/vsg/ vscape general - vidyascape

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Grinding: bonus wish list for q p cape

Selling: orange boater, gilded skirt, palm seed

Buying: supercompost

pm thrillhouse

this is a public shaming of Second Shoah



For sale:
Furies 3m ea
Whips 2m ea
Glories 600k ea
@Raltz/No Banking
Pic related it's shoah and i


you have nice tits

That came out long before feminism was ever popular. Stop projecting.

9th for @red@ANIME

That came out way before cobrasix was identifable by his limited scope of vocabulary. Stop degenerably highlighting jill stein's age.

Where is the best place to trade?


Is there any point in puring?



Can you give me a red bead senpai?

>so good at wc you get sent to space for botting

get fucked botting scum

lol do you report everyone who doesnt respond to you

lmoa aww the loser is butthurt

go fuck youself

。・゚・(ノД`)ヽ( ̄ω ̄ )

is server kil?

some people actually accused me of botting too when i wc'd for weeks nonstop

i guess they don't want to accept that some people are more autistic than them

What'd be best for me to do to sell to you


Get the fuck in here, today is bluesy tuesday, that means we're playing the blues in case you're a braindead retard.