League of Legends General - /lolg/

I'm going to lick Lolipoppy edition

Last time, on /lolg/:

First for Glorious NA master race

hi guys :))

I don't know, you tell me

Hello user.

xth for Veeky Forums up pass is vidya

Poppy is my wife! Back off kiddo!

Cutest and cuddliest!

What's one thing that's in it for me?

no lol

It's my first time writing guro, so it might not be what your used to but it was certainly a different experence writing it, enjoy you sicko =)

Its not being run by majin dest fuze or hood

Why are yasuo players still allowed to draw breath?

how can i play adc when it get clowns top and jg

>playing rek'sai in norms to get that mastery level up
>always ban yasuo cause in silver MMR he always is fucking obnoxious
>yasuo isn't available to select during ban phase
>yasuo gets selected by the enemy team anyway
>he proceeds to carry his team even though to do damage he engages on us which is a perfect knock up from me every time but the team doesn't burst him down so he just kills everyone
fuck yasuo
10bans when?

play top or jg

>Sloth Memerica

If you don't I'll have to hit you!

by taking the ziggs pill


fluffy tails!


>playing yordle shitters
I'd rather keep the autistic junglers and whiney tops

What's wrong with Yordles?


I almost have 6300ip to buy my first character. Should I wife Taliyah, Kindred, or tentacle muscle girl?

bite me nerd she'd never go for a loser like you

she wants a real hero like me

Buy Brand

Poppy would never go for a bully like you! She only likes nice guys like me

And I have a bigger dick

Nah dude, I'm only interested in cute girls or Tahm Kench. Brand is so boring.

Go Klench then. He's fun

lol your chode would never be able to satisfy this thiccness


>tfw you get carried by Yasuo in your promos
>The Yasuo is also a lulufag
I wanted to win, but not like this.

Sir thats terrifying.

Illaoi is solid, Kindred and Taliyah can be kinda tricky to play if you're new and not just a smurf.


Why does plat elo feel like hell?



>kayle losing to riven

Is this supposed to happen?

Because its where you belong. Every elo that feels shitty to climb out of just means you need to improve yourself before you leave.
t. bronze shitter

So I'm sure we can all agree chogath buffs aren't bad but other junglers and top laners are so much better that cho is pretty much useless.

How would he do currently as a support? In other words, how important is it to harass early pre-6 as a support? Because I think cho might be able to get away with taking chilling smite bot lane and naturally scale off the health he gets from support items (I was thinking ruby sightstone/talisman). Bot lane is pretty much either poke enemy to death, farm until first tower is down, or wait till 4-man tower dive. Obviously cho won't do well in lane but I guess once you hit 5 stacks you can really force epic monster objectives and be useful to the team in that way. He's more useful in team fights with his silence and easy to hit knockup. Slap on redemption and locket and I think he has the potential to be a real threat.

Well he's still free for now. He can chase people down, teleport, and takes less than half damage from anything. Great attitude.

I played back when the game was really fun. They're just shiny new characters to play. Taliyah looks good because her displacement I imagine is really strong in a fight. Kindred seems gimmicky but I don't know if it's in a fun way. She's like a jungling adc? Illaoi I don't know about either, but she seems cute. She has like a voodoo doll move?

comfy bfs~

Is Yorick good?

Skill match up.

Ty ty.

why don't you ask your waifu instead? she knows best how big it is.

why is this so perfect


>Yordles are small and go up to around a mans waist


Could Tristana even have enough space inside to FIT my dick?

I know my dude. Only setback for him are your stupid teammates that constantly jump out of your belly WHEN YOU TRY TO SAVE THEIR FUCKING LIFE

>tfw qt got rid of those in favor of the cafe shakes ;-;

hahaha yeah

Nami is just the best


Maybe, why do people assume yordles have the same utero structure as humans? Maybe their vagina just leads to their stomach or something

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results

Hey come on man that's really mean :(

I love Poppy with all my heart, could you just let me have her

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +4

Yeah that's right, Kench knows best and if they just let me do my job we'd be 10 kills ahead and total map control. But I guess it's because I'm playing with the other level 10 babies and they're too blind to pay attention to all my wards but they'll always notice if I happen to "steal" their kill.

I love Lissandra!
She's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!


why are you and ben the only people I recognize

Veeky Forums has changed

Whats the best skins you've gotten from hextech crafting?

The best ones I've gotten are dj sona, star gurdian jinx and lunar wraith cait.

Ashe is better desu

What the fuck is in it for ME?

i've probably been here longer than you and you wouldn't recognize me. this is an anonymous image board.

its not some secret club you fag

at least lorn and kemono are old fags too

sure, you can have her back now I've used her up

enjoy the taste of my dick

I got a bunch of legendaries but I don't actually like most

Bloodlord Vlad (like but already owned)
Gentleman Cho
Edgelord Teemo
Alien Donger
Ice Toboggan Corkster

I did get Death Blossom Kha which is pretty ^_^



Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums

I feel like everyone and their mother has gotten DJ sona from crafting, I've gotten two or three shards for it

Scarra has a point, Isn't it amazing how much better players have become? your average silver Lee Sin is better than Season 3 InSec.

Yi legendary, darius legendary, udyr ulti, draven legendary, a shit load of other stuff.

I'm going to dunk everything.

Why does everyone think I'm an oldfag? I literally started playing this in June 2016.

kek right? Map awareness of these low levels is just astonishing. Also it's fucking funny how many of them don't even know how trivial things like Vegairs E work

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums

Demon Blade Tryn
Creator Viktor
DJ Sona
Gentlemen Cho
Gragqas Esquire
Marader WW
Constable Trundle

I've been here since s4 and I've only played like 2 Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums so you wouldn't recognize me.

>His forearms are as thick as his head

No, the game has been made easier. It used to be harder to get gold but Riot increased passive gold gains and so now that silver lee sin has as much gold as season 3 Insec would've had at the same points, but Insec still has thousands of games of experience that would make him the better player in every situation.

So is thresh still picked every single game?

This is the exact reason I laugh my ass off when people bring up shit like S1-S2 as relevant. I don't think people realize how bad the general playerbase was at that time.Like your average gold shitter now would probably be D1 back then.

Even the mid tier pro teams would probably steamroll the likes of M5 CLG.EU and the Azubus

>1ft thick shoulder plating
>bowser spikes all over

How is this even remotely fair?

It's my first time playing ranked (two years playing) and I only play solo...

Good! And don't you ever touch my wife again or I'll beat you up bitch

I remember pre-season 1 when we played LoL like it was DotA, I unironically think Ashe mid still good.

It's not fair. Your winrate is too high and the system is trying to make you lose games to make sure you're in the proper mmr range.

Yes and the lose more games then they win. Unless the thresh is a smurf or he has more then 100 games on thresh.

Illaoi is a lot of fun and a low elo pub stomper. Its fun just killing people in Bronze/Silver with her just because they don't know how to avoid her E or fight her inside a bunch of tentacles.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +2

>Get on /lolg/
>Comments every thread about people wanting to fuck you

Of course you will user, you're a big strong man!

Your secret's safe with me, don't worry I'll play along when she's watching

That's because I dunk everything. Are you gonna stop me?

literally none in this thread you purple whore