"I am on fire. But an extinguisher is not required."
Thomas Garcia
i fucking hate playing ana because i have to kill pharah literally everygame because she's focusing me and literally no one else can fucking killl her AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Camden Cooper
Pharah You're going to come with me, dead or alive.
Daniel Cox
Zarya: "I've got my eye on you, omnic." Zen: "And I will watch your back in turn"
Grayson Thomas
I want to become good friends with Sombra.
I wouldn't mind befriending her regardless What said Also >raised by a Mexican gang No way
Evan Gomez
Ryder Carter
John Reed
Let's break it DOWN
Kayden King
Brandon Davis
>Sombra >¡Apagando las luces!
Ethan Sullivan
I used to like playing Ana until I climbed a bit in the rankings and started getting focused every single fight. Then the team acts like it's my fault when they aren't getting healed on their retarded solo pushes.
Zachary Reyes
I want to finally write my doujin about her trying to beat D.va in a game tournament using hacks against Hana's skill...
Bentley Adams
I want to marry Mei!
Landon Walker
Pick your champ.
Cameron Kelly
>Hanzo >Hmm
Elijah Wright
Cutest and best pairing
John Adams
Hudson King
so instead of actually giving any feedback you'll just post a meme clearly something is wrong with sombra and it's not just the tank meta, especially since the only viable way to play her is as an ultbot with emp. look at the pro vods with sombra, look at streams by people like iddqd with sombra whats the major problem its not just damage, it's the waiting
Nicholas White
Currently 9 minutes into a queue for All Brawls
Jackson Kelly
No one wants to play Rein or Winston in QP so they're free to fully express their autism.
Bentley Morris
Nah get fucked.
Joshua Russell
because it's offseason you're supposed to reset queue every 2minutes
Gabriel White
>Zenyatta >"Pass into the Iris"
Grayson Powell
Compsters who normally don't get to play them are having a field day I assume.
Though my bracket has at least 1 shimada per party in every game.
Isaac Reyes
"I'm securing the objective. Anyone want to join me?"
Eli Walker
You are assuming the 'flow' of sombra is transloc/invis/hack/dofuckall/ return safely far away from the frontline, leaving your team to 5v6.
Sombra has 160dps. This damage needs to be put in the fight constantly as long as your team is actively fighting. She shines when you're actively using camo/transloc to reposition around the frontline, not to run away. This transloc change would only hurt her.
Sombra doesn't need a buff, she needs good players to step up.
>Sombra >You're taking this very seriously
Jose Evans
Why is Ana squeezing Pharah's butt? What is the deal with those two?
Kevin Torres
That's not MercyHog
Josiah Turner
>finally get around to playing buffed 76 >shred hogs at reaper speeds
because it's a nice butt and she's proud of her daughter
Julian Martinez
Yes, with sombra and every single hero outside of Rein Ana Lucio Zarya Hog+1fotm dps that create the meta. Frankly, until they sumbit the five above mentioned to D.Va tier rape, nothing will change. And they never will, because seeing the "nerfs" Zarya or Hog or Ana got compared to D.Va or some others, the devs are clearly biased.
Angel Reed
>iddqd not good player >pros not good players I'm assuming the flow is set loc, invis, run in, fight, reset. The current way the loc works is 6s cd when invis is back, meaning you push without locator. currently, loc is out of sync with her kit. because it's 200vs240dps and s76 hits has ez headshot and more range.
Hunter Wright
Landon Cox
Just do it Ill read it as long as it's not shipping
Benjamin Williams
It's just quickplay lmao.
Nicholas Roberts
Symmetra sure makes that light hard...
Caleb Clark
Dominic Edwards
Now this is sweet. Also canon
Lincoln Scott
Any news on the new hero?
Grayson Mitchell
Quick or not, don't see how that is a good game unless you are a braindead retard who might as well play against bots god i can't wait for the season to start
David Lewis
>Winston >"Natural Selection!"
>Ana >"I think justice needs a little nap" >>inb4 2 mains
Jonathan Wright
I never understood if he's being sassy or just oblivious?
Samuel Garcia
Not like the comp is any better.
Caleb Long
Mason Ross
who what
Sebastian Gomez
Lucio oh, let's break it down!
Thomas Gomez
>You refuse to learn...
Nicholas Flores
I can't wait for Doomfist. While I'm pretty good at various characters from each category, I really don't have a character that I love playing except Sombra. When I started out I was excited at the thought of Reinhardt being a melee character... I mean he is, but you do spend most of the match just shielding....
The point is I'm excited to possibly have a melee character that is more focused on attack.
James Martin
Rein >"Crusader ONLINE."
James Walker
>Doomfist is a defense hero
Jordan Baker
It's the red robot thingy
Brayden Moore
I would kill myself. Unless it's in the sense that he has a lot of disruption/shockwave based effects
Chase Jackson
you know hes going to be a tank right there are 12 dps characters right now (not counting sym/mei/torb) and 4 tanks it would be criminal of them to not add more tanks/healers at this point
Isaiah Diaz
Listen as long as he doesn't spend the entire match shielding I'll be fine.
Lucas Allen
D.va "GG!"
Gavin Myers
i stopped enjoying this game so long ago it feels like an eternity i tried so hard to get to masters and i just fell right to the fucking platinum i don't even have a waifu anymore why do i keep going, /owg/
Brayden Perry
>be in americas server >a cunt is blatantly hacking, everyone on our team knows it >five consecutive headshot with no miss as hanzo >find out his ID is korean >leave and find a new server >a different korean ID widow is aimbotting >our team korean says "I hack to get his hack" and picks widow >i couldn't believe what i was seeing >similar thing happens for the next six matches
every fucking time it's an aimbot it's a korean id hanzo or widow. why can't those monkeys stay in their fucking asias server?
John Davis
>aimbot hanzo *raughs in japanese*
James Rodriguez
Is anyone else getting a 1.35GB update
Brayden Moore
>3v3s >Zenyatta play of the game >He didn't do anything but discord players I tac visored
Audible guffaw
But hey, Zen doesn't get many POTGs, I'm happy to let him have it
Andrew Hughes
>aimbot >Hanzo
Levi Cruz
>Widowmaker >"Heal me."
Camden Rogers
>got a 5 kill potg as widow on console >2 people message me accusing me of using keyboard and mouse >they're plat/ diamond
Nathaniel Edwards
>All the boys spying from the doorway Kek
Hudson Long
Ryder Gray
Neither, he's forgiving. A Western philosophy you might be more familiar with that is similar is "Turn the other cheek"
Easton Rogers
why are koreans such pussies at a point they are using a program to kill as hanzo anyways fuck gooks
John Long
It's a virus. Uninstall the game and Battle.net immediately.
Isaiah Anderson
>get into masters just before the end of the season because I'm able to communicate clearly and prevent my teammates from tilting. >the very last match before master rank had a widowmaker and genji main that refused to switch off on anubis map. >end the season on a high. >stomp some scrubs in qp that are try-harding when my entire team has widow, hanzo etc. >type 'rekt' at the end of tha game. >few games and a few stomps later get chat-banned. >this time its for 4 months. >cannot communicate because i was telling tryhards to get rekt in qp.
Consider yourself lucky. Also, having a positive attitude and a happy team are the key to getting consistent wins.
Matthew Gray
this was posted a while ago and confirmed edited
Adam Davis
to be honest tho, people who DO use keyboard and mouse on console are scum
Jackson Moore
The McCree aimbotter who used to post here.
Kevin Carter
Zen "Darkness falls."
Daniel Edwards
No? I didn't have anything since the end of the season