Demagnetised cars

hey Veeky Forums. weird question but can you demagnetise a car? I may be purchasing a giant magnet in a bit and I wonder if I can safely put it in my vehicle without having shit be broken and the electronics be fried

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Alternators always have magnets in them.

What is the maximum amount of magnetic field strength (in Teslas) that you would expect to see from this magnet?

it's a 60 MHz MRI so like maximum 10 T?

The magnet goes in the back, all the important stuff is up front, and the fuel tank is plastic.
Worst it can do is fuck with the rear brakes and suspension while it's there. And, if it's a strong enough magnet, coat the underside of your car with road debris is picks up.

The real problem is getting it away from your car. Cars are big hunks of ferrous metal. You may break the floorpan if it's stuck down too hard.

sell your car and get something with a carbon fiber unibody.

it will cause other cars to slam into you if they get too close probably. still do it, but bring someone with you to record it.

OP would you care to enlighten us as to why you're getting a giant magnet?

Fucking magnets, how do they work?

I'm getting an old MRI magnet for free and want to haul it back to my warehouse. I also don't want to damage muh trucc.

Wait, what?

How is cafrying a magnet a problem? I mean side from it being stuck to the bed of your truck

I don't wanna talk to a scientist

Most moving components in a car are metal.

So are you telling me that, if I attach a big ass magnet to a car, and try to move it, I wont be able to because the drivetrain would seize?

Like it sounds reasonable, but at the same time fucking bizarre, cool

Now, I'm not sure how, specifically, the car would seize up, if at all, but I'd still be wary

Then again, aren't MRI magnets only dangerously magnetic when powered? If not, I wonder how they even get transported normally.

If its an electromagnet it literally doesnt matter

Wouldn't be a problem if your truck bed was made with military-grade aluminum.

But if it's permanent, things could get complicated.

Wut. I thought MRIs had electromagnetic coils to produce the field.

You're so fucking stupid it's almost ridiculous.

you're a stupid ass.

GM BTFO!!!!!!!!!

they always lying and shit

I thought it was, "Y'all motherfuckers are lying and getting me pissed"

idk i don't listen to clowns.

Interesting. Thanks for the share!

I don't think that is going to get out of the building demagnetized, MRI's are a special kind of electromagnet that need to be kept SUPER COLD in order to work, and have current flowing through them constantly or else they become just a big coil of copper wire, so...

you're probably just going to end up with a big coil of copper wire.

Even if you could get it to work for the astronomical price of the liquid helium and shit needed to keep the fucker going, what would you do with it besides get hurt?

Seriously, kids. Go start with a 6 inch neodidlium or the electromagnets they use to pick up cars at scrapyards first.

look up "permanent magnets" and how they should be shielded.

run molecular data on shit. again - it's a 60Hz unit not 100+ that is required for larger liquid He cooled MRI machines