, you must pick lycan/luna.

The secret to this patch are high mobility heroes which can do both. Kotl and Wisp are the supports who can aid your braindead carry to farm and splitpush while they show 4 to gank someone. Chen if you can play him (+helm) has always been viable. Slardar has a free hate rune.


>want to watch some dota
>team I like is absolutely fucking retarded

>Top LoL streamer gets 250k viewers
>Top CS:GO streamer gets 100k viewers
>Top Dota streamer gets 20k viewers


Be like water, my friend.

smells like portugal in here
night night

Because people just want to play a simple game with minimum strategy (with friends) and move on with their lives. Dota has you mulling over losses because you put so much effort into each and every game and makes you feel like shit.
Headshots with big guns and every hero with a mobility ability allows room for mistakes at the lowest levels.

Thanks for this

Who's up for some League of Legends


>tfw no princess (male) hero


daily reminder
