Was it the greatest thing philosophy has ever made?
Was it the greatest thing philosophy has ever made?
not the hegelian dialectic, that's for sure
the answer is science
Reminder that Hegel is a wizard and the dialectic is a magic spell.
wow, mods are actually active for once.
whoever you are, you're doing god's work. lord knows this board is practically unsalvageable at this point
this. and humanities professors are word wizards
why didn't the mods delete this?
because it's a direct response to the OP image, unlike your shitpost.
also, it's true
any mention of STEM is a shitpost by default
this is not a stem board
the we dun no nuffin
science is an outgrowth of philosophy. science is obviously the most valuable product of human effort
fuck off
Someone explain Hegelian dialectic for me. From what i gathered, everything with flaws is incomplete and isnt just that it is "wrong". I'm not a bright kid so keep it simple for me
the hegelian dialectic is the idea (and the suggested name for the process itself) that an ideology or way of life, having inherent flaws, inherently gives rise to a mode of thought which internalizes the contradictions of the ideology, and that these two ways of thinking eventually come to a head and tear the society apart until a synthesis between them builds a new dominant ideology.
it was a theory derived from continental philosophy which derived civilizational content from literature. it's bullshit that has zero basis in reality.
there's zero evidence that ideologies create their pposite counterpart, there's zero evidence that opposition to dominant ideologies comes from forces inherently motivated by contradiction, and there's zero evidence that synthesis is the "correct" or even most common of results.
it's complete crackpot theorizing
>it's complete crackpot theorizing
No it isnt. Its fucking simple as hell, when everyone starts saying "A", a bunch of contrarians will start saying "B" and saying how A is lacking and how B has these advantages. They eventually start to merge these 2 schools of thought and form an alternative which has parts from both A and B and thus forming C.
To add on. Imagine this, a bunch of faggots start saying how faggots are being repressed and that they should have rights. The other people are naturally disgusted by their perversions and say no and thus we have A and B. Someone proposes a change and others says the proposed change is fucking stupid and he should kill himself for being such a fucking faggot.
there's ZERO evidence that this is what actually ends up happening, though. that's what makes it crackpot.
ideologies are, and always have been, enforced by a centralized military force, irregardless of whether it was right or wrong. opposition came from external or internal military threats, those threats tended to organize around BLOOD LINEAGES, irrespective of the ideology itself.
there's ZERO evidence for a hegelian dialectic being the process by which society forms ideologies
here's an example
in china, the ideology was a form of holistic daoism or confuciansim for 3k years, legitimated by imperial blood rule. opposition typically arose from blood relatives o the current emperor, who were backed by large enemies. did they EVER object philosphically? no. they said I ALSO have royal blood, now you die.
there was no dialectic, no synthesis. anyone who disagreed was killed.
what about the french revolution? was there a dialectic? no. the peasants just killed people. why? because they were the ones with weapons and numbers. was there a synthesis? no. the royalty was all dead.
I pity you
You missed the part at the end of the dialectic which is the plot to 'childhoods end' where we turn into beings of pure light.
>He thinks dialectics is thesis-antithesis-synthesis
But this is pedantic. It is impossible to disprove.
>lmao one idea leads to another that leads to a combination of the two
The only use would be if it could make reasonable predictions, which as we all know, Heglians have not been good at.
Okay this is how it works in simple terms:
Ideology is present, ideology has problems, people want to fix problems, new ideology is born, keeping what works and changing what doesn't.
Repeat until ideal society is achieved (probably never)
It's so good, it made most of the rest of philosophy obsolete.
*tips fedora*
Dialectic is probably one of the hardest things to understand.
The meme "thesis, antithesis, synthesis" needs to end.
Dialectics is like the Christian Trinity: it is not understood, only bitterly fought over until it becomes irrelevant.
The modern western world.
Congratulations user, pretty sure it was bait but either way magnificent work.
Humans have an inner rational and an outer empirical world which they perceive. Our knowledge of the outer world is limited but by struggling to understand it by interacting with other humans who also perceive this same world we can deduce certain truths about it and humanity's spirit becomes more perfect.
>Repeat until ideal society is achieved (probably never)
Doesn't that kind of assume that there is such a thing as an ideal society?
It only assumes that humans drive towards what they perceive to be an ideal society. Which we do.
Yeah Hegel assumed that there were absolute truths about the world and that they would be compatible with eachother. Hence the importance of discovering these things.